Liu Xinru was upset now.

Today's events came one after another, which made her confused.

Every beautiful woman who appeared today was related to that bastard. Even Huiyue wanted to kill that bastard. Shiya was incited to rebel by that bastard.

How on earth did that bastard Su Chen get these women to obey his orders? Liu Xinru can't figure it out now.

However, based on her understanding of Su Chen, it was impossible for that bastard to threaten those beautiful women.

Dai Qisi nodded when she heard Liu Xinru's words and didn't ask any more questions.

That bastard Su Chen always did things very unexpectedly, especially that bastard who had a way of dealing with women. As long as she was a beautiful woman, that bastard always had it. Find a way to do it.

Even that bastard enemy will make them come over.

At this time,

Qilian City also began to attack. The ladders and battering rams of the black armored army, driven by 10,000 black armored troops, attacked Qilian City.

"Defense, defend quickly, Xuantian Empire's army is attacking!"

"Archers, quickly shoot down the black-armored troops under the city."

"Log Roll, get ready to log roll!"

"Everyone returns to their posts and prepares to fight!"

On the dilapidated Qilian City Wall, the top brass of the Ming Cult shouted at the top of their lungs and ordered the Ming Cult army.

At this time, the Ming Cult army had no desire to fight at all. They continued to attack for more than an hour, with huge rocks, bows and arrows, The Mingjiao troops on the city wall were already frightened. They were surrounded by tragically dead Mingjiao believers, mutilated corpses, and the blood-soaked city wall was simply a living hell. Of the more than 50,000 Mingjiao troops, there were now less than 30,000 left.

Just on the city wall, almost half of the Mingjiao army was killed by huge rocks, bows and arrows. The Mingjiao army also knew that it could not stop the Xuantian Empire's army from attacking the city. Sooner or later, they would inevitably die. The

Mingjiao army no longer obeyed. After being attacked by boulders and bows and arrows, all of them hid in the fortress on the city wall and yelled.

But these ordinary Mingjiao believers had to withstand the attacks of boulders and bows and arrows. Kill, they are all fed up with the high-level officials of Mingjiao telling them what to do.

Boom boom boom........

Under the city wall, the city-breaking hammers of the black-armored army began to hit the city gate of Qilian City, and the siege ladders were pushed up to the city wall one by one. The black-armored armies of the Xuantian Empire rushed towards Qilian City one by one like ferocious beasts. On the city wall

"Kill, for the empire, for His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Giant shield defense, be careful of archers!"


"Go up, go up, capture the city wall quickly!"

"For His Majesty the Emperor, kill!"

"The military crossbowmen covered the brothers who climbed up the city wall."

After the Xuantian Empire's black-armored troops rushed to the city wall one by one, they began to massacre the Mingjiao troops. The Mingjiao troops began to flee after the Xuantian Empire's troops rushed to the city wall.

A senior Mingjiao official saw the black armored troops rushing up the city wall. Army A cursed loudly,"Damn it, why did the Xuantian Empire's army rush to the city wall so quickly?"

"Let's go, let's run away quickly!"

"escape? Where can we escape? Qilian City has been surrounded. Can we escape from tens of thousands of troops?"

"We are dead this time, we shouldn't trust the leader"

"Where is the leader? It’s already this time, why hasn’t the leader arrived yet?"

"Ha ha! The leader will not come. The leader has arrived long ago. Now that the leader has not shown up, he must have escaped."

"Yang Dingtian is a bastard who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He started the rebellion, but what about others? The Persian lackey had long since escaped."

The other Mingjiao executives all started talking in despair, and even some of the Mingjiao executives insulted Yang Dingtian with angry expressions.


The gates of Qilian City were knocked open, and groups of black-armored troops appeared. They all rushed into Qilian City, and the Mingjiao troops who stopped the black-armored army were slaughtered by the black-armored army with swords.

Outside Qilian City,

Su Chen saw that the gate of Qilian City had been breached, and he looked at the exterminator Taihe and Lin Chaoying smiled and joked,"Master Tai, Nvxia Lin, it's your turn to take action."

"we know."Master Jue and Lin Chaoying rolled their eyes at Su Chen at the same time. They stood up and prepared to take the masters of the Emei Sect out.

After Su Chen saw the eyes of Master Jue and Lin Chaoying, he almost couldn't help but want to slap them one by one. After a while, Su Chen thought about it and spared them this time. After all, this is a battlefield. If he teases Master Miejie and Lin Chaoying here, I'm afraid they will be completely angry.

"You Ruo!"

Su Chen shouted again to the side,


A masked woman in black with a curvy figure suddenly appeared next to Su Chen and saluted,

"Let the shadow assassins cooperate with Master Tai and Lin Nuxia to kill the masters of the Ming Cult, especially the masters of the Persian Ming Cult. No one can be spared."

"Yes, master!"

Su Chen saw Master Miejie and the others rushing towards Qilian City.

He shook his head and thought, why are the masters around him all women? They are all beautiful women, and they are even more powerful than the others. Powerful, forget it, don’t think about it anymore.

This war is almost over, the Mingjiao has been solved, and he will be ready to leave the northwest in a few days

"Young Master, the Mingjiao believers around Qilian City have almost been cleared away, but there are too many corpses and we are all short of manpower."

"Send someone to notify the city guards from other cities of their arrival. The bodies must be disposed of as soon as possible. I don’t want a plague to break out in the northwest region."

"yes!"Young Master"

Su Chen looked at Qilian City and sighed.

Hundreds of thousands of people were massacred today, and he felt that he was about to become a tyrant.

No wonder the ancient emperors always massacred those who rebelled. This is also There is no solution. If the massacre is not carried out, there will be rebellion. The wildfire will not burn out, but the spring breeze will blow again.

Su Chen understands this sentence very clearly now.

Su Chen does not mind becoming a tyrant, and he must eradicate his enemies. , he cannot leave any hidden dangers


Su Chen suddenly noticed a strange aura appearing not far away. He immediately shouted to one side vigilantly,"Swish, swish, swish.".......

The surrounding black-armored troops quickly defended Su Chen one by one, with huge shields guarding Su Chen in the middle. The Qi-breaking crossbows of the black-armored troops were also pointed in the direction Su Chen was looking at.

"General of the Xuantian Empire Army! I don't mean any harm, I'm just passing through."A man's voice came from a distance.

When Su Chen heard the man's words, he said sarcastically,"A terrestrial immortal from the heavenly realm passed by here. Do you think I should believe you?"

"Yes, I'm not passing by here. I'm here to invite the leader of the Ming Cult, Yang Dingtian. However, I may not be able to invite the leader of the Ming Cult, Yang Dingtian, this time."

"Now that you know it and you still dare to come to me, you won't try to trick me, right?"

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