Natasha was also very shocked when she heard Su Chen's words, but this bastard was too annoying and didn't want to talk to her?

She didn't want to deal with this bastard yet.

And what’s wrong with being an agent?

Although she often deceives people and lies, that is her job. If an agent did not do this, she would have been killed long ago.

Natasha didn't expect that Su Chen was the emperor of a powerful empire.

Even if this bastard was an emperor,

I'm afraid he was also a tyrant.

This damn bastard dared to threaten her.

Natasha stared at Su Chen and thought, this bastard Even if she is the emperor of a powerful empire, she will still find opportunities to take revenge on this bastard in the future.

Su Chen glanced at Natasha and continued to say to Maximus and the others,"Yeah, only a unified Tianxuan Continent can avoid war. I'm thinking about the ordinary people."

Alice brought some fruit to Su Chen and asked He asked,"How big is your army? And how many people are there in your empire?"

Su Chen took an apple and ate it before continuing,

"What about my army? I now have five combat legions, each with six to seven hundred thousand troops. Counting the servants of each legion, one legion has millions of troops. I also have a prairie cavalry combat legion being formed, one consisting entirely of cavalry. Alien War Combat Legion"

"I haven't counted the people of my empire clearly, but now there are at least 70 to 80 million people in the empire."

When Maximus heard Su Chen's words, he looked at Su Chen in surprise.

An ancient empire actually had 70 to 80 million imperial subjects and millions of troops. This is very terrifying, even for some modern countries. I'm afraid there are not so many people.

However, they thought that Su Chen's empire was very huge, and it was natural to have so many people and troops. The other women were shocked and couldn't open their mouths when they heard Su Chen's words.

They never thought that Su Chen's empire would be so powerful, with millions of troops!

Tens of millions of people!

A vast territory!

Is this bastard going to defy the will of heaven?


Just at this time,

"Move forward, the team moves forward in order!"

The Greek coalition forces began to advance towards the city of Troy. One hundred thousand troops were approaching the city of Troy step by step with heavy footsteps.


"Stop moving forward, stop moving forward, prepare for war! Prepare for war!"

When they were six or seven hundred meters away from the city of Troy, the Greek coalition stopped advancing. The majestic Greek coalition looked at the city of Troy in front of them one by one and prepared to attack.


The gate of the city of Troy opened, and groups of troops After the Trojan soldiers came out of the city of Troy, they lined up in a defensive formation to prepare for the attack of the Greek coalition.

Then, several kings of the Greek coalition rode towards the center on their chariots, and the two princes of Troy also rode The horse went towards the middle of the battlefield.

Su Chen smiled when he saw this in the distance,"Which of you will go with me? There's something good to watch this time"

"I dont go!"

"I won’t go either!"

"I was even more disinclined to go. The soldier looked at us with evil intentions, and I didn't want to let those disgusting eyes look at me."

Selena, Laura, and Alice all refused to go to the battlefield. They were so disgusted by the looks of those disgusting troops that they couldn't help but want to kill those troops.

"Brother, let me go with you, hahaha!"When Maximus saw Elena and the others rejected him, he laughed and comforted Su Chen and said,

"I am coming too!"

When Natasha saw that other women didn't want to go, she wanted to go see what Su Chen was going to do.

I'm afraid this bastard also wanted to cause trouble in the past. Natasha just wanted to know if this bastard had the ability to predict the future. She was very confused about this bastard saying that her world would be invaded by aliens.

Suchen stood up and said to Maximus,"Maximus, bring a group of soldiers and we will go there, otherwise the show will be over soon." It's over"


"Damn bastard, didn't you hear I'm going too? Natasha asked angrily when she saw that the bastard Suchen ignored her.

When Su Chen heard Natasha's words, he was speechless and said,"Did I say I won't let you go?" There are horses nearby. If you want to go, bring me a horse quickly."

"Why don't you lead the horse yourself?"

"I'm lazy!"

"damn it!"

"Hurry up or we won't let you go"

"Inglorious bastard, no gentleman at all."

Su Chen smiled when he saw Natasha going to lead the horse.

Gentlemanly manner?

Can it be eaten?

Or can it be used as money?

Serena and Alice watched Suchen and Natasha bicker and didn't bother to persuade them. When Alice saw that Su Chen was about to leave, she hurriedly said,"Su Chen, leave some food. I know you have a lot of food and wine in your storage space.""


Su Chen took out some food and wine from the system space and placed them on the boulder. These were enough for these beauties to eat for some time.

Su Chen took out another jar of wine and gave it to Serena and said,

"Serena, you can all drink some, but each of you can only drink one or two glasses. This is wine brewed with spiritual stones. The spiritual energy in the wine is very rich. If you drink too much, you will burst.

Serena took the wine that Su Chen handed him and asked,"Reiki?" Is this the spiritual energy that you Easterners need for your cultivation?"

Alice and Laura also looked at Su Chen intently. Since they last fought a foreign war with Su Chen, they have checked some training information in the Eastern world after they returned.

"Yes, if you drink these, it will be good for your body. You may have an immortal appearance in the future, and you may even live a long life, hahaha!"Su Chen smiled and got on a horse led by Natasha and said.

In the middle of the battlefield, the Greeks and Trojans were still negotiating.

At this time,

Su Chen took Maximus and Natasha, Under the protection of cavalry from more than twenty Roman legions, they moved toward the center of the battlefield. Along the way, both the Greek coalition and the Trojan army watched the arrival of these uninvited guests.

People on both sides of the battlefield also discovered that Su Chen and others

However, they did not send troops to stop them.

Both of them also wanted to know what these people were going to do when they arrived.

When Su Chen arrived in the middle of the battlefield, he smiled and said,"Ha, everyone, are your negotiations completed? I'm not late, am I?"

A king in the Greek coalition looked at Su Chen and asked nonchalantly,"Who are you? What does our negotiation have to do with you?"

"Presumptuous, this is the supreme commander of our Roman Legion. If you dare to disrespect me again, I will kill you."When Maximus saw a king being rude to Su Chen, he drew his sword and threatened,

"Hals, don't be rude!"The Greek king waved his hand to the king next to him and said,


"Commander, I wonder what brings you here this time?"Greek King Agamemnon asked Su Chen with a smile.

Su Chen smiled at the old fat man and said,"I have nothing else to do. Since you want to negotiate, do you need a bystander to help you?" Witness it?"

"We don't need you as a witness."A young man among the Trojans looked at Su Chen and said disdainfully,

"Oh, you are just the second prince of Troy who stole the woman of the King of Sparta. You are just a loser, little one.Face, if you have the guts, have a life-and-death duel with King Menelaus of Sparta."

"Commander of the Roman Legion, I like what you said. Second Prince of Troy, do you dare to have a life-and-death duel with me, a pretty boy?"

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