On the battlefield outside the city of Troy, the casualties of the Greek coalition forces were increasing. The archers from the city of Troy were a great threat to the Greek coalition forces. Most of the Greek coalition forces were killed by the archers on the walls of Troy..

The battlefield was full of corpses of the Greek coalition.

Although the soldiers of the Greek coalition bravely attacked the Trojan army's formation, more and more soldiers fell in front of the Trojan army's formation.

The giant shields, spears, swords, bows and arrows of the Trojan army caused the Greek soldiers to die tragically under the city of Troy one by one.

Woo woo woo.......

"Back up, back up!"

"Retreat, retreat quickly, get out of the shooting range of the archers!"

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

"Retreat to the shoreline! The entire army retreats!"

After the horn sounded, the Greek coalition generals shouted at the top of their lungs. In today's war, the Greek coalition forces suffered heavy casualties.

This attack caused at least 20,000 casualties to the Greek coalition soldiers. This was the result of their Greek coalition forces. One-fifth of the troops, the kings of the Greek coalition all looked very ugly. The

Trojan prince Hector was relieved when he saw the Greek coalition fleeing. This time, he always repelled the attack of the Greek coalition..When

Hector saw the Trojan army that was about to pursue the fleeing Greek coalition, he hurriedly shouted to stop it,

"Stop chasing! Stop chasing!"

A general heard Hector's words and asked hurriedly,"Prince, why don't you pursue him? This is our best chance to destroy the Greek coalition forces"

"The Greek coalition still has 70,000 to 80,000 troops. We only have 30,000 troops here. It is impossible for us to destroy the Greek coalition."Hector shook his head and explained to the general.

The general nodded when he heard Hector's words, but he still hoped to kill more soldiers of the Greek coalition and even drive the Greek coalition away.

"Great Prince, now the Greek coalition forces are scared out of their wits. Although we cannot destroy the Greek coalition forces, we can kill more Greek coalition forces, and even chase the Greek coalition forces and escape by boat."

"No, we cannot pursue. There are still Roman legions in the distance. We must be careful of the Roman legions' attack."Hector pointed to the Roman Legion not far from the battlefield and said with a serious face.

He was worried that the Roman Legion would take action against the Trojan army. He still remembered the threat from the Roman Legion commander. For the well-equipped Roman Legion, Hector Tuo was more cautious against the Roman legions than against the Greek coalition.

"Great prince, this is....."

Woo woo woo.....

At this moment, the attack horn sounded on the wall of Troy. After the Trojan army outside the city wall heard the attack horn, the generals shouted and led their troops to pursue the fleeing Greek coalition.

"How could the father order the army to pursue him?"Hector didn't expect that the Trojan King would order the army to hunt down the Greek coalition forces. This made his face very ugly, but he had nothing to do.

At this time, on the wall of Troy, the Trojan King looked at the escaping people with a smile. The Greek coalition forces, he thought that the city of Troy was not only tall and easy to defend but difficult to attack, but the Trojan Kingdom's army was also very powerful.

This time the Greek coalition forces invaded the Troy Kingdom, he would let those arrogant Greeks know what it means to overestimate their capabilities.

The second prince on the city wall now has a very gloomy face.

After he was rescued by the eldest prince, he found that both the Trojan soldiers and the nobles looked at him with great disdain, which made him very angry. He was annoyed, but he had no choice.

This was very embarrassing for a prince who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

He didn't dare to face his father now.

After a beautiful woman saw Paris arriving, she hurriedly came He went to Paris and asked concernedly,"Paris, your injury is okay, right?""

"My injury is not serious, Ellen, you don't have to worry."When Paris saw Ellen arriving, he felt better. The woman he fell in love with really loved and cared about him very much.

Ellen saw that there was still blood on Paris' arm, and she hurriedly found a piece of it. Bu said to Paris with concern,"Let me bandage it for you. Your wound is still bleeding.""

"All right!"

Here at the Roman Legion,

Suchen and Maximus saw 30,000 Trojan troops beginning to pursue the Greek coalition. This made Suchen and Maximus laugh.

Suchen smiled and said to Maximus Mus said,"Maximus, start preparing for war. It's up to you whether you can annihilate all the 30,000 troops of the Trojan Kingdom."

Maximus patted his chest and laughed and promised,

"Ha ha! Su Chen, don't worry. Although my Roman legion is also an army of 30,000 troops, my Roman legion is an army that has experienced hundreds of battles. The Roman legion has even defeated orcs. These soft-footed Trojan troops are simply unbearable. hit."

Su Chen also nodded after hearing Maximus's words.

The Roman legion has indeed become much stronger after the last foreign war. Although it is not as good as his black-armored army, the Roman legion is not what these Trojan armies can do. To compete.

Whether it is the weapons and armor of the Roman legion or the combat effectiveness of the Roman legion, the Trojan army and the Greek coalition are incomparable.

If the Roman legion has 60,000 to 70,000 troops in this foreign war,

I am afraid that Maximus and the others will also There is no need to hire him to help them win this foreign war.

Su Chen looked at the war goddess Alice next to him and said,"Alice, you will go too this time. Prince Troy, I want to live.""

"Okay, leave it to me."

Alice's eyes lit up when she heard Su Chen's words.

She has been preparing to go to the battlefield for a long time. In this war, she will let Su Chen know how powerful she is, whether it is her special ability or the physical skills she has cultivated. , Alice will surprise Su Chen this time

"I am coming too!"

When Natasha saw that Suchen asked Alice to attend this war, she volunteered.

When Suchen heard Natasha's words, he shook his head and said,"Natasha, you'd better not go. Although the extension is good, this is war, and I am worried that Maximus and the others will lose another teammate.

Although Natasha's fighting ability was good, this was a war.

Natasha had no martial arts skills and no special abilities. Among thousands of troops, Su Chen was worried that Natasha would be killed in the chaos.

If Natasha dies in this war,

Maximus and the others will have to change their teammates again.

When Natasha saw Su Chen's refusal, she asked angrily,"You bastard, you look down on me?"

Serena saw Natasha's angry look and hurriedly explained,"Natasha, Su Chen is worried about you. You If you don’t know martial arts or practice physical skills, you may die in the war. Don’t misunderstand Su Chen."

Laura hurriedly grabbed Natasha who was about to get angry and comforted,

"Yes, Natasha, Alice is different from you. Alice and we are very powerful, and Alice also has special abilities. You’d better not go to this war."

"Physical skills? special power? What exactly is this?"

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