The war between the Roman legion and the Trojan army began.

Under the tight and neat formation of the Roman legion, although the Trojan army fiercely attacked the Roman formation one by one, it had no effect at all. Every time the Roman legion took a step forward, it would Countless soldiers of the Trojan army were killed.

After Hector killed the Roman soldiers in front of him, he anxiously shouted an order to the Trojan army,"Break through the formation of the Roman legions and fight back to the city of Troy.""


On a hillside on the coastline, the blond Greek hero Achilles' eyes gleamed when he looked at the Roman legions. This was the first time he had seen such a powerful and well-disciplined army. Such an army is a real army.

Neat and unified. The armor and weapons, the strict discipline of the army, the powerful military formations, and even the soldiers with extremely strong combat effectiveness made Achilles look a little frightened. He thought that if he was surrounded by these soldiers, he might not be able to escape smoothly. He might even be killed.

Achilles frowned, he couldn't imagine which kingdom would have such a powerful army,"Roman Legion?" Where is the army coming from? Rome?"

On the wall of Troy, the old king saw that the Roman legions were dispatched and even started a war against the Trojan army.

This made him restless.

The old king walked to the wall and looked at the war in the distance and was very worried. There were thirty thousand people there. The Trojan army, and his eldest son were there.

Whether it was an army of 30,000 or his son, the old king hoped that they could return to the city of Troy smoothly.


On the battlefield,

Alice rode a war horse and ran rampant on the battlefield.

She didn't care about the soldiers here, but if the Trojan soldiers stopped her, they would be killed by her without hesitation. She searched everywhere on the battlefield. Looking at Hector, King of Troy.

Suchen said that she would capture this prince alive, and

Alice would not let Suchen disappoint her.

"Damn it, why is Alice so powerful? This is much stronger than him. That bastard Su Chen must have given Alice other martial arts and physical skills. Why is that bastard so good to a beautiful woman? It's a shame that I still consider that bastard my brother."

Maximus was very confused when he saw Alice massacring the Trojan soldiers on the battlefield.

Alice didn't take any action at all, but the Trojan soldiers who wanted to kill Alice were all stunned by Alice's glance. He flew backwards and died bleeding from his mouth and eyes. This made Maximus complain to that bastard Suchen.

Maximus felt that Su Chen was hiding something secret from him.

Is it because he was not a beautiful woman?

He is now I just want to go back and beat up that bastard who forgets his friends because of sex, eh!

I despise myself for not being able to beat that bastard.

"Found you, Hector!"Alice suddenly discovered Hector on the battlefield, and she smiled and rushed towards Hector on horseback.

Hector didn't know that the danger was approaching him, and he was leading his army to break through the siege of the Roman legions. , while killing the Roman soldiers in front of him


"who? woman?"

Hector heard someone calling him.

He turned around and saw a woman rushing towards him on horseback. She even had a long sword and kept massacring the Trojan soldiers who stopped her.

This is a powerful woman.

Could it be? Those beautiful women around that Roman commander?

But why is this woman so powerful?

Alice came to Hector and said expressionlessly,"Hector, don't force me to take action, Suchen wants me to capture you alive.""

"Don't even think about it, kill!"


Alice's eyes suddenly changed color, and Hector was directly blown away by Alice's mind. This is because Alice did not use all her abilities, otherwise Hector would be killed by her in one go.

Hector Tuo stood up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Alice in horror,"How is that possible? you.....Are you a witch? you must be a witch"

"Get ready now, or I will cripple you."Alice threatened Hector coldly,

"Don't even think about it. Gods above, I must kill you, a witch."

"Looking for death, shave!"


Alice quickly kicked Hector away.

This bastard actually said that he was a witch?

A witch?

Are there any beautiful women like her among witches?

Damn it, if

Su Chen hadn't captured this Hector alive. Damn it,

Alice wants to kick this bastard to death

"Protect the eldest prince and kill that woman."When the surrounding Trojan soldiers saw Hector being knocked down, they came to kill Alice one by one.

"Paper painting!"


Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump........

Alice moved quickly among these Trojan soldiers, and then quickly kicked these soldiers away one by one. The powerful shock wave prevented anyone around Alice from getting close.

Alice saw that all the Trojan soldiers around her were killed by her, so she ordered the Roman soldiers next to her,"Come here, take Hector back and give it to Suchen.""

"Yes, Miss Alice!"A group of Roman soldiers quickly came to Alice and saluted.

They saw how powerful Alice was.

Although Alice and Maximus were both very powerful, the Roman legionnaires were loyal to the powerful Alice. Admire it.

A woman killed hundreds of Trojan soldiers in just an instant, which made the Roman soldiers think that Maximus was not as powerful as Alice.

Then, the group of Roman soldiers grabbed the injured Hector Rushing towards Suchen.

Maximus saw that the Trojan army was no longer able to attack, so he ordered the Roman legions,"Surround the Trojan army, attack in small groups, and do not let go of a single Trojan soldier.""

As the Trojan army began to retreat continuously, and Hector was captured and no one was left to command the army, the Trojan army began to collapse. The

Roman legions suddenly dispersed, and

Roman legions of hundreds began to attack. Trojan soldiers were besieging them.

Groups of Roman soldiers used shields to surround the Trojan soldiers who were trying to escape. They kept shrinking and surrounding them. Finally, they squeezed the Trojan soldiers together and stabbed them to death.

Su Chen looked at the special scene on the battlefield. Less than 10,000 of the Lodi army had been killed, and the Roman legion had only suffered four or five thousand casualties. This was because the Roman legion’s 10,000 cavalry had not been dispatched.

He nodded and said with a smile,

"There is no suspense about the war. The Roman legion is indeed a powerful legion."

"Your black-armored army is even more powerful."Serina rolled her eyes at Su Chen when she heard what he said and said,

"Haha, of course."

At this time, a group of soldiers from the Roman Legion escorted Hector to Su Chen. A centurion from the Roman Legion saluted Su Chen,

"Mr. Wu Xiang, Miss Alice asked us to capture Hector."

"Hector, have you ever thought about this outcome?"

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