When Suchen heard Serena's words, he knew that Maximus had executed the old king and Hector.

The king and princes of the Troy Kingdom were all killed, and the city of Troy was captured.

Serena and the others' second mission would naturally be completed.

Su Chen ordered Serena beside him,"Selena, you and Alice gather together the prisoners of the Trojan army and the prisoners of the Greek coalition. I have use for those prisoners.""

"All right!" Su Chen looked at the remaining people after Serena left , Achilles, Thetis, Helen, Briseis


"My God, what have you commanded?"

I guess!

Is Achilles crazy?

When did he become a god?

Su Chen was very confused when he saw Achilles' respectful look now.

Is this all his fault?

Is Achilles mentally insane ? Is it abnormal?

Su Chen suddenly thought that Achilles must have seen him when he disappeared using teleportation ability in Troy City. Achilles wouldn't regard him as a god, right?

However, that's fine,

Su Chen also He can use his identity as a god to do some things, and he believes that Achilles will obey his arrangements.

"Achilles, you will command the army of Troy from now on, and you will command the surrendered Trojan army and the Greek coalition forces. However, you will be loyal to Queen Thetis, the new queen of the Kingdom of Troy."

"Yes, my God!"

Achilles bowed and replied when he heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen looked at the surprised Thetis and smiled and said,

"Thetis, you will be the queen of the Kingdom of Troy from now on. I will give you some divine power so that you can protect yourself."

"you.....you are God?"


Su Chen suddenly appeared next to Sethis and said with a smile,

"What do you think?"


Sethis was frightened by Su Chen's appearance.

She was very surprised when she looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen turned out to be a god?

She actually had a relationship with a god, and the god even wanted her to be the queen of the Kingdom of Troy.

Helen and Briseis were also frightened by Su Chen's sudden appearance.

They now believe what Achilles just said. They thought Achilles was talking nonsense just now, but now they know that Achilles may have known about it a long time ago. Su Chen is a god

"System, passing Navy Six to Sethis."Su Chen touched Sethis's head and said about the communication system,

"Ding, host, Navy Type 6 is being transmitted........Ding, the transmission of Navy Type 6 is completed."

"Eat this."

Su Chen directly fed a Zhu Guo to Sethis.

Sethis couldn't master the Sixth Form of the Navy in a short time.

Su Chen also gave Sethis more than ten years of internal energy. With the help of Zhu Guo, Sethis Even if she has not completely mastered the Sixth Marine Style, no one in this world can match her strength.

Sethis now feels that she has huge energy in her body, and she even feels that she can break a huge stone with one punch.

This makes She looked at Su Chen and was very confused.

She knew that Su Chen must have sent her divine power, but why did Su Chen do this?

Could it be that Su Chen just wanted to have a night of fun?

"Forget it, you eat this too!"

Su Chen saw that Sethis kept looking at him, which made Su Chen feel sorry for Sethis.

He took out another beauty pill and handed it to Sethis. After all, they might not see each other again in the future. Su Chen was like this It was done to compensate Sethis.

Sethis looked at Su Chen with complicated eyes and asked,

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I'm leaving your world"

"Do you want to return to God Realm?"

"Well, so be it."

What the hell!

These ancient people are all insane.

Su Chen didn't expect that he would be regarded as a god just by teleporting. A real god can move mountains and seas and resurrect the dead. Su Chen didn't do that. Knowing this, he is not even a false god.

When Sethis heard that Su Chen was going to return to the God Realm, she nervously asked Su Chen,"You.....will you come back?"

"Yes, but the time is uncertain."

Su Chen originally wanted to say that this world would never appear again, but that might be too cruel. Su Chen could only deceive Sethis.

"That's good!"

Satis heard that Su Chen could come back, which made her feel better. She didn't know why, but everything Su Chen did for her made her view of Su Chen change. Later,


Chen Chen asked Achilles next to him to receive the surrendered troops.

Su Chen was also preparing to go back.

If he didn't leave,

I'm afraid God would force them to leave.

In the square of Troy, the black-armored army and the Roman legions lined up. Here, Achilles also accepted the prisoners of the Greek coalition and the Trojan prisoners. Maximus and Alice were talking happily.

After Su Chen arrived, he said to Maximus,"Maximus, Ready to return. Seeing that Su Chen was about to leave in a hurry, Serena grabbed him and said,"Wait a minute, Su Chen, Natasha doesn't have the method to practice physical skills yet. You can also teach Natasha the ability to practice physical skills.""

"All right!"

Su Chen nodded when he heard Serena's words.

He held down Natasha's head with one hand and passed the Marine Sixth Form over.

After all, Natasha will also be Serena's teammate in the future, and

Su Chen doesn't want to Treat one favorably.

After being taught the Sixth Naval Style by Su Chen, Natasha looked at Su Chen and nodded.

She would not thank this bastard, but Su Chen's strength surprised Natasha.

Natasha Sha felt that the physical skills in her mind were very powerful. No wonder Maximus and Alice both admired Su Chen and even blindly trusted Su Chen.

How powerful is this bastard?

Natasha It is unimaginable now.

Su Chen talked with Serena and the others for a while and then asked them to go back first. After all, they would meet again in a few days.

In the square of Troy City, a black hole suddenly appeared in the square,

Mark After Sims and Alice hugged Suchen, they led the Roman legions and walked into the black hole.

Seeing this, the troops and people of Troy knelt down one by one.

This was a miracle.

These armies are armies trained by God

"The black-armored army obeyed the order and returned!"

"Yes, sir!"

Su Chen ordered the black-armored army to go into the black hole after Maximus and Alice left.

Su Chen could have taken the black-armored army back into the system space, but he wanted the soldiers of Troy City to Seeing the miracles with the people will also be beneficial to Sethis in ruling the Kingdom of Troy in the future.

Su Chen looked at Sethis and waved his hand and said," Sethis, I am leaving, please take care of yourself in the future."

"I will!"

Satis looked at Su Chen and nodded a little upset.

Sadis's mood is very complicated now.

Although Su Chen killed her husband, he was very kind to her, even with divine power and divine objects. All given to her, Saidi felt that the chance of them meeting again in the future was probably very slim.


When Su Chen entered the black hole, he sent another object to Saidi. Si's last legacy, I hope that Sethis can live well in the future.

PS: Sethis will still have plots in the future, and there will even be a surprise that will surprise Su Chen.

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