At the gate of Xudu City, some common people, wealthy businessmen, and even some wealthy officials who were leaving the city saw the tense situation between Sima Yi and Zhang Chunhua's guards. These people hid from a distance and watched the excitement.

Sima Yi was from a noble family in Xudu, and Zhang Chunhua's family background was also the son of an official family in Xudu.

Both of them were people who were not easy to mess with.

At this time, a luxurious carriage came towards the city gate under the protection of hundreds of soldiers. A beautiful woman sat in the carriage with a haggard look on her face.

When the carriage suddenly stopped, the beautiful woman asked the guard outside in confusion,

"What happened ahead?"

A general immediately saluted the carriage and said,"Madam, there is a conflict between Sima Yi from the Sima family and Miss Zhang from the Zhang family ahead."

"oh? Didn’t Sima Yi of the Sima family fall in love at first sight with Zhang Chunhua of the Zhang family? Why is there a conflict now?"

"The subordinates don’t know!"

"Come forward, I want to see what happened to Sima Yi and Zhang Chunhua?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Mrs. Meiyan is interested in what is happening ahead.

She knows that Sima Yi from the Xudu noble family has been pursuing Zhang Chunhua from the Zhang family. How come there was a conflict at the city gate today? Could it be that Sima Yi became angry when he saw that the Zhang family has not agreed to the marriage? Are you there?

At the gate of the city, the city guards dare not take care of Sima Yi and Zhang Chunhua's affairs. These are the second-generation young ladies of Xu Du. They are just ordinary city guards guarding Xu Du. They are not qualified to take care of it. These troublesome things.

Sima Yi was already furious. He did not expect that Zhang Chunhua would shamelessly ride with a man. Even when he wanted to teach the man who insulted him, Zhang Chunhua dared to stop him. Sima Yi looked at Zhang Chunhua and said I wish I could kill this shameless slut.

Zhang Chunhua has no choice now.

No matter how much Su Chen says that she forced him to go to Xuzhou with her, she can't just watch Su Chen be caught or killed by Sima Yi.

Insidious and cunning Sima Yi is not a good person.

Zhang Chunhua would rather break up with Sima Yi completely than let him touch Su Chen.

A beautiful woman came to Zhang Chunhua with some guards. She looked at Sima Yi and asked Zhang Chunhua doubtfully,"Zhang Chunhua Sister, what happened to you here? Do you want my help?"

"Miss Guo, why are you here?"

Zhang Chunhua didn't expect that Queen Guo was also at the gate of the city. She didn't change her mind about this woman. This Queen Guo was too scheming.

Zhang Chunhua and Queen Guo had not contacted each other for a while, but he didn't expect to meet this woman here again. Queen Guo smiled at Zhang Chunhua and said," Haha

, I went for an outing outside the city, but I didn't expect that Cao Pi was assassinated. The city is in chaos now. What happened here?"

"Nothing happened, just some misunderstandings with Mr. Sima"

"Mr. Sima, since it is a misunderstanding, let your guards disperse. After all, blocking the city gate will have bad effects."

"Miss Guo, this is none of your business, so you'd better stay out of it."Sima Yi didn't give Queen Guo any face. Sima Yi, the daughter of a prefect, didn't care. Sima Yi looked at Zhang Chunhua again and said sternly,

"Miss Zhang, you'd better let the man in the carriage come out, otherwise you won't be able to leave the city today."

Zhang Chunhua asked angrily when he heard Sima Yi's words,

"Sima Yi, are you in charge of whether I can leave the city or not? You are just a white man with no official position. Why do you say that I can't leave the city? Could it be that your Sima family can dominate Xudu with one hand?"

Sima Yi didn't expect Zhang Chunhua to say this in front of so many people.

The Sima family dominates Xudu?

If this is known by the suspicious Cao Cao,

I'm afraid the Sima family will be in disaster.

Sima Yi hurriedly retorted,"You're talking nonsense. , the man in your carriage must be the murderer of Master Cao Pi. I can report you to the city guard for harboring the murderer of Master Cao Pi."

Zhang Chunhua is really angry at this villain Sima Yi.

"Sima Yi, you are indeed a despicable and shameless person who does things unscrupulously. I am just a helpless scholar in the carriage, but you are calling me a murderer. Do you dare to take responsibility for what you say?"

Sima Yi smiled darkly and didn't reply.

He said this just to let the city guards next to him hear it. In this way, he didn't need to take action.

The city guards would also ask the people in the carriage to come down for inspection.

Then he would naturally know who was in the carriage. No matter who the person is, it will be very easy to kill him in the future.

Queen Guo looked at the carriage after hearing what Sima Yi and Zhang Chunhua said.

She was now interested in the person in the carriage and could make Sima Yi jealous. , and Zhang Chunhua desperately defended him.

Who is the person in the carriage?

"What exactly is going on? Didn’t you hear that Sima Yi and Miss Zhang are getting engaged? Why doesn’t it look like it now?"

"What a fart, didn't you see that the guards from the two families were about to start a fight? This must be because Miss Zhang dislikes Sima Yi. Sima Yi is stalking Miss Zhang to give in."

"Who is in the carriage? Could it be that he is Miss Zhang’s crush?"

"It's possible, otherwise how could Ms. Zhang be in the same car with a man?"

"That's right, otherwise Miss Zhang would have to defend the man in the carriage like this, but who is the man in the carriage?"

"He must be a young man from a noble family, otherwise he would not be worthy of a peerless beauty like Miss Zhang."

The people around them all started talking after hearing Sima Yi and Zhang Chunhua's words. They didn't expect that not only did Cao Cao's son be assassinated today, but also at the gate of the city, they could see tit-for-tat confrontations between nobles and noble ladies..

Zhang Chunhua was very embarrassed and annoyed when she heard the comments from the people around her.

What kind of noble son?

Who is the person she likes?

What is this and what?

That shameless bastard has nothing to do with her.

At this time,

An official arrived with some official servants.

He looked at the people gathered here and asked,

"What are you doing here?"

An official immediately told the lord what happened here,"Sir, it's like this, Sima Yi from the Sima family and Miss Zhang from the Zhang family......."

"Um? What kind of mess is this? Mr. Cao Cao Pi was killed and the murderer has not yet been found. Are these noble gentlemen and official ladies all too full to do anything? Let the city guards check these people quickly. If there are no problems, let them out of the city. Don't surround them at the city gate."

"Yes, my lord!"

Sima Yi also saw Xu Duling coming, and he knew that the opportunity had come.

Xu Duling Man Chong was a man who was not recognized by his relatives. Sima Yi believed that as long as he revealed that the man in Zhang Chunhua's carriage was an assassin, Xu Duling would be doubtful, but he would definitely Will have the carriages in the carriage inspected,

"Mr. Mandarin, you are here at the right time. You are Xu Duling from Xu Ducheng. I am reporting to you that I suspect that Miss Zhang’s carriage is an assassin who assassinated Young Master Cao Pi."

When Zhang Chunhua heard that Sima Yi reported to Xu Duling, she angrily yelled at Sima Yi,"Sima Yi, you shameless villain, don't talk nonsense. The people in the carriage are just my friends. Why did you become an assassin?"

At this time, a carriage arrived under the escort of soldiers,

"Step aside! Get out of the way! Madam's carriage is coming, everyone, get out of the way!"

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