In the carriage, as Mrs. Ding and Queen Guo came up,

Zhang Chunhua's carriage seemed a little crowded.

Su Chen couldn't sit still in the carriage smelling the aroma wafting around.

Three beautiful women and He was sitting in the carriage, which made Su Chen very uncomfortable.

Mrs. Ding is mature and beautiful, Zhang Chunhua is sexy and sultry, Queen Guo is young and beautiful, these three beauties of various colors each have their own characteristics and beauty. Su Chen can't figure out why these women got on the carriage.

After Mrs. Ding and Queen Guo got on the carriage, they were very surprised to see Su Chen. This gorgeously dressed and extraordinary envoy of the Xuantian Empire, they did not expect to be so young and even very handsome.

This made them look at Zhang Chunhua and start to speculate.

Mrs. Ding and Queen Guo both thought that Zhang Chunhua and Su Chen might not have fallen in love at first sight. If Zhang Chunhua really got married to the special envoy of the Xuantian Empire, then the entire Zhang family might be It's soaring.

Zhang Chunhua also hurriedly introduced Mrs. Ding and Queen Guo to Su Chen.

However, when introducing Su Chen,

Zhang Chunhua only introduced Su Chen as Mr. Su.

But at this time, the carriage actually moved, and it was not leaving the city.

This made Su Chen look at Mrs. Ding and Queen Guo and couldn't figure out why they got on the carriage?

The carriage will not leave Xudu City.

Where are you planning to go?

Mrs. Ding was very helpless when she saw Su Chen's confused look.

She was about to leave Xudu just now, but Man Chong came back and begged her to invite Su Chen to the palace.

Mrs. Ding originally didn't want to care about these things, but Man Chong knelt down and refused to get up, which made her very speechless.

In the end, Mrs. Ding agreed to Man Chong's request.

"Don't get me wrong, sir. Cao Sikong was not in Xudu when he arrived. Just now, Manchong wanted the special envoy to go to the palace. Our Emperor of the Han Empire will definitely welcome your arrival."

Su Chen was shocked when he heard Mrs. Ding's words.

Wouldn't he be exposed if he went to the palace?

Queen Fu in the palace knew that he killed Cao Pi. If Queen Fu spilled the beans, there might be another incident in the palace. Caused trouble

"Madam Ding, there’s no need to go to the palace, right? I have no interest in seeing your little emperor either. Mrs. Ding saw Su Chen not wanting to go to the palace and smiled and said,"Sir, you'd better go there. It won't take long and won't delay what you have to do.""

Su Chen looked at the beautiful Mrs. Ding and said helplessly,

"Madam Ding, your little emperor is just a puppet. The Han Empire has ceased to exist in name only. There is no point in me just going to see that little emperor."

"Moreover, my visit this time is not to meet with the various princes of the Han Empire. I just want to see how the luxury jewelry of our Xuantian Empire is selling in the Northern Continent."

Queen Guo poured a cup of tea for Su Chen and Mrs. Ding and said with a smile,

"Mr. Su, you'd better go to the palace. After all, you are also a special envoy of the empire. As long as your identity is not exposed, it doesn't matter whether you go to the palace or not."

"But now your identity has been exposed, and even known to many people at the city gate. If you don't go to the palace, it will appear that your Xuantian Empire is arrogant."

Queen Guo is very interested in Su Chen now.

She is very fond of Mr. Su who looks handsome and has a free and easy temperament. He is more handsome and elegant than Cao Cao's sons.

Her family originally If she wants to marry Cao Cao's son,

Queen Guo is no longer interested in Cao Cao's sons.

"Well, let’s go to the palace!"

Su Chen took a sip of tea and nodded helplessly.

Queen Guo was right.

After his identity was exposed, Xu Duli must know that there are many people in Xu Duli. If the news spreads again, I am afraid that the entire Xu Duli people Everyone knows that it seems really unjustifiable if he really doesn't go to the palace.

Zhang Chunhua is very unhappy now.

Queen Guo kept looking at Su Chen after she arrived, which made her feel that her belongings were going to be robbed by Queen Guo As if leaving.

Zhang Chunhua now feels even worse about the scheming Queen Guo.

Zhang Chunhua touched the Black Bird token in her arms and smiled.

She would not return this token to this bastard, but she was still right Su Chen has doubts about her identity. Is this Black Bird Token real? She can find out whether it is genuine or not when she goes to the Mi family in Xuzhou. The Mi family in Xuzhou has been doing the Xuantian Empire's luxury jewelry business.

Zhang Chunhua believes it. The Mi family will know about this Black Bird Token.

At this moment,

Mrs. Ding's face is getting redder and redder.

The crowded carriage keeps her and Su Chen's bodies close to each other, and even Su Chen's hands are moving from time to time. On her lap, although this may not have been intentional by Su Chen, it made Mrs. Ding very angry.

Su Chen was on her left,

Queen Guo on her right, and

Zhang Chunhua on the opposite side.

But why did this special envoy of the Xuantian Empire keep going Being crowded around her? Queen Guo is a beautiful woman. Why doesn’t this special envoy of the Xuantian Empire sit next to Queen Guo?

Su Chen is helpless now.

The originally crowded carriage has some bumps after it moves, and Guo Guo next to him The queen was also close to him.

He didn't want to provoke the cruel Queen Guo.

Su Chen just planned to move towards Mrs. Ding. Who knew that the bumps of the carriage would bring him directly next to Mrs. Ding, and there would even be nowhere for him to go. His hand also touches Mrs. Ding's leg from time to time.

And why does Queen Guo keep leaning towards him?

Su Chen is now tightly surrounded by Queen Guo and Mrs. Ding.


It's Su Chen who is right next to Mrs. Ding. , and Queen Guo is right next to him, which makes Su Chen feel very comfortable. After all, Queen Guo is a stunning beauty, and Mrs. Ding is a charming and beautiful woman.

But there is Zhang Chunhua opposite, what is going on here Although the three women did not notice it, they would definitely notice it over time.


At this moment,

Zhang Chunhua, who was opposite Su Chen, kicked him in the leg.

Su Chen felt guilty when he looked at Zhang Chunhua. shouted,"I'll do it! Miss Zhang, why are you crazy? Why did you kick me?"

"You bastard, be honest with me."Zhang Chunhua also found that Queen Guo had been next to Su Chen, which made her very unhappy, so she kicked Su Chen hard.

Zhang Chunhua looked at Queen Guo and said happily,"Miss Guo, let's change Find your location."

Queen Guo knew why when she heard Zhang Chunhua's words, but she didn't want to sit next to Su Chen. Although she felt very good about Su Chen, it didn't mean that she wanted to commit herself to Su Chen now.

Next to her The tea set kept leaking out, and she leaned towards Su Chen to prevent her dress from getting wet.

Queen Guo pointed to the tea set and said helplessly,"Sister Zhang, your carriage is too small. Now We can't change places even if we want to, so we'd better make do with going to the palace."

"Huh! I have forgotten the tea set. Miss Guo, please pour the tea in the tea set, otherwise it will get your clothes wet."

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