Outside the palace hall,

Zhang Chunhua, Queen Guo and Madam Ding looked at Su Chen in surprise when they saw the sudden appearance of the masked woman. They did not expect that there was always someone around Su Chen secretly protecting him.

But where is this woman hiding?

They didn't notice it at all, not even their guards noticed.

Zhang Chunhua looked at Su Chen and felt incredible.

She was an innate master, but the appearance of this masked woman shocked her.


She was completely shocked.

This masked woman was much higher than her level of cultivation. She even couldn't tell the level of this masked woman's level of cultivation.

Queen Guo felt very scared after touching her neck. She was really scared of Su Chen now. If Su Chen asked this masked woman to kill her, she might not even understand how she died.

"Youru, let your men come out and let these people see you."

"Yes, master!"

You Ru waved her hands around after hearing Su Chen's words.

In just a moment, hundreds of shadow assassins appeared outside the palace hall. Each of these shadow assassins wore black veils and black tights. Her figure makes people don’t want to take their eyes off her

"See the owner!"

After the three hundred shadow assassins appeared, they all saluted Su Chen.

Zhang Chunhua, Queen Guo, and Mrs. Ding were stunned when they saw hundreds of shadow assassins appearing.

A powerful shadow assassin had already surprised them all, but The appearance of hundreds of shadow assassins shocked them into confusion.

"Let's go back!"Su Chen waved his hands to Youru and the Shadow Assassins and said.

After hearing Su Chen's words, the Shadow Assassins suddenly disappeared outside the palace hall one by one, as if they had never appeared at all.

Su Chen also saw the surroundings. The soldiers discovered that the Shadow Assassins were showing up, and he did not want the Shadow Assassins to conflict with the soldiers in the palace.

This time he just threatened Queen Guo, so that the ruthless Queen Guo would not cause trouble for him in the future.

But Su Chen What they didn't know was that in an attic of the palace,

Queen Fu also discovered Su Chen's arrival, and even saw the shadow assassin clearly when he appeared.

Queen Fu originally thought that Su Chen had been caught,

He wanted to come to the palace for her to recognize someone, but this series of things happened that made her very confused.

She found that there were no sergeants guarding Su Chen, and Su Chen was not tied up. Even the soldiers around him did not respond to his arrival. Indifferent, and there were three beautiful women beside him.

This made Queen Fu unable to figure out what Su Chen was going to do when he came this time?

After Su Chen let the shadow assassin hide again, the soldiers guarding the palace surrounded him in a The general led him and ran over,"Madam, did an assassin appear just now? Mrs.

Ding looked at Su Chen and waved her hands and said,"No, those are the guards of the Xuantian Empire's envoys. Don't worry, go down!""

"Yes, ma'am!"

Su Chen ignored the arrival of these soldiers.

He looked at Queen Guo and walked towards the palace hall.

Su Chen believed that this time Queen Guo saw these shadow assassins, she would not dare to tell him about teasing Mrs. Ding. Things.

Zhang Chunhua and Mrs. Ding saw Su Chen walking towards the main hall, and they hurriedly followed him. As for why they followed Su Chen? They don't know now, but they subconsciously followed Su Chen when they saw him leaving.

"Bastard, shameless pervert."

Queen Guo looked at Su Chen who was leaving with an angry expression.

She also noticed the way Su Chen looked at her just now. That bastard was threatening her endlessly.

However, those shadow assassins really scared her. Now, a shadow assassin would probably kill her like a chicken. Su Chen has hundreds of shadow assassins under his command, and they are all women with perfect figures. That bastard is a lustful noble.

Queen Guo stamped her feet angrily and followed suit. Entering the palace hall, she felt helpless towards that bastard. If she dared to leave now, I'm afraid those shadow assassins would look for her at night.

Queen Guo really regretted being curious this time. She had known that these things would happen. She would definitely not choose to go out today.

In the main hall of Xudu Palace, many Han officials have gathered here, but most of these officials are in name only.

As long as they are not Cao Cao's subordinates, these Han Empire officials are just decorations. It can even be said that these officials are just a show for the Han princes.

Su Chen came into the hall and looked at the officials here. The officials here are all old guys, and they are all old guys without power.


The old guys here are loyal to the Han Empire, and they are all nerds who study the books of sages.

Your Highness, an old man saw Su Chen coming to the palace and looking around, and did not even kneel down to salute the emperor.

This old man was right Su Chen scolded,"The envoy of the Xuantian Empire, why don't you kneel down when you see our Emperor of the Han Empire?"

When Su Chen heard what the old man said, he looked at the little emperor who was sitting high up. He looked at the thin and pale little emperor and said disdainfully,"Does this little emperor want me to kneel down? Little emperor, do you dare to make me kneel down?"

"Be bold, envoy of the Xuantian Empire, do you want to cause a war between the two countries?"

"Envoy of the Xuantian Empire, haven’t you read the sages’ books? Haven’t you learned etiquette and respect?"

"The Forbidden Army has not yet captured this arrogant man."

"Arrogant, too arrogant, this is disrespectful to our Han Empire, kill this envoy, and then start a war against the Xuantian Empire!"

"Your Majesty, the Xuantian Empire’s envoy is ignorant. We must negotiate with the Xuantian Empire and even denounce the arrogance of the Xuantian Empire’s envoy."

In the palace hall, after Su Chen was unwilling to kneel down and even disrespected the emperor of the Han Empire, the officials in the hall were criticizing Su Chen one by one, and even arrogantly wanted to go to war with the Xuantian Empire.

And some Cao Cao's subordinates looked at Su Chen with very ugly expressions. They originally wanted to persuade those arrogant officials not to be so extreme, but Su Chen's words made them unable to listen. No matter what, the little emperor is still the emperor of the Han Empire. , although the little emperor is a puppet, the Han Empire has not been destroyed yet. The envoys of the Xuantian Empire are really too rampant, and they, Cao Cao's subordinates, did not care about these officials who criticized Su Chen verbally and writtenly.

Zhang Chunhua and Mrs. Ding , Queen Guo and the others stood on the edge of the hall and were very angry at first when they heard the words of those officials, but what Su Chen said made them also very angry. Does

Su Chen look down on their Han Empire?

How can this make them not angry?

But when these officials criticized Su Chen verbally and even wanted to start a war with the Xuantian Empire arrogantly, they all lowered their heads in shame. They all knew what was going on with the Han Empire. What qualifications did the Han Empire have in name only? Going to war with the huge Xuantian Empire?

"War? Going to war with the Xuantian Empire? Just you? Just based on the current Han Empire? Okay, let’s start the war, right? I understand. I will inform the Emperor of our Xuantian Empire that your Han Empire is ready to welcome the arrival of our Xuantian Empire’s army."

"messenger! Envoy of the Xuantian Empire, wait a moment, please wait a moment!"

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