Queen Fu didn't expect that Su Chen would tease her, which made her impression of Su Chen become increasingly bad, especially since this bastard did shameless things to Queen Guo and did it in her room. This made me feel very bad.

Seeing Queen Fu's shameful and angry look, Su Chen smiled and said,"Haha, I'm just joking with you. I'm not interested in a little queen like you."

Queen Fu didn't believe what this bastard said. Just now she was Queen Guo was not satisfied with anything, but this bastard also did those embarrassing things to Queen Guo,"You are so shameless. You said earlier that Queen Guo was dry and had no interest in her. Why don't you do the same to Queen Guo?" That disgusting thing?"

"cough! That was an accident. I'm leaving, so you can take care of yourself."Su Chen coughed in embarrassment when he heard Queen Fu's words.

He didn't want to stay here anymore.

If Mrs. Ding and Zhang Chunhua were to come, it would only be more embarrassing for him to stay here, and he didn't know how to face it. To Queen Guo, that cruel woman.

When Queen Fu saw that Su Chen was about to leave, she hurriedly said,"Wait a minute, Mrs. Ding won't let you leave. You'd better wait until you meet Mrs. Ding tomorrow before leaving. Su

Chen thought of Mrs. Ding's threat to him in the hall and sneered,"Hey, why should I see Mrs. Ding?" Everything here has nothing to do with me. If it weren't for your sudden appearance, would I have so many troubles?"

Empress Fu also knew that she shouldn't appear in the court hall today.

It can be said that Su Chen's trouble today was caused by her, which made her very apologetic to Su Chen,"I.......I just wanted to help you, and I didn't expect to cause you any trouble."

Su Chen shook his head and didn't want to blame the little queen anymore.

After all, it was the little queen who kindly came to save him yesterday.


Su Chen thought of the little queen's tragic ending, and he was about to remind Queen Fu before leaving,

"Forget it, you should be more careful in the future. Your father is not a peaceful person. In order to gain greater power, your father will definitely seduce the young emperor to fight against Cao Cao. However, this is asking for death. If your father fails, You'd better think about your future consequences."

Empress Fu was shocked when she heard Su Chen's words.

She knew her father's obsession with power.

If her father hadn't wanted more power, she wouldn't have been sent to the palace to be the little emperor's woman.

And now His father actually wanted to use the young emperor to fight against Cao Cao. This was obviously seeking death. There were Cao Cao's men everywhere in Xudu, and even all the troops belonged to Cao Cao. Wasn't his father seeking death by doing this?

"you....Is what you said true? Does my father really want to go against Cao Cao?"

"Guess it yourself! By the way, give this to Queen Guo. This is my compensation to Queen Guo. Goodbye, little queen!"Su Chen took out a jade box from the system space and asked Queen Fu to give it to Queen Guo and then disappeared.

Su Chen was also a kind of compensation to Queen Guo.

He hoped that the cruel woman would not seek revenge from him in the future.

"Hello! You wait, you wait.......Damn bastard, why are you running so fast?"

Empress Fu took the jade box and wanted to ask Su Chen something, but she didn't expect that Su Chen would disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye. This made Empress Fu so angry that she wanted to throw the jade box in her hand.

Empress Fu Holding the jade box, he shouted angrily,"Damn bastard, shameless pervert, what on earth is my father going to do? Why not make it clear?"

At this moment, in Queen Fu's room,

Queen Guo curled up and stared at the sky with her eyes blankly. She did not expect to be insulted by that bastard Su Chen, and she was still in the palace. This made her want to die. Yes.


The door to the room was opened.

Queen Fu came in and shook her head when she saw Queen Guo looking lost. She didn’t know how to persuade Queen Guo about this matter. After all, this was Su Chen, that bastard. I’m sorry. Queen Guo

"Mr. Su asked me to give this to you."Queen Fu came to the bedside and handed the jade box that Su Chen handed her to Queen Guo.

Queen Guo did not accept the jade box that Queen Fu handed over, and she didn't even look at it.

She asked in a hoarse voice,

"Where's that bastard? I'm going to kill him!

Empress Fu put the jade box beside the bed and sighed,"Master Su has left. He left just now.""

"left? Ha ha! That bastard actually ran away. Even if he went to the end of the world, I would find that bastard. I won't give up until I kill that bastard."Queen Guo didn't expect that Su Chen would run away, which made her curse with a sinister expression on her beautiful face,

"Have a good rest! I left first."

After Queen Fu left, she looked at the jade box left by Queen Fu and wanted to throw it out, but she thought it was left by Su Chen, and she also wanted to know what items Su Chen would leave for her.

Queen Guo thought for a while and opened the jade box.

"this....What are these?"

In the Northern Continent, in the Yizhou and Shu lands of the Han Empire, in the Prefectural Mufu's Mansion, a beautiful woman sat on the Prefecture Mu's seat, and a man over fifty years old stood respectfully in front of the beautiful woman. The beautiful beauty looked at it With the letter in her hand, she asked the old man in front of her,"Liu Yan, is Yizhou so controlled?" When Liu Yan heard the beautiful woman's question, he hurriedly saluted and said,

"Miss Jiang, with the help of Miss Jiang's masters, all the counties in Yizhou have been controlled, but the Nanman in southern Yizhou have not been solved yet. Also, Hanzhong is controlled by a man named Bai Yifei, the county guard of Hanzhong Zhang Lu has been confirmed to be killed."

Liu Yan is now very afraid of this Miss Jiang.

This Miss Jiang is cruel and reckless.

In just a few months since arriving in Yizhou, she has completely taken control of the entire Yizhou officials and army. , but he didn’t dare to have any resistance to this ruthless Miss Jiang.

Liu Yan, the Yizhou Shepherd, is just a decoration now.

If this beautiful Miss Jiang is unhappy that day, he will probably be ignored by Miss Jiang. Killed mercilessly.

Liu Yan is now absolutely obedient to Miss Jiang's orders.

He does not want to be killed unknowingly in his sleep.

This beautiful Miss Jiang heard that Bai Yifei actually controlled Hanzhong, which made her She sneered disdainfully,

"Bai Yifei? Haha, they're just a lost dog. Bai Yifei doesn't care about them yet. The Southern Barbarians are a threat. If we don't defeat those Southern Barbarians, we won't be able to march into the Central Plains. Liu Yan, send someone to contact the leader of the Southern Barbarians. I want to meet the leader of the Southern Barbarians in person."

"Yes, Miss Jiang!"

After Liu Yan went out, Miss Jiang stood up and looked out the window and said to herself with a sinister face,

"Suchen! The emperor of the Xuantian Empire!"

"I have not forgotten what you did to me. My hard work in the Ming Empire was ruined by you. As long as I conquer the Han Empire in the Northern Continent, I will lead an army to attack your Xuantian Empire."

"When the time comes, I will make you pay a huge price"


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