Zhang Chunhua thought that since Su Chen knew martial arts and was very powerful, her threat yesterday would be of no use to Su Chen.

This can only mean that that bastard must also be going to Xuzhou.

Zhang Chunhua does not believe that that bastard will be threatened by him to go to Xuzhou with his strong strength.

When Queen Fu heard that Su Chen would go to Xuzhou, she wanted to go find that bastard immediately. But she was frightened by what Su Chen said last night.

Queen Fu didn't dare to ask her father what he wanted to do.

Queen Fu really knew that even if she asked her father, her father would not be able to tell her, and she would even be scolded by her father.

"I'm going too. I also want to ask what Mr. Su said before he left. Mrs. Ding, I'm going to trouble you this time, otherwise I may not be able to get out of the palace. Mrs. Ding thought for a while and agreed,"Okay, I will help you leave the palace. I also want Mr. Su to stop Cao Cao's bloodbath in Xuzhou. This time I will go to Xuzhou with you.""

"Miss Guo, are you going to Xuzhou?"When Zhang Chunhua saw that Mrs. Ding and Queen Fu were going to Xu'an to find that bastard, she looked at Queen Guo, who had been sullen and expressionless.

Queen Guo held the jade box in her hand tightly and replied hoarsely,"I'm not going, I don't want to see that shameless pervert now."

Queen Guo attaches great importance to the jade box in her hand. The items in the jade box are her hope for revenge. She must use the items in the jade box as soon as possible. Only in this way can she find that bastard to take revenge in the future.

"Then take care of yourself!"

"I will. I won't die until that bastard dies."

At this time, Sima Yi died silently in

Xudu's prison , and several important figures in the Sima family were also killed silently last night. The Sima family also lost several important figures. It can be said that it is over. The Sima family may be annexed by other noble families in the future. After Xu Duling Man Chong and Xun Yu got the news, they both guessed that Su Chen did it, but there was no evidence, and they did not Dare to arrest Su Chen, even if Su Chen really killed Sima Yi and those members of the Sima family. Xu Duling Man Chong and Xun Yu would not be able to arrest Su Chen. After all, Su Chen is the special envoy of the Xuantian Empire. This is terrible. It's not something they can offend. Xuzhou, Xiapi County! This was originally Tao Qian's territory in Xuzhou, but since Lu Bu was driven out from Chang'an, Xiapi County has been occupied by Lu Bu's defeated soldiers. Tao Qian also didn't want to offend Lu Bu. This brave general never expelled Lu Bu, so Lu Bu was able to survive in Xiapi County. Xiapi, the governor's mansion, Lu Bu and several close generals looked at the letter from Yanzhou. Lu Bu did not expect that the world would fall. The cake is gone. Chen Gong and Zhang Miao, the local nobles in Yanzhou, actually wanted to rebel against Cao Cao and even invited him to take control of Yanzhou. This gave Lu Bu an opportunity to make a comeback. Cao Xing looked at the letter from Yanzhou and asked worriedly,"General , Do Chen Gong and Zhang Miao really want to invite us to Yanzhou? Could this be a scam?" Zhang Liao stood up, shook his head and said,

"No, Chen Gong and Zhang Miao are local gentry and wealthy people in Yanzhou. They probably don’t want Cao Cao to occupy Yanzhou."

"Moreover, Chen Gong often ridiculed Cao Cao's behavior. I think this time Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, Cao Cao's troops in Yanzhou must not have many troops. This made Chen Gong and Zhang Miao realize that they actually wanted to rebel against Cao Cao."

Lu Bu nodded when he heard Zhang Liao's words.

He looked at his generals and said excitedly,"Zhang Liao is right. This is an opportunity for us. This time we must join forces with Chen Gong to capture Yanzhou in one fell swoop. Once we get Yanzhou, we can speed up the recruitment of troops. I, Lu Bu, will definitely make a comeback.

Hou Cheng stood up and saluted Lu Bu with excitement on his face and said,"General, it's not too late. Let's contact Chen Gong as soon as possible to prepare for the attack on Yanzhou.""

"Okay, Zhang Liao, I'll leave the contact with Chen Gong and Zhang Miao to you. This time we must take advantage of Cao Cao's attack on Xuzhou to seize Yanzhou."

"Yes, General!"

In a room in the governor's house,

Su Chen was lying on the bed in this room. He used his mental power to observe the conversation between Lu Bu and his generals.

Su Chen came here last night, and he also wanted to see people. What does Lu Bu look like in the middle of Lu Bu's horse and the red rabbit in the horse, but the result makes Su Chen very disappointed. Lu Bu is a man who is almost middle-aged, and even now Lu Bu is still very downcast.

This is not as handsome as Su Chen's impression. The dashing Lu Bu was completely different.

After listening to Lu Bu's conversation, Su Chen shook his head and thought,

"The plot still hasn't changed much. Chen Gong and Lu Bu are still in contact, but in the world of mixed martial arts, if Lu Bu takes over Yanzhou, will he still be defeated by Cao Cao?"

Su Chen thought about it and laughed.

This was none of his business.

Lu Bu had also seen it himself, and it was time to leave.

Liu Bei in Xuzhou still wanted to take a look.


The door of this room was blocked by someone. Kicked away from the outside, a beautiful girl aged seventeen or eighteen years old appeared in front of Su Chen with a spear in her hand.

This woman was dressed in women's red armor, with a beautiful appearance, and her figure was highlighted by the tight armor. With her convex back and heroic appearance, she is a perfect female general.

"You, come out to this lady!"

Su Chen looked at this beautiful woman and was very strange.

He came to Lu Bu's house secretly last night. No one should have noticed his existence, but how could this woman suddenly come to see him? She even said... It was natural for him to appear in this room.

Su Chen asked with a confused look on his face,

"Miss, what do you want from me?"

This beautiful woman yelled at Su Chen with an angry look on her face,"Are you pretending to be false to me? It is impossible for me to marry you. Why should you, a helpless scholar, let me marry you?"

I guess!

This is a big misunderstanding!

Could the person living here be this woman's fiancé?

But he didn't see anyone here last night!

And could this woman be Lu Bu's daughter ? Lu Lingqi, right?

"Miss, you misunderstood, I am not the person you are looking for."Su Chen said helplessly to this beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman pointed at Su Chen with a spear in her hand and threatened,

"Misunderstand? I killed a scholar in this room last night, but I didn't expect you to appear in this room again today. You must be someone arranged by my father again, and you are dead this time."

What the hell!

It turns out that the people in this room were killed by someone who despised Lu Bu's daughter. No wonder there was no one in this room in the middle of the night.

Su Chen was also speechless.

He didn't expect that someone like this would happen if he just found a room. What a mess.

Su Chen looked at Lu Lingqi and said helplessly,"Miss, do you believe me when I say I'm not the person your father found?"

"I, Lu Lingqi, believe it, but the spear in my hand doesn’t!"

"I'll do it! You are truly a tough tiger girl!"

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