Lu Lingqi curled her lips when she heard Su Chen casually say a last name. She guessed that this bastard must be afraid of running away and being found by her, so he didn't dare to say his full name. It was even unclear whether the surname Su was real.

When Mrs. Yan heard what Lu Lingqi called Su Chen, she hurriedly stopped her.

She felt that Lu Lingqi was getting more and more wild now. No wonder Lu Bu was eager to find a bride for Lu Lingqi. If a few years pass, Lu Lingqi might become even more disobedient.

Mrs. Yan also wants Lu Lingqi to get married as soon as possible. If she has children in the future, Lu Lingqi will no longer wield swords and guns. In the future, Lu Lingqi can support her husband and raise her children, and live a stable life.

When Lu Lingqi heard Mrs. Yan scolding her, she hurriedly explained loudly to Mrs. Yan,"Mom, don't be deceived by this bastard. He is not a scholar at all. He is a liar and a complete bastard." Mrs.

Yan Seeing that Lu Lingqi was still yelling without restraint, she said sternly,"Lingqi, if you talk like this, I will have you locked up."

Lu Lingqi heard that she was going to be locked up. He lied,"Mom, you don't believe me? If you don't believe what I said, you can ask this bastard."

Su Chen was too lazy to talk to Lu Lingqi.

With Mrs. Yan here, it seems that the beauty rankings in the Northern Continent are today. It was impossible for Lu Lingqi to say it.


Su Chen didn't intend to make things easier for Lu Lingqi.

Su Chen poured a cup of tea, handed it to Madam Yan and said with a smile,"Miss Lu is right, I am a liar and I am not a scholar. Madam, I will leave in a moment."

Lu Lingqi was confused when she heard Su Chen's words. If

Su Chen leaves, her father Lu Bu will definitely recruit a son-in-law for her again.

Lu Lingqi doesn't want to let go or kill those weak scholars one by one.

Seeing Mrs. Yan's confused look, she hurriedly said,

"Forehead! Mom, what I just deceived you is that Mr. Su is a scholar, he is not a liar."

Mrs. Yan originally doubted why Su Chen was at the Sheriff's Mansion?

After she heard what Lu Lingqi and Su Chen said, her head became a little dizzy.

She felt that Su Chen and Lu Lingqi seemed to be hiding something from her, and even Lu Lingqi As if she needed Su Chen to help her,

Mrs. Yan looked at Lu Lingqi and Su Chen and asked expressionlessly,"Lingqi, you and Mr. Su, what are you doing?".......You seem to be hiding something? right?"

Lu Lingqi rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said to Mrs. Yan incoherently,"No......No, how can we......How could it be hidden?.....Hidden mother, I was just joking with Mr. Su."

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Lu Lingqi's words.

This silly girl stammers even when she lies.

Isn't this just asking for trouble?

Is there anything else we wouldn't hide from our mother? Mrs. Yan is her mother, not herself. My mother, this silly girl Lu Lingqi is really so stupid that people are speechless.

Mrs. Yan took a sip of the tea that Su Chen handed him and calmed down her mood.

What Lu Lingqi said just now shocked her, but

Mrs. Yan didn't expect it. Lu Lingqi would say"We will not hide our mother". If she hadn't seen that Lu Lingqi was still in perfect condition, she would have been unable to sit still.


Mrs. Yan looked at Su Chen and was very satisfied.

No matter Su Chen Both temperament and appearance meet Madam Yan's requirements for choosing a husband. If her daughter Lu Lingqi and Su Chen get married, she will not object.

Madam Yan looked at Lu Lingqi and Su Chen, shook her head and said,

"I don't care about you anymore. Lingqi, your father went to Yanzhou today. You'd better stay in Xiapi. I don't want to hear about you secretly leaving the house, otherwise, you will be locked up by me in the future."

"Father left? What is father going to Yanzhou for?"Lu Lingqi asked suspiciously when she heard that Lu Bu had gone to Yanzhou.

When Su Chen heard Mrs. Yan's words, he thought of the conversation he heard between Lu Bu and his men before.

Lu Bu is really impatient. Chen Gong and Zhang Miao's As soon as the letter arrived, Lu Bu could not hold back his anger and went to Yanzhou.

How could such a person achieve great things?

"Your father wants to occupy Yanzhou"

"What? My father wants to occupy Yanzhou? Isn't Yanzhou Cao Cao's territory? My father's current army cannot defeat the powerful Cao Cao. No, I have to stop my father."

Lu Lingqi looked at Su Chen and felt very strange.

How did Su Chen know that her father had gone to Yanzhou?

However, now is not the time to ask these questions.

She wanted to stop her father from going to Yanzhou.

Yanzhou was Cao Cao's territory, and Cao Cao now owned two There are more than 100,000 troops. This is not something Lu Bu, who has more than 5,000 troops, can compete with.

Lu Lingqi does not want her father to be defeated and die in Yanzhou.

"Mr. Su, are you telling the truth?"Mrs. Yan was very shocked when she heard Su Chen's words and asked.

She also knew that Lu Bu was no longer Cao Cao's opponent.

The down-and-out Lu Bu didn't have many troops anymore. Even the troops recruited in Xiapi were very limited. After all, Lu Bu's reputation It stinks that even ordinary people are not willing to fight for Lu Bu.

Su Chen looked at the beautiful Madam Yan and nodded and said,

"Don't worry, Lu Bu can occupy Yanzhou this time. There are not many Cao Cao's troops in Yanzhou anymore."

"Cao Cao's army in Yanzhou was led by him to attack Xuzhou. Yanzhou is now an empty shell, and with the help of Yanzhou's aristocratic families, Lu Bu can easily occupy Yanzhou. Lu

Lingqi looked at Su Chen and asked excitedly,"Bastard Su, are you saying that my father will definitely be able to occupy Yanzhou this time?""


Su Chen nodded and confirmed.

Lu Lingqi laughed when she heard Su Chen's power,"Haha, so my father will rise again in the future, and my father will also become a powerful prince in the future."

Mrs. Yan also smiled now.

She didn't expect Su Chen to be able to analyze so accurately.

She only knew today that a noble family in Yanzhou invited Lu Bu to Yanzhou, but she didn't know anything else.

Madam Yan really didn't expect Su Chen. Being able to guess these things without knowing it made her look at Su Chen even more differently.

Su Chen looked at the silly sweet girl Lu Lingqi and sneered,

"You are wrong. Although your father can occupy Yanzhou, it is short-lived. As long as Cao Cao learns that Yanzhou is occupied by Lu Bu, do you think Cao Cao will let your father go?"

"Forehead? Are you saying that my father will still be defeated by Cao Cao in the future? Will even Yanzhou be taken away?" Lu Lingqi was not happy for a long time. She was confused after hearing Su Chen's words.

Mrs. Yan was also very worried and asked,"Mr. Su, are you saying that Cao Cao may give up attacking Xuzhou and turn back with his army? Recapture Yanzhou?"

The more Mrs. Yan thinks about it, the more likely it is that Cao Cao would not continue to attack Xuzhou after his home was stolen. If Cao Cao gets the news about Yanzhou, he will definitely lead an army to retake Yanzhou.

If so, wouldn't her husband Lu Bu be in danger? Cao Cao has hundreds of thousands of troops, while Lu Bu only has less than 10,000 troops.

How to fight this?

After the war begins,

Lu Bu's army will definitely be defeated by Cao Cao's army, and even Lu Bu may be defeated and die.

"It's not possible. Cao Cao will definitely give up attacking Xuzhou and return to Yanzhou to fight Lu Bu."

"Mr. Su, is there any way you can help my husband? Please think of a way."

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