Su Chen didn't expect that Yan Ying had not gotten together with Xiong Ba, but it had nothing to do with him.

Su Chen had no intention of asking Yan Ying. Yan Ying was now almost a lunatic. It would be better to have less contact with such a woman..

It is very dangerous for a woman to go crazy, not to mention that Yan Ying is a powerful woman, so such a woman is even more dangerous.

Su Chen looked at Yan Ying and thought, since Yan Ying has such great strength, why does she still covet power?

Isn't it easy to get what she wants with her great strength?

Is it a woman’s vanity that’s at work?

Or is Yan Ying seeking revenge on King Nie?

Mrs. Yan and Lu Lingqi looked at Yan Ying and found it very unbelievable.

In order to gain huge power, Yan Ying had to sell everything she had.

This made them unable to agree. They even felt that Yan Ying was a woman who did not have self-respect. Even if a woman gains great power in the future, she will be reviled for the rest of her life.

Yan Ying calmed down her emotions, looked at Su Chen with beautiful eyes and threatened,"Envoy of the Xuantian Empire, you must introduce me to the emperor of the Xuantian Empire, otherwise, I will kill everyone in the mansion."

"Yan Ying, how did you know that I am the special envoy of the Xuantian Empire?"Su Chen asked suspiciously as he sat down in the pavilion.

Su Chen was also very puzzled.

Those people in Xu Duli should know his identity, but why did Yan Ying know his identity and even find him specifically? I, are there Yan Ying's subordinates in Xudu?

Yan Ying also sat opposite Su Chen and said,

"The news about what you did in Xudu has spread. If I hadn't happened to hear about you in Yuzhou, I wouldn't have been able to find you."

When Su Chen heard Yan Ying's words, he thought that it must be the officials in Xu Duli who spread the news deliberately. This may be because they want to build momentum for Cao Cao's power.


Xun Yu and his people will be disappointed.

They must not Thinking that Su Chen would leave Xu Du at night,

Su Chen looked at Yan Ying's perfect figure and coughed,

"Ahem, Yan Ying, actually I am not the special envoy of the Xuantian Empire. I pretended to be the special envoy of the Xuantian Empire when I was in Xudu to protect myself. The Xuantian Token was also a fake. Otherwise, I would not have been able to sneak out of Xudu. All. Yan

Ying looked at Su Chen like she was an idiot and said,


"Do you think all the officials under Cao Cao are idiots?"

"They will not be able to tell the difference between true and false envoys, and your temperament is also extraordinary. You are not from the Northern Continent. If you were not the special envoy of the Xuantian Empire, I would not believe you."

Mrs. Yan and Lu Lingqi also came to sit in the pavilion.

They knew that it was impossible to leave now, and it was impossible for this powerful Yan Ying to let them leave.

Mrs. Yan looked at Su Chen and asked curiously,

"Mr. Su, are you the special envoy of the Xuantian Empire?"

"Madam Yan, even if I am the special envoy of the Xuantian Empire, it is impossible for me to help Lu Bu. You should not expect anything from me."Su Chen knew what Mrs. Yan meant, but he would not help Lu Bu. Lu Bu's capriciousness would not make Su Chen think of subduing him.

Yan Ying laughed when she heard what Mrs. Yan and Su Chen said.

"Ha ha! You really don't know how to show mercy to women. This Mrs. Yan is already close to you, and you don't help her. Do you hope that after Lu Bu dies, you can seize his wife?"

What the hell!

Is Yan Ying really crazy?

What the hell is this?

Su Chen stared at Yan Ying and wanted to kill this shameless woman. This woman is too shameless. Su Chen just But he hugged her to save Mrs. Yan, but Yan Ying actually said something about skin-to-skin contact.

God damn skin-to-skin contact!

Why else would he want Lu Bu to die?

So that he could dominate Mrs. Yan in the future?

Lu Bu's death would be a matter of time. , what does this have to do with him?

Su Chen was not interested in Mrs. Yan either.

Su Chen glared at Yan Ying and shouted unceremoniously,"Yan Ying, don't talk nonsense here, you are a shameless woman, just Don't think other women are like you"

"laugh! shameless? Special envoy of the Xuantian Empire, how could I be so shameless? I just want to be a powerful woman, so why am I so shameless? Are those women who enter the palace and want to be the emperor's concubines shameless?"

Su Chen looked at Yan Ying and laughed coldly,

"It's different. Those women who enter the palace and want to be the emperor's concubines just want to stand out, and even want their families to live a better life and let their families prosper in the empire."

"But you are different, your ambition is too great. I can see from your eyes that you will not be the emperor's woman honestly. In the future, you will ignore the emperor, and even want to be the empress of the empire."

"This is just your guess, why do you say this to me, why do you say this to me!"Yan Ying's eyes were on fire and she yelled heartbreakingly at Su Chen,

"dong dong dong dong"......

At this moment, many footsteps came over

"Gao Shun arrived with his army. Haha, Yan Ying, don't you dare to leave quickly? Lu Lingqi said with a smile when she heard the sound of many footsteps.

Yan Ying looked around and mocked with disdain,

"Some scumbag, do you think I should be afraid of the army here?

Lu Lingqi said worriedly when she heard Yan Ying's words," You.....Don't mess around. Thousands of troops are coming here. You'd better leave! Yan

Ying glanced at the silent Su Chen and threatened Lu Lingqi,

"Miss Lu, if I were you, you'd better pray that those troops won't attack me, otherwise, I won't show mercy."

Dong dong dong dong........

"Quick, save the madam and young lady, and surround and kill those assassins." Thousands of troops rushed over around the pavilion. When these troops arrived, they surrounded the pavilion. A general kept directing the troops to save Lu Bu's wife and daughter. Madam Yan looked at Yan Ying and said He hurriedly ordered Gao Shun,"Gao Shun, order the troops to leave. These are my friends. It was a misunderstanding just now." Mrs. Yan knows how powerful this woman Yan Ying is. Yan Ying was so shocked that she vomited blood just now without taking any action. She was worried that if she angered this powerful woman, Gao Shun and all the troops would be killed by this woman. die


Gao Shun shouted in confusion when he heard Mrs. Yan's words.

Gao Shun didn't believe that these two people were friends of Mrs. Yan. Those friends would knock out the surrounding guards. He now suspected that these two men and women were holding him hostage. Mrs. Yan and Miss Lu.

Gao Shun?

Is this man Gao Shun who is trapped in the camp?


Su Chen looked at Gao Shun who was wearing armor, with his burly figure, resolute face, and unsmiling style. At first glance, he was a real general.

Gao Shun looked at Madam Yan and Lu Lingqi who were sitting with Su Chen and Yan Ying and was very worried,"Madam, you and the young lady come over quickly. These people have unknown origins. Don't stay with them.""

"Haha, Mr. Su, it turns out that you came here uninvited just like me!"

"It’s none of your business, I’m here as a guest, you’re here to cause trouble, am I the same as you?"

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