In a forest near Wushuang City, six beautiful women surrounded each other who wanted to escape. These women looked at each other and were very surprised. These women did not expect that each other was a beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman who was surrounded said carefully with a look of helplessness,"Sisters, I just didn't mean to disturb you. Can I leave now?"

This beautiful woman is Xiong Ba's daughter You Ruo, and she came secretly this time. Cheng here just wanted to help his father, and

Youruo didn't expect that there would be six powerful women in this woods, and they were also very powerful and beautiful women.

She was just curious to find out why these beautiful women came to Wushuang City. Who knew that she was discovered just as she approached these beautiful women?

"May I have your name?"A cold and beautiful woman among the six beautiful women asked Youruo.

Youruo looked at this cold-looking woman and replied hurriedly,

"My name is Youruo!"

"You Ruo?"

"Your name is You Ruo?"

"Haha, it’s interesting that I met a woman with the same name as the Shadow Assassin Commander You Ruo here!"

"The world is so big, it’s not uncommon to have people with the same name"

"This woman is not simple. She is a master at the peak of her age at a young age. It seems that her background is extraordinary."

"Um! Yes, this Youruo appeared near Wushuang City. It seems that Tianxia will attack Wushuang City this time, and this woman should have something to do with Tianxia."

In the woods, these six beautiful women started talking one after another when they heard You Ruo's name. They did not expect that this beautiful woman had the same name as Su Chen's shadow assassin leader You Ruo. These six beautiful women were Su Chen's team of shadow assassins, no, they are now Su Yan's men.

Le Bingyun and the others are now under Su Yan's control. They came to Wushuang City this time to help Mingyue. They will not help Wushuang City to deal with Tianxiahui.

Su Yan's order is just to protect Mingyue, they don't care about the life or death of others at all.

"Are you from Tianxiahui? Liu Shengpiaoxu asked expressionlessly when he came to Youruo.

Youruo looked at these beautiful women and lied,

"I......I'm not!"

You Ruo didn't expect that these beautiful women didn't know her, and she didn't know who these beautiful and powerful women were.

You Ruo didn't dare to say that she was Xiong Ba's daughter, and she also suspected that these beautiful women might not be from the Northern Continent. People,

Youruo is a famous beauty on the beauty ranking list of the Northern Continent. These beautiful women don't even know who she is.

This makes Youruo not know whether these beautiful women are enemies or friends.

Bai Qing'er shouted to Youruo indifferently ,

"You lied, you are not a member of the Tianxiahui, why did you appear near Wushuang City? Don't say that you are from Wushuang City. If you were from Wushuang City, you would not dare to appear outside Wushuang City."


"Tell me quickly or we'll kill you!"

"I.......I am a member of the Tianxiahui, and I am the daughter of Xiongba of the Tianxiahui."Youruo has no choice. Each of these beautiful women is colder than the last. They may even be murderous women. She doesn't want to be killed by these women just after coming out of Tianxiahui.

"Take her with you and let's go find Mingyue together."Le Bingyun looked at Youruo and said to the others.

Liu Shengpiaoxu and Bai Qing'er looked at Youruo when they heard Le Bingyun's words. Youruo was also very beautiful, with a tall figure and absolutely stunning appearance. Beauty is easy, even the curved figure is very attractive.

Liu Shengpiaoxu and the others also understood what Le Bingyun was thinking.

Le Bingyun was planning to take You Ruo back to Jingzhou.

Princess Su Yan But I am collecting beauties everywhere, and beautiful Youruo definitely meets Su Yan's conditions.


Bai Qing'er nodded to Le Bingyun and agreed, and the other girls also nodded.

Although this would add some competitors to them, they were helpless about these things. Su Yan had already found many beautiful women. Even if they are women, they don’t care about another beautiful woman.

When Youruo heard the words of these women, she was so frightened that she kept retreating and said,"What are you going to do? Where are you taking me?"

Yingge instantly appeared next to Youruo and said with a smile,

"You will know in the future not to resist us. You should know that it is useless even if you resist."

Youruo watched helplessly as these beautiful women took her away.

She knew that these women were all Grand Masters, and even the most powerful beings among the Grand Masters. She was only at the level of a Grandmaster, and she simply could not There was no way to resist.

In Wushuang City,

Mingyue watched as the people from the Tianxiahui began to attack. Many of the guards of Wushuang City were killed. Wushuang City was now in great chaos.

"If we conquer Wushuang City, we will be the most powerful gang in the Northern Continent."

"Kill, kill the personality of Wushuang City without mercy!"

"Attack them all and capture Wushuang City!"

"Kill, kill, the chickens and dogs that Wushuang City wants to kill will not be spared."

Some masters from the Tianxiahui shouted orders to the ordinary disciples who invaded Wushuang City,

"Mingyue, why don't you take action? Hurry up and stop those masters from the Tianxiahui."An old woman with Qinggong came to Mingyue and shouted hurriedly.

Mingyue looked at the old woman and said,"Grandma, I'm here waiting for Miss Yan's men to arrive. The masters of the Tianxiahui should let the people from Wushuang City deal with it first."

Ming Yue doesn't want to pay for her life for Wushuang City anymore. The young city lord of Wushuang City is dead, and she is free from now on.

Mingyue doesn't want to be buried with Wushuang City.

"Damn it, the masters of Wushuang City are suffering heavy casualties now. Go and help quickly. We are the guardians of Wushuang City. Don’t forget your duty."

"Then you can go and help, I have something else to do, and I will not follow your orders again."



"Damn it, how dare you resist!"

When the old woman heard Mingyue's words, she slapped Mingyue hard, but she didn't expect that Mingyue would also attack her.

Mingyue drove the old woman away with a palm and threatened,"Grandma, you'd better not force me to kill you. , you are no match for me now!"

"you......You want to rebel!"The ugly old woman looked at Mingyue and asked with hatred,

"Mingyue, do you want us to help you kill this ugly old woman?"

At this moment, seven figures quickly came towards Mingyue, and a cold voice came over and asked,

"Le Bingyun, you are all here!"Mingyue said with a smile when she saw the arriving girls.

Le Bingyun came to Mingyue and said with a smile,"Mingyue, you promised our lady, we will not see anything happen to you." boom!

"roll! Otherwise I will kill you!"Liu Shengpiaoxu threatened the old woman next to her with a palm strike,

"you.......who are you?" boom!


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