Su Chen was so frightened that she sat up from the bed after hearing what Yan Ying said.

This woman was so crazy and shameless.

Su Chen was really frightened by Yan Ying.

This disgusting woman really He was so disgusted.

Although Yan Ying was not with Xiong Ba, Po Jun, or even Jue Wu Shen yet, who could say for sure in the future? This power-hungry woman doesn’t know how many powerful and powerful men she will be with in the future.

Although such a woman is very beautiful,

Su Chen does not dare to mess with her. Even being with such a woman makes Su Chen feel uncomfortable.

Just when Su Chen was about to leave the room,

Yan Ying suddenly tapped Su Chen's acupuncture points.

She had been offended by Su Chen just now.

What was so disgusting?

Why is she such a shameless woman?

She just wanted to tease this bastard, but this bastard was so frightened that he felt sick?

This made Yan Ying look at Su Chen and become angry and want to kill this bastard immediately.

"Let me go, Yan Ying, please let me go."

Su Chen didn't expect that Yan Ying would suddenly take action, which made Su Chen feel that he was too careless.

Su Chen always felt that Yan Ying wanted to take advantage of him and would not take action against him. Su Chen also did not pay more attention to Yan Ying.

This time Su Chen was very confused when Yan Ying tapped her acupuncture points.

Yan Ying looked at Su Chen with burning eyes and asked coldly,"Have I disgusted you? Yes or no?"

"Forehead! I'm talking nonsense, don't mind."Su Chen is now under the eaves and has to lower his head. He doesn't want Yan Ying to kill him in anger.

Su Chen also wants the shadow assassin to appear to save him, but Yan Ying is a land immortal in the heavenly realm. Youru and the other shadow assassins were no match for Yan Ying, and Su Chen didn't want his shadow assassins to be killed by Yan Ying.

Yan Ying was very disdainful when she heard Su Chen's words, and she pushed Su Chen down on the bed. He said sarcastically,"You are so shameless, do you think I will believe you?"

"Holy shit! what are you up to? Su Chen asked with an ugly face as Yan Ying pinned her down on the bed.

Yan Ying smiled and locked the door of the room. Then she lay down next to Su Chen and said,"Didn't you say you were disgusted by me?" Today I just want to disgust you, you bastard. Su

Chen was completely confused when he looked at Yan Ying who was approaching. When Yan Ying started to untie his clothes, he shouted,"What the hell are you doing?" I'll tell you, please don't mess around, or I'll call someone. Yan

Ying looked at Su Chen's nervous look and said with a smile,"Scream, if you don't want me to kill more people, you can just scream.""

"Yan Ying, calm down. Don’t you want me to take you to see the emperor of the Xuantian Empire? I agreed, please stop immediately."Su Chen is really afraid that this woman will do something outrageous. He is like a fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Yan Ying lay on Su Chen and exhaled the fragrance and said,

"I changed my mind. Didn’t you say that the emperor of the Xuantian Empire had many powerful women? I don't plan to go to the emperor of the Xuantian Empire now. Your status in the Xuantian Empire should not be low, and I can be your woman in the future."

Su Chen's face turned green when he heard Yan Ying's words,"You are overthinking. I am just an insignificant person in the Xuantian Empire. I cannot realize your ideal of being one person below and being above ten thousand people. You let me go"

"Are you still going to lie to me? Your temperament, your conversation and behavior are not what an ordinary noble has at all. You are either a high-ranking official or a top noble in the Xuantian Empire. Am I right? asshole!"

"Ahem, you really misunderstood, I am really not who you said"

"Don't you think I'm beautiful? Or do you think my body is not perfect enough?"Yan Ying took off her veil and looked at Su Chen with a smile on her face and asked,

What the hell, this woman is a fairy.

Su Chen stared at Yan Ying's exquisite and flawless face and dark eyes with wide eyes. , curved willow eyebrows, small and delicate nose, peony-like bright red lips, revealing a rosy face.

This woman is so beautiful,

Yan Ying is a real vixen.

No wonder in the plot, Yan Ying is called As the most beautiful woman, Yan Ying is really very beautiful.

"How about it? Am I pretty?"

"What does it matter to me if you are beautiful?"

"Talk back? Haha, the look in your eyes is different from what you said! Today I will be your wife"

"what do you want to do......"

In the room, chaotic shouts came out for a while.

At this moment,

Lu Lingqi came outside Su Chen's room. After sending her mother, Mrs. Yan, back to the room, she wanted to know everything about Su Chen.

The messenger of the Xuantian Empire?

Lu Lingqi is very curious about Su Chen's identity

"Huh? Why was the room locked, damn bastard, that bastard didn't know she was coming and deliberately hid from him, right?"Lu Lingqi pushed the door and found it was not open, so she yelled angrily.

Lu Lingqi was so angry that she wanted to kick open the door of the room, but some noises suddenly came from the room, which made Lu Lingqi's face turn red quickly. She I looked around and left here in a hurry

"Shameless, shameless pervert, damn bastard!"After Lu Lingqi left Su Chen's room not far away, she looked at Su Chen's room and cursed.

Lu Lingqi didn't expect that Su Chen would be with that shameless woman. This was something she didn't expect. As expected, the man It's all the same. They can't walk when they see beautiful beauties.


Wushuang City!

After the empress and Le Bingyun learned about Su Yan's situation, she prepared to ask Le Bingyun and the others to leave here immediately. Wushuang City However, being stared at by many forces, Li Maozhen did not want Le Bingyun and the others to be targeted by other forces.

At this moment,

Xiong Ba looked at Dugu Yifang and asked mockingly,

"Dugu Yifang, no, you are just a fake, where is the real Dugu Yifang? Let him come out quickly. Could it be that Wushuang City is about to be destroyed and Dugu Yifang doesn't dare to show up?"

Xiong Ba can see that this Dugu Yifang is not real.

He has fought against Dugu Yifang.

Dugu Yifang's strength should be similar to him, but this Dugu Yifang is not a land god in the heavenly realm. Xiongba guessed that this person should be He is Dugu Yifang's substitute.

Dugu Yang's face changed when he heard Xiong Ba's words.

He is also very helpless now. The real Dugu Yang disappeared more than ten years ago. How could he know that the real Dugu Yang was there? Where, the fake Dugu Fang looked at Xiong Ba and said with admiration,

"Xiongba, you are indeed a hegemon-level figure, but you won’t be able to see Dugu Yifang today. Hahaha, if you want to see Dugu Yang, go find the Sword Master Dugu Jian. I believe the Sword Master Dugu Jian will tell you that Dugu Fang is here. where"

"Then you are useless, you should be destroyed along with Wushuang City"

"Xiongba, you can’t kill him yet!"

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