Jue Wushen originally wanted to establish a good relationship with Black and White Wuchang of Xuanming Sect so that he could conquer the remaining masters of Xuanming Sect in the future.

He has been in the Northern Continent for a while.

Jue Wushen knew that the Xuanming Sect was not as good as before after undergoing great changes. Basically all the masters in the Xuanming Sect were dead, and there were only a few remaining masters in the Xuanming Sect. A small shrimp.

If he wants to conquer the arena of the Northern Continent, he will need some powerful masters from the Central Plains, and the Xuanming Sect is the first force he wants to conquer.

It's just that Jue Wushen didn't expect that Yang Yantian of Huanyinfang would threaten him directly, which made his face look very ugly.

How dare a little great master threaten him like this? This caused Jue Wushen to directly burst out with a powerful momentum and threaten Yang Yantian,


"Little girl, can you say it again and let me hear it?" boom.....bump!

"Absolutely no god, this is the Central Plains, not Japan. Do you want to die?"Luo Xian saw Jue Wushen using his momentum to put pressure on Yang Yantian. She immediately burst out with powerful momentum and threatened Jue Wushen.

Xiongba saw Jue Wushen's momentum and pressure and also threatened him. He also threatened with evil eyes,"Jue Wushen, you'd better restrain yourself in the Central Plains, otherwise we won't mind killing you.""

"Are you trying to bully foreigners? Let's calm down and don't hurt each other."When Po Jun saw that Jue Wushen was being targeted by others, he persuaded with a flash of light in his eyes.

The sword demon of Baijian Villa and the nameless disciple Jian Chen were watching the excitement on the side.

They didn't care about these things. These are all matters. They are powerful forces and powerful people. Even if they want to take care of it, they will probably end up with something bad. They all think it is better to watch the excitement here.

Yang Yantian resists the pressure of Jue Wushen's aura and looks towards Tianmen. Luo Xian, she didn’t know why Luo Xian from Tianmen wanted to help her.

Luo Xian looked at Po Jun and said with great disdain,

"Po Jun, you are really a scum. More than ten years ago, you relied on your father to defeat Wu Ming. Even the Sword Sect was destroyed at the hands of your father Jian Hui. Now you are begging for mercy from a foreigner, and you don’t know your father. If Jian Hui were still alive, would he be mad at you again?"

"you......Do you know what happened more than ten years ago?"Po Jun was very surprised when he heard Luo Xian's words.

Po Jun didn't expect that this woman knew about what happened more than ten years ago. This made him a little overwhelmed. After all, his father killed twelve top masters at that time. , and even destroyed the entire Sword Sect.

Luo Xian said with a mocking expression on his face,

"There is nothing that we at Tianmen don’t know"

"When you competed with Wuming and you were already losing, your father was very partial to you and even used the Huitian Ice Art to unexpectedly freeze the twelve masters and the entire sword sect who were witnessing that time."

"Among these twelve masters is Dugu Yifang of Wushuang City."

After the masters here heard what Luo Xian said, they looked at Po Jun and said one after another,

"What? Wushuang City Lord died more than ten years ago? Or was he killed by Jian Hui from the Sword Sect?"

"No wonder there were so many masters missing from the world more than ten years ago. It turned out that those masters were all killed by Jian Hui of the Sword Sect."

"Didn't Jian Hui not appear for more than ten years? Could it be that Jian Hui was also killed at that time?"

"The Huitian Ice Art attacks without distinction between friend and foe. Jian Hui must have been frozen to death after using the Huitian Ice Art at that time."

Jue Wushen also looked at Po Jun in surprise.

He didn't expect that there was such a thing in the Central Plains. He now looked at Po Jun with a look of disdain. A top force was defeated because of this Po Jun. Po Jun can be called a super power. Prodigal son

"you wanna die! Seal of sacrifice!"

When Po Jun saw that Luo Xian had told all the secrets, he waved his palm and attacked Luo Xian with a gloomy face. This damn woman was going to die, and he would not let go of this Luo Xian who exposed and laughed at him.

"The four wonders of the Sacred Heart can penetrate the clouds!"

When Luo Xian saw that Po Jun dared to attack her, she immediately used the Four Sacred Heart Techniques of the Sacred Heart to attack Po Jun.

Wanren Chuanyun, one of the Four Sacred Heart Techniques, could turn ice into a blade, and Luo Xian After playing Wanren Chuanyun, many ice blades appeared around Luo Xian. These ice blades rushed towards Po Jun at a fast speed.

Boom boom boom......

"The sword conquers the world!"

Po Jun drew out his Greedy Wolf Sword and quickly dodged towards Luo Xian.

Po Jun did not dare to be careless towards Luo Xian now.

This powerful woman was at the same cultivation level as him. They were both in the middle stage of the Heavenly Realm. She is a master, and this powerful woman's martial arts skills are also very strange. She can actually turn ice into a blade to attack.

"The four absolutes of the Sacred Heart are the absolutes of ice!"

Boom boom boom.....Bump!

After Po Jun and Luo Xian fought, everyone here hurriedly retreated. The fight between two powerful Heavenly Realm masters was not something they could watch at close range.

Xiongba looked at the destroyed walls of Wushuang City and hurriedly shouted,"Nie Feng, Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun, you guys tell our Tianxiahui people to withdraw from Wushuang City as soon as possible."

"Yes, master!"

Qin Shuang, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun also saw that these two powerful heavenly beings fought in Wushuang City, and the aftermath would probably kill the disciples of the Tianxiahui. They did not dare to hesitate, and they all He hurriedly ordered the disciples of Tianxiahui to withdraw from Wushuang City.

"Little girl, it’s time to settle our accounts."Jue Wushen saw the battle between Po Jun and Luo Xian, and he used a light skill to come to Yang Yantian.

Yang Yantian looked at the shameless Jue Wushen and laughed disdainfully,"Haha, Japanese people, you foreigners Are they all so shameless?"

Jue Wushen didn't seem to hear Yang Yantian's sarcasm.

He looked at Yang Yantian and threatened with a smile,"Little girl, don't you Central Plains people say that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit? I am stronger than you, so what will happen if I kill you now?"

Jue Wushen wants to catch the beautiful Yang Yantian this time.

Yang Yantian of Huanyinfang is not only a master in the late stage of Grand Master, but also a very beautiful woman. Jue Wushen wants to catch Yang Yantian." Taught by Summer Queen to become his woman

"Japanese, would you like to kill me?"

At this moment, a cold female voice came over,


Jue Wushen heard the woman's voice and looked over hurriedly.

When he saw a peerless beauty in red appearing on the city wall, Jue Wushen's eyes widened.

Jue Wushen did not expect that she would appear again. He has a peerless beauty, and this peerless beauty is also a powerful master, even stronger than him.

Jue Wushen thought of Luo Xian of Tianmen, Yang Yantian of Huanyinfang, and Bai Wuchang of Xuanming Sect. These women are a More beautiful than the other.

And the beautiful woman in red who just appeared, she is more beautiful than these women. The woman in red is a peerless beauty who has conquered the country.

Jue Wushen is very envious of the outstanding people and spirits of the Central Plains. The Central Plains Not only are powerful masters emerging in endlessly, but also the peerless beauties from the Central Plains are emerging in endlessly.

"Yang Yantian, see the Empress."

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