Tao Qian hurriedly read the letter from Jingzhou.

After a while,

Tao Qian smiled.

He did not expect that Miss Yan sent a cavalry to Xuzhou quickly after learning about the situation in Xuzhou. Tao Qian was very happy

"Zhou Mu, what does the letter say? Mi Zhu looked at Tao Qian who was smiling and asked hurriedly.

Tao Qian handed the letter to Mi Zhu and said with a laugh,

"Haha, Mi Zhu, Miss Yan sent troops. After Miss Yan learned about Xuzhou, she sent a letter to Zhao Yun and Wei Yan to lead 50,000 elite cavalry to rescue Xuzhou.

Mi Zhu was surprised when he heard Tao Qian's words and said,"Fifty thousand elite cavalry?" Zhou Mu, Xuzhou is saved this time. Tao

Qian touched his beard and said with emotion,

"Yes, I didn't expect that Miss Yan is really a young lady who attaches great importance to love and justice. I, Xuzhou, am really saved this time." The officials and nobles in the Prefecture Mufu were very happy when they heard Tao Qian's words. I didn’t expect Miss Yan to be able to dispatch 50,000 elite cavalry.

In the Han Empire, other princes would laugh out loud if they wanted not only 50,000 cavalry, but even 10,000 cavalry.

The Han Empire is very scarce in cavalry.

These officials and nobles all laughed and talked.

"Zhou Mu still has a good eye!"

"Yes, Zhou Mu made friends with Miss Haoyan early in the morning. Zhou Mu’s ability to read people is really good."

"Miss Yan will send troops to rescue our Xuzhou at a young age. Miss Yan is really a woman. If Miss Yan grows up in the future, the Han Empire will probably be completely destroyed by Miss Yan."

"That's right, Jingzhou was very prosperous and prosperous under Miss Yan's governance. If Miss Yan hadn't sent out troops to conquer other princes, I'm afraid half of the princes in the Han Empire would have been quickly wiped out by Miss Yan. Tao

Qian waved his hand and stopped these officials from continuing,"Cao Bao, you and Zang Ba mobilize our troops immediately. You must cooperate with Jingzhou's army to destroy Cao Cao's army.""

"Yes, Zhou Mu!"

Tao Qian stood up weakly, looked at these people and continued,

"Also, after the crisis in Xuzhou is resolved, Xuzhou will announce to the outside world that Miss Yan belongs to Jingzhou. I hope everyone will be prepared. Miss Yan is not a heartless and unjust person. Everyone, you must help Miss Yan in the future."

"I obey, Zhou Mu!"


In Xiapi County, in the governor's mansion , Su Chen came out of the room in the afternoon , but his face was very ugly. In a garden, Su Chen sat by a small pond and pulled his hair with a frown on his face. Didn't you expect that one day it would be reversed? This is his great shame! Su Chen didn't know how to arrange for Yan Ying. killed? Or lock him up? Su Chen thought that killing Yan Ying would definitely not work. He was not a ruthless person. Su Chen would not have killed Yan Ying before Yan Ying did those bad things. It's just that Su Chen is really worried about Yan Ying. Su Chen doesn't want to be cuckolded by Yan Ying. He just wants to imprison Yan Ying. There is no place to imprison her now. This is the Northern Continent after all, and there is no one here who can. Look at this powerful woman Yan Ying

"Sir, please have tea!"When the maid next to her saw Su Chen sitting here, she brought a cup of tea to Su Chen.

"Where are you ladies?"

"Sir, the lady is with the madam now, do you need me to inform the lady?"

"No need, go down!"

"Yes, sir!"

Su Chen was drinking tea in depression after the maid left.

Su Chen can't think of how to treat Yan Ying in the future. He can only take it one step at a time. He also hopes that Yan Ying will not do those bad things. , otherwise, Su Chen would have decided to kill Yan Ying.

In Su Chen's room,

Yan Ying was lying on the bed tiredly.

She didn't want to move at all now.

For more than an hour,

Yan Ying was beaten by that bastard. The torture was severe.

Ever since Yan Ying unlocked Su Chen's acupuncture points, the initiative had been in Su Chen's hands. Yan Ying did not expect how powerful Su Chen would be, which made her a little afraid of Su Chen.

Yan Ying stroked her wet hair, and she thought about who Su Chen was.

Judging from Su Chen's behavior, words, and temperament, she could tell what Su Chen's status was in the Xuantian Empire. He is very high, maybe even second only to His Majesty the Emperor of Xuantian Empire.

Yan Ying suddenly thought of Lu Lingqi calling that bastard Mr. Su,"surnamed Su?" That bastard’s last name is Su? The emperor of the Xuantian Empire also has the surname Su, so that bastard can't be the prince of the Xuantian Empire, right?"

Yan Ying laughed when she thought of this.

Yan Ying regretted doing this impulsively at first. She had no intention of selling her body in exchange for powerful power. Yan Ying was also made dizzy by what Su Chen said. The bastard was pushed back.

Yan Ying's face was full of shame and anger when she thought about what she had done before.

She sat up, touched her delicate chin and said to herself,"Should we control that bastard in the future? Forget it, let’s think about it, at least this bastard is her man now, let’s just keep observing what this bastard is saying!"

When Yan Ying saw that Su Chen didn't come back after going out, she was also worried that the bastard would escape.

Yan Ying quickly put on her clothes and hurriedly went to find the bastard. She didn't want Su Chen to leave without saying goodbye or escape back to Xuantian. Empire.

At this moment,

Su Chen asked the maid to bring over a fishing rod, and he sat boredly by the small pond and caught fish.

"You didn't plan on escaping?" Yan Ying found Su Chen and came to sit next to him and asked curiously.

Su Chen rolled his eyes at Yan Ying, who was even more beautiful, and said angrily,

"I want to run away, you can't stop me"

"Do you think I will believe you?

"What do you think?"Su Chen suddenly appeared silently from Yan Ying's left to her right and asked with a smile,

"you.....how did you do that?"

Yan Ying looked at Su Chen in surprise.

She didn't feel Su Chen's internal energy fluctuations just now, but how could this bastard appear silently on her right? He even disappeared and appeared suddenly in front of her.

"You'll know later, give me more tea"

"You want me to pour you tea?"

"Um? do you have any opinion?"

"Bastard, I'm not your maid, why should I serve you tea? Su

Chen looked at Yan Ying expressionlessly and asked coldly,"Are you really not going to fall?" You'd better know who you are now."

Yan Ying shivered when she saw Su Chen's expressionless look. She didn't understand why she was suddenly afraid of this bastard, but the serious look on his face made her very confused.

"Damn it, I'll do it!"

Su Chen smiled when he saw Yan Ying pouring tea for him.

This color just needs discipline, but!

Yan Ying's performance is still good this time.

Su Chen also plans to teach this woman her bad habits. If she can't be disciplined, If he succeeds, he can only imprison Yan Ying in the future. Now it seems that Yan Ying is not hopeless.

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