Su Chen has had enough fun now.

He is very satisfied with the performance of Madam Yan and Madam Du. Madam Yan would rather let Gao Shun kill them than let them fall into the hands of the mob. Although Madam Du is very scared, She didn't come to beg her, the person who had designs on her.

Oh, no,

Su Chen was just interested in Mrs. Du's appearance.

The middle-aged man's face changed drastically when he heard Su Chen's words. He looked at Su Chen and said viciously,"You know too much, Master. Although your identity may not be simple, you can't leave. Kill me." Everyone here, the beautiful women here are at your disposal"

"kill! That woman in the yellow dress is mine"

"I want revenge for my sister! kill!"

"Haha, I have been waiting for this sentence for a long time. I don’t want to let the women here leave."

"Go ahead and snatch the beautiful beauties here"

"Kill, kill, kill, I will kill Lu Bu's wife and daughter to avenge my wife."

After hearing the middle-aged man's order, thousands of rioters in the county governor's mansion rushed toward Su Chen with weapons raised.

Su Chen looked at the rioters who were about to rush over and ordered coldly,"You Ru , summon all the shadow assassins, kill all the rioters and those quacks here"

"Yes, master!"

Shadow Assassin Youru heard Su Chen's order, and she summoned all three hundred Shadow Assassins. These Shadow Assassins who had been guarding the surroundings appeared one after another and began to slaughter the insurgents who were rushing over.

"I'm going to help too!"

Lu Lingqi saw the shadow assassins quickly dodge and slaughter the mobs one by one, and she rushed over with a spear.

"Lingqi, be careful!"Madam Yan shouted with concern when she saw Lu Lingqi rushing over.

Gao Shun stood up with the sword in his hand.

He wiped the blood and sweat on his face and said to Madam Yan,"Madam, I will protect you. Miss"

"General Gao should also be more careful."

"Madam, don't worry."

Su Chen came to Mrs. Du and looked her up and down.

Su Chen didn't give up on seeing Mrs. Du's face. The more Mrs. Du tried to evade and didn't want Su Chen to see her face, the more he wanted to see her. I'm afraid. The more you have to have, the more you want it.

Su Chen looked at the anxious Mrs. Du and asked with a smile,"Mrs. Du, I saved your life, can you let me see your face now?" Mrs. Du hurriedly bowed to Su Chen with her body trembling and said,"Thank you, Master. However, I look ugly and I'm afraid of scaring you. You better not look at me.""

"Forget it, I won’t watch it."

Su Chen looked at Mrs. Du's worried look and shook her head.

This Mrs. Du is too cautious.

Su Chen is not willing to force others to do anything. Anyway, as long as Mrs. Du stays with him, what will happen to him in the future? Opportunity to see Mrs. Du’s face


Mrs. Yan looked at Su Chen and Mrs. Du and was very speechless.

They were fighting next to them, but Su Chen was still in the mood to tease Mrs. Du. This made Mrs. Yan look at Su Chen and think that this bastard was also a pervert. Embryos.

In the open space in the backyard of the Sheriff's Mansion, there were more and more corpses of rioters, and there was a lot of blood on the clothes of the Shadow Assassins. This person made Su Chen frown when he looked at Zou.

His Shadow Assassins They are all delicate beauties, and now that the disgusting blood is stuck on their bodies, Su Chen feels very uncomfortable.

"System, deploy five thousand black armored cavalry in the governor's mansion."Su Chen said to the communication system while watching the fighting in the Sheriff's Mansion.

Su Chen also felt that just relying on the Shadow Assassins to kill these rioters was making a fuss. The Shadow Assassins had to deal with some powerful enemies and let the delicate beauties like the Shadow Assassins massacre them. Su Chen doesn't want his shadow beauties to get all dirty with these gangsters.

"Ding, five thousand black armored cavalry have been deployed."

Dong dong dong dong.......

The sound of horse hooves suddenly came over, and the fighting mobs and shadow assassins also stopped fighting. The mobs retreated one after another, and the shadow assassins guarded Su Chen and looked around vigilantly.

Dong Dong Dong Dong.......

After a while, cavalry in black armor appeared in the backyard, and more and more cavalry in black armor came to the backyard of the county governor's house.

The middle-aged men in the crowd were very surprised when they saw the black-armored cavalry appearing.

How could these powerful black-armored troops appear in Xiapi County?

Their organization had a clear grasp of Xiapi County. There could not be such elite black-armored cavalry in Xiapi City, but thousands of black-armored cavalry appeared here. This made the middle-aged man very confused and shocked..

Women such as Gao Shun, Mrs. Yan, and Lu Lingqi were also very surprised when they saw the black armored cavalry appearing. They did not know whether these black armored cavalry were enemies or friends. If these elite black armored cavalry were enemies, then everyone here would probably flee. No more

"Black Armored Cavalry Legion, Legion Commander Wang Ling meets the Young Master!"

"See Young Master."

When the black-armored cavalry saw Su Chen, they all dismounted and knelt down to salute Su Chen.

"Get up, everyone!"

"Thanks, sir!"

"Commander Wang Ling, order your black-armored army to destroy these rioters."

"Yes, sir!"

"Youru, go kill those Jianghu people among the chaos."

"Yes, master!"

"The crossbow is ready, let go!"Commander Wang Ling looked at the rioters expressionlessly, and then ordered the black-armored cavalry, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish......

As the crossbows began to shoot, the rioters without shields were shot one after another like living targets. Each of the rioters was shot directly through the crossbows and died without even letting out a scream.

"Run, these are the imperial troops, we are no match at all!"

"Run away, run away quickly, these are elite troops, we will all die here if we don’t run away."

"Oh my God, why are there imperial troops? we were lied to"

"Retreat, all retreat, we will die if we stay."

The rioters shouted and turned around, trying to escape from the county governor's house quickly. They were no match for the heavily armed army.

"Prepare your spear, charge into formation, charge to kill!"

"kill! kill! kill!"

The black-armored cavalry will not let these rebels escape.

Su Chen's order is to wipe out all these rebels. The black-armored cavalry must drive these rebels to death.

Madam Yan, Lu Lingqi, Gao Shun, and even Madam Du are still acting like The other women next to them looked confused.

Madam Yan and the others did not expect that these black-armored cavalry were Su Chen's army, but how did these troops come to the county governor's mansion?

When did Su Chen Mobilizing a large army to come to Xiapi County?

All this puzzled them.

Madam Yan came back to her senses.

She patted her heaving chest and asked Su Chen in surprise,"Mr. Su, these are the Xuantian Empire." army?"

"That's right, you don't think that I will come to the Northern Continent without an escort army, right?"

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