Duan Chengtian didn't know why Su Chen asked these questions, but he had to answer Su Chen's questions.

Fortunately, these questions were not the core secrets of the bad guy. Duan Chengtian told Su Chen that the bad guy would not be able to punish him if he knew about it later. he.

When Su Chen heard Duan Chengtian's words, he shook his head and said,

"You are too naive. Do you think that if you capture Lu Bu's wife and daughter, Lu Bu will obey your orders?"

"A slave with a third family name!"

"Or will a capricious villain care about his wife and daughter?"

"Lu Bu values ​​power more than anything else. Even if he seizes Yanzhou from now on, he won't be able to let you manipulate him at will."

Although Su Chen said this, he still hoped that Li Shimin could control Lu Bu.

As long as Li Shimin stopped hiding and even dragged the bad guys into the open, it would be much easier for him to deal with Li Shimin or bad guys in the future.

, and it would be good for Li Shimin and the bad guys to fall into the big pit in Yanzhou. It can let Li Shimin, the bad guys, Lu Bu, Cao Cao, they fight happily in Yanzhou, and Su Chen can also sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

When Duan Chengtian heard Su Chen's words, he replied,"This is not something I should take care of. I am just following orders.""

"Duan Chengtian, what is the strength of your bad handsome Yuan Tiangang?"

"I don’t know. The bad guy Yuan Tiangang is very mysterious. I haven’t seen the bad guy take action in the past decades."

"You can leave, but you'd better not expose my identity. Luo Xiaobei's life and death is in your hands, you have to remember."

Su Chen heard that Duan Chengtian was also unclear about Yuan Tiangang's strength.

Although he didn't know whether Duan Chengtian was lying, he didn't care.

Su Chen also threatened Duan Chengtian and prepared to let him go.

"I see!"

"Yan Ying, let him go!"

Yan Ying unlocked Duan Chengtian's acupuncture points after hearing Su Chen's words.

After Duan Chengtian left quickly,

Yan Ying looked at Su Chen and wanted to know what he would do in the future, and why Su Chen would let one of the bad guys go. A powerful lieutenant?

Su Chen looked at Yan Ying's confused eyes and ignored her. Among the bad guys, Tian Suxing Duan Chengtian was a pretty good person. Su Chen also wanted to keep Duan Chengtian to get some information later. It was almost evening. By that time, the rioters in the county governor's mansion had been wiped out, and Su Chen, escorted by the black-armored cavalry, also left the county governor's mansion in a carriage. There were a lot of rioters in Xiapi City, but facing the black-armored cavalry, There was no way to fight back the attack, and Su Chen was easily escorted by the black-armored cavalry and left Xiapi City. In the evening, after leaving Xiapi City for dozens of miles,

Su Chen ordered the black-armored cavalry to set up camp on the spot.

A In the tent,

Su Chen looked at Madam Yan and the other girls in the tent and said to Gao Shun,"Gao Shun, take the women in the other carriages to Yanzhou to find Lu Bu."

"Where are the madam and the young lady?"

Gao Shun looked at Mrs. Yan and Lu Lingqi and asked Su Chen doubtfully,

"They want to go to Jingzhou with me."

Gao Shun objected with a serious face when he heard Su Chen's words,"No, Mr. Su, I was ordered to protect Xiapi City and my wife and young lady. Now that Xiapi City has been lost, I can't let you take them away. Madam and Mademoiselle.

Lu Lingqi pulled Mrs. Yan and yelled angrily,"Bastard Su, why should I leave with you?" I'm going to Yanzhou to help my father"

"It's up to you, but your mother must leave with me"

"Shameless pervert, do you want to die?"Lu Lingqi didn't expect Su Chen to say this. How could she leave her mother alone with this pervert?

Lu Lingqi held a spear in her hand and wanted to kill this shameless pervert with one shot.

When Su Chen saw Lu Lingqi was about to take action, he He shook his head and explained,

"Lu Lingqi, I am saving your mother and you. Yanzhou will be very chaotic in the future."

"Your father Lu Bu, the local gentry in Yanzhou, the bad guys, Li Shimin, Cao Cao, these forces will all fight to the death in Yanzhou in the future."

"What do you think your father's chances are of winning?"


Lu Lingqi was speechless when she heard Su Chen's words.

Her father was probably the weakest person in Yanzhou.

Lu Lingqi also learned about the conspiracy of bad guys on the way. Cao Cao was powerful, and there were many masters of bad guys, even in Yanzhou. The local nobles are probably not weak either.

Even if Lu Bu obtains Yanzhou with the help of some Yanzhou nobles, it will be very difficult to hold Yanzhou.

Madam Yan looked at Su Chen and stood up and said to Gao Shun,"General Gao, please take the family members and maids and leave. We will wait for you in Jingzhou to take us back."

Gao Shun heard Madam Yan's words. He hesitated for a moment and saluted,"Okay.".......Well, madam, you and the young lady take care of yourself."

Gao Shun is also helpless.

There are Su Chen's five thousand black-armored cavalry here. Even those masked women in black are not something he can deal with. It is impossible for him to save Madam Yan and Lu Lingqi.

"General Gao, be careful all the way!"

"Madam, you and the young lady should take more care in the future!"

In the tent, after Gao Shun left,

Madam Yan, Lu Lingqi, and even Yan Ying looked at Su Chen with unkind eyes.

Su Chen left Madam Yan and her daughter behind, and even Madam Du and the six maids. This made them unable to guess what Su Chen was going to do. They all guessed that Su Chen was definitely not just trying to protect them.

Su Chen touched his nose and said to the girls,"Go back and rest. I want to rest too.""

"Bastard, you can sleep to death."

Lu Lingqi glared at Su Chen and pulled Mrs. Yan out of the tent.

Yan Ying did not leave.

She looked at Su Chen and smiled and asked,

"Now you can tell me your true identity. But there is no one else. Don't give me any other reasons not to tell me."

Su Chen walked to Yan Ying and reached out to take off her veil.

He looked at Yan Ying's peerless appearance and smiled and said,

"My last name is Su!"

"I know your bastard’s last name is Su. I want to know your true identity........You, you, are not a member of the royal family of the Xuantian Empire, are you?"

Yan Ying originally heard Su Chen's words and thought he was playing tricks on her again, but she suddenly thought that the emperor of the Xuantian Empire also had the surname Su, which made her look at Su Chen very surprised.

Su Chen smiled and provoked Yan Ying Ying's delicate little chin said,"You guessed half of it right, it's a bit close.""

"What is your identity?"Yan Ying opened Su Chen's hand and stared at this bastard and asked,

"My surname is Su, Su from the Xuantian Empire!"

"Haha, are you going to laugh me to death? You don’t mean to say that you are the emperor of the Xuantian Empire, do you? Bastard, why didn't you say you were the Jade Emperor?"

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