Su Yan looked at Huang Yueying and the other girls who looked ugly and smiled.

Although she didn't know if Huang Yueying and the others could deal with his father, there was no other way. Now they could only treat the dead horse as a living doctor.

Su Yan sat down again and said seductively,

"Don't worry, my father won't use force on you. Although my father likes beautiful women, you may not fall into my father's eyes."

"Although you are all very beautiful, you all have no strength at all. A woman without strength is just a vase."

"You can think about it, you are very beautiful now, but what about decades from now? You will age completely, and no matter how beautiful a woman is, she will eventually turn into a pile of withered bones."

"As for my father's women, none of them are powerful women. They are all powerful women in the Grand Master, Heaven and Human Realm, and even the Golden Core Realm. The lowest cultivation realms are all Grand Masters."

"They will all look young in the future"

"Can even live for hundreds or thousands of years"

"I am also giving you a chance. If you can get my father's love, and my father has the Beauty Pill and the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fruit in his hands, you will also have immortal appearance and a long lifespan in the future."

After Huang Yueying and the others heard Su Yan's words, they all looked at this cunning little girl with evil eyes.

They knew clearly that Su Yan was tempting them, but Su Yan's temptation was too attractive. His appearance would not age for hundreds of years


, or even a life span of thousands of years?

If an ordinary woman would definitely agree to this without hesitation, no!

I am afraid that based on the status of the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire,

99% of the women in the world will agree.

Not to mention those attractive conditions

"We won’t agree, so you don’t have to tempt us anymore. Huang Yueying said to Su Yan with a look of helplessness.

Cai Yan also said resolutely,"I won't agree either. You'd better give up on this idea.""

"us.....Our sisters will not agree either."Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao also shook their heads and refused.

Su Yan smiled and took a sip of tea and said,

"This is not up to you. If you don’t agree, what about your parents? If they knew my father's identity and also knew that I was going to send you to the Black Bird Palace, do you think your parents would object? Or will I personally deliver you to my father?"

Huang Yueying and the others' expressions changed dramatically when they heard Su Yan's words.

They thought that based on Su Yan's status in Jingzhou, their parents might not be able to object to such a good thing.

What's more, Su Yan is the eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire, and her father He is the emperor of the Xuantian Empire again.

If their parents knew this, I am afraid their parents would be eager to let Su Yan take them into the palace.

"Someone coming"


"Speed ​​up and go to Xuzhou City"

"Yes, miss!"

Su Yan looked at the contemplative Huang Yueying and the girls and smiled and ordered. She no longer avoids it. She can't avoid it. As long as his father decides to look for her, Su Yan can't avoid it no matter what.


Xuzhou has now completely become a gathering place for many parties.

Cao Cao's army is massacring the city, Liu Bei has no choice but to surrender to Cao Cao, the people of Xuzhou are fleeing for their lives, and Jingzhou's black-armored army is rushing to help Xuzhou.

There is also the arrival of Madam Ding's four daughters. ,

Gai Nie and the five sisters of the Zhen family are also passing through Xuzhou. Su Yan, Huang Yueying and the other girls are also going to Xuzhou City. Su Chen's orders in Guangling City are massacring Cao Cao's army. The counties and counties in Xuzhou are now very uneasy..

On an official road, two carriages were driving alone on the official road.

In the carriages were Su Chen and Mrs. Yan, who were riding to Jingzhou. After Yan Ying and Lu Lingqi left with five thousand black-armored cavalry, the carriage was also driven. It could only be Madam Yan's maids.

In the carriage,

Madam Yan shouted angrily when she saw Su Chen sitting next to her,"Stay away from me, damn it, I've already massaged your shoulders, you don't want to Too much."

Su Chen touched his nose and said hurriedly,"Don't get me wrong, I just want to discuss something with you. Besides, Mrs. Du is massaging me now, so I won't pay attention to you anymore."

"you say."

Mrs. Yan saw Mrs. Du massaging Su Chen with a red face.

She glared at Su Chen and shouted, this bastard has been messing around when he set out, and even threatened her and Mrs. Du at every turn. She and Mrs. Du They were very helpless before agreeing to give this bastard a massage, which made them very embarrassed.

Su Chen smiled and teased Madam Yan,"Can you give me a massage every day from now on?""

"You dream, I will never give you a massage again as a bastard." Mrs. Yan yelled angrily when she heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen smiled and said seriously,

"Haha, I was just kidding, Mrs. Yan, I hope that after arriving in Jingzhou, you and Mrs. Du can help me teach my daughter some etiquette, as well as those camellia flowers, tea art and other self-cultivation skills. Mrs.

Yan asked Su Chen in confusion,"Your daughter is a princess, will she have no one to teach her these things?""

Mrs. Du also stopped the massage and looked at Su Chen in surprise. She also wanted to know why Su Chen said this. Doesn't a princess know any etiquette? This is simply impossible.

Su Chen saw Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Du Everyone looked at him in confusion, which made Su Chen a little embarrassed.

Su Yan was a crazy girl. Although she knew etiquette and the importance of things, Su Chen wanted Su Yan to learn to be quieter in the future and not to be secretive at all times. Run out and cause trouble,

"Ahem, my daughter is quite naughty. She has never learned these things. Now my daughter is like a wild child and runs away from home at every turn. Her mother and I are both worried about her."

"hehe......., I think your daughter is the trouble maker just like you."

"Madam Yan, your daughter Lu Lingqi is not very good either. She is more interested in fighting and killing. Your daughter is a tomboy."

When Mrs. Yan heard Su Chen say that her daughter didn't look like a girl, she said to Su Chen unkindly,

"Humph, my daughter is like a woman, but she is like your daughter. Your daughter is a prince at a young age, and she is also a powerful prince. But I heard that Miss Yan from Jingzhou orders the army to massacre other princes at every turn."

"And this thing?"

Su Chen asked in surprise when he heard Mrs. Yan's words.

Mrs. Yan glanced at Su Chen and explained,

"This is true. When the 19 princes were fighting against Dong, your daughter was at the princes' alliance. Gongsun Zan of Youzhou provoked your daughter, but your daughter ordered the army to destroy Gongsun Zan and his army in public."

"I'll do it! Is my daughter so fierce? Darling, this is exactly like me. Well, she is my daughter after all."Su Chen did not expect that Su Yan would destroy a prince when he first arrived in the Northern Continent.

Gongsun Zan of Youzhou was also unlucky enough.

Gongsun Zan did not die in the hands of Yuan Shao, but was killed by his daughter Su Yan.

Su Chen also treated Su Yan Yan was surprised and speechless.

Su Yan was becoming more and more like a queen.

Although this was a good thing,

Su Yan was still too young.

Su Chen just wanted Su Yan to have a good childhood. He didn't want Su Yan to be like this. When I was young, I did these things of beating and killing.

"You are so in love, you will have a headache sometimes after having a daughter like this."

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