After Yan Ying left with the army, Bu Jingyun looked at Nie Feng who still looked lost and reminded him,"Nie Feng, let's go back. Let's forget about this mission."

Bu Jingyun Although he didn't know what happened between Nie Feng and Yan Ying, he had some understanding from the conversation just now, but Bu Jingyun didn't expect that Nie Feng would take action against his mother for his father.

After this, Bu Jingyun looked at Nie Feng with great disdain.

Not only did Nie Feng not object to what his father did, he actually helped his father do those disgusting things. This caused a huge change in Bu Jingyun's attitude towards Nie Feng.

"Let's leave!"

Kong Ci looked at Nie Feng and said, she has also changed some things about Nie Feng now. Nie Feng even attacked his mother. This can only be said that Nie Feng is too pedantic.

Nie Feng is also in her heart now. A person who does not distinguish between right and wrong, or even a person who does not care about right or wrong for one purpose.

Nie Feng suddenly said with a gloomy face,"I am going to Lingyun Cave, and I want to tell my father these things."

Bu Jingyun was very surprised when he heard Nie Feng's words.

Nie Feng's father had gone crazy. If Lingyun Cave hadn't been able to trap King Nie, I'm afraid many people in the world would have been massacred by the crazy King Nie.

But now Nie Feng actually wants to let his father, King Nie, out of Lingyun Cave. Does he want his father to kill his mother? Or does Nie Feng think that his father is invincible and even the Xuantian Empire doesn't care?

Bu Jingyun looked at Nie Feng and asked He said very angrily,

"Nie Feng, are you crazy? Are you going to watch your parents kill each other? Or do you want your father killed? It’s not like you don’t know how powerful the Xuantian Empire is. If your crazy father kills your mother, do you think the Xuantian Empire will let your father go? You're a fucking moron. Nie

Feng clenched his fist and said resolutely,"I don't care, I will ask my father to arrest my mother and return to Lingyun Cave.""

Nie Feng felt very resentful when she thought of her mother getting married again. His mother Yan Ying can only belong to his father. This is a fact that cannot be changed, a fact that no one can change.

Bu Jingyun heard Nie Feng's words He yelled angrily,"You're such an idiot. I don't care about you anymore. I hope you won't regret the decision you made today.""

Kong Ci also persuaded Nie Feng on the side,

"Nie Feng, you are such a selfish villain. Your parents have separated. Your mother is free to decide who she will be with in the future. If you do this, you are bound to cause a huge tragedy. Nie

Feng blushed and shouted to Kong Ci and Bu Jingyun,"Those are my father and mother, not your parents. If it were you, would you like to see this?""

Kong Ci threw down his sleeves with an angry look and said,"You......You are simply unreasonable, Bu Jingyun, let’s leave. I don’t want to see this person who doesn’t distinguish between right and wrong now."

"Let's leave!"

After Nie Feng saw Bu Jingyun and Kong Ci leaving, he looked at the direction Yan Ying left, and then walked away in the other direction with a determined look.

He would not let his mother fall into the arms of other men. Regardless of whether that man is the emperor of the Xuantian Empire, his father is a powerful master of the Heavenly Realm. Nie Feng believes that his father can bring his mother back. At night, a piece of grass next to the official road in Xuzhou On the way, Su Chen, Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Du rested here. There was no village in front of it or a shop in the back, so they could only spend the night in the wild.

After the maid prepared the meal,

Su Chen and Mrs. Yan They started eating by the river, but Su Chen occupied a large area by himself. Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Du were sitting far away from Su Chen as if Su Chen were a tiger.

Su Chen looked far away from him The two girls far away were speechless and said,

"I said, is this what you are doing? I want you to sleep with me. Do you think you can escape?"

Mrs. Yan looked at Su Chen with disdain and said,"Tsk! Who do you think you are? Don’t think I didn’t see what you did secretly to Mrs. Du in the carriage."

When Mrs. Du heard Mrs. Yan's words, she lowered her head in shame.

She didn't expect that all the things Su Chen did to her would be discovered by Mrs. Yan, which made Mrs. Du feel ashamed to see others.

Mrs. Du It was also during the afternoon break that she was teased by this bastard for a while. She didn't expect that Mrs. Yan would discover this matter.

Su Chen looked at Mrs. Du and lowered her head in shame and asked with a smile,"So you were pretending to be resting in the carriage?"

"Do I dare to rest peacefully while you, a bastard, am here?"Mrs. Yan glared at Su Chen and said angrily.

Su Chen took a sip of wine and said with a smile,"I'll do it! Madam Yan, keep going, I want to see how many days you can go without rest."

"what are you up to?"

Mrs. Yan asked worriedly when she heard Su Chen's words.

"Didn't you say I was a bastard? If you take a rest, be careful if I show up uninvited."

"You are shameless!"

"Ha ha......"

Su Chen and Mrs. Yan finished the outdoor picnic noisily.

When they were about to take a rest,

Su Chen directly pulled the panicked Mrs. Du into the carriage, and Mrs. Yan blushed when she saw this and hurried to the back. carriage, she didn't want to stay in the same carriage with that bastard again

"what are you up to? Let me go."

In the carriage,

Mrs. Du was pulled into the carriage by Su Chen. She was about to leave the carriage in a hurry. She did not dare to stay alone in the carriage with Su Chen, but Su Chen controlled her tightly. No matter how hard Mrs. Du struggled, it was of no avail.

"Rest of course."Su Chen took Mrs. Du and poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

When Mrs. Du heard what Su Chen said, her face changed drastically and she shouted,"Let me go, I'll go and rest with Mrs. Yan.""

"That won't work, there are no pillows in the carriage, you have to be my pillow."Su Chen smiled and shook his head and said.

Su Chen didn't want to do anything to Mrs. Du, but he thought the timid Mrs. Du was very funny. He also joked with Mrs. Du to scare this timid person. Mrs. Du, the rat.

Mrs. Du took out a dagger directly from her sleeve and said nervously,"Don't do this. If you do this again, I will commit suicide immediately.""

"I'll do it! You're still carrying a weapon? Do you want to kill the king?"

Su Chen was very speechless when he saw Mrs. Du taking out a dagger.

He and Mrs. Du had been fighting all the way, but Su Chen didn't realize that Mrs. Du actually had a dagger hidden.

What did Mrs. Du do? Where is the dagger hidden? Su Chen looked at Mrs. Du's turbulent mountain peaks. He didn't think the dagger was hidden there, right?

After hearing Su Chen's words, Mrs. Du waved her hand hurriedly and said,"I......I don't, I just......I'm just protecting myself, I just want to protect myself, I'm not trying to kill you."


The dagger in Mrs. Du's hand was snatched away by Su Chen in an instant.

After Su Chen put the dagger into the system space, he hugged Mrs. Du again and said with a smile,

"Mrs. Du, the night is long, how do you think I should punish you?"

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