Su Chen just wanted to tease Po Meng, oh!

No, it's Shi Yao.

Su Chen didn't expect that Queen Guo next to him would directly pinch his waist, and pinch her hard.

This made Su Chen look at Queen Guo and was very speechless.

Queen Guo didn't expect that Su Chen would be so out of tune. These people came to kill this bastard and his daughter, but this bastard was still teasing an old woman, even an ugly-looking old woman.

Queen Guo didn't expect that this bastard Su Chen would have such strong taste.

This bastard was so hungry that he couldn't choose what to eat.

"Boy, can you tell me about Shi Yao?"Mother Meng was very wary of Su Chen.

This bastard would actually molest her.

Does this bastard really know that she is Shi Yao?

Su Chen sensed that there was no movement in Xuzhou City, and he was not in a hurry to go. To save Su Yan, it only took a moment for Su Chen to go to Xuzhou.

He decided to deal with Meng, uh!

Shi Yao first.

"Shi Yao! I don’t know you, I just said a random name. Po Meng, do you believe what I said?"

"Do you think I would believe it?"Meng Po looked at Su Chen with an expression like"You're kidding me."

After Su Chen stood up from the ground, he ordered Po Meng with a serious face,"You will believe it, Po Meng, kill these. Masters of the Xuanming Sect, you should understand what I mean."

After Su Chen helped Zhen Mi completely absorb Zhu Guo's spiritual power, he wanted Po Meng to kill the Xuanming Sect master here. If Po Meng didn't want to expose her identity, Su Chen believed that Po Meng would do what he said. Do

"Ha ha......."

The masters of the Xuanming Sect laughed when they heard Su Chen's words. They did not expect that Su Chen would say this.

How could Po Meng from the Xuanming Sect kill them?

This young man must have been frightened out of his mind.

"you sure?"

Mother Meng stared at Su Chen expressionlessly and asked coldly,

"Very sure! sky....Yu!"

Su Chen smiled and said to Po Meng, and Tianyou is the title of Tianyou Star, one of the thirty-six captains of bad guys, Su Chen believed that Po Meng would understand what he meant.


Po Meng suddenly faced The master of the Xuanming Sect next to her took action, and her magic dragon sword directly killed four or five masters of the Xuanming Sect next to her.

Po Meng looked at the four black and white impermanence and the judge of water and fire next to her, and she had a cold and serious look on her face. The order said,"Black and white are impermanent, judge of water and fire, kill these people.""

"Yes, Po Meng!"

After Black and White Wuchang and Judge Shuihuo heard Meng Po's order, they hurriedly took action against the other masters of Xuan Ming Sect.

They were directly subordinate to Meng Po, and they were 100% obedient to all Meng Po's orders. The masters of the Xuanming Sect were very panicked when they saw Po Meng killing their people.

A leader of the Xuanming Sect, holding a scimitar, nervously threatened Po Meng,"Pomo Meng, are you going to rebel? We are the subordinates of the Ghost King"


Meng Po ordered with a cold look, boom boom....... bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump......

The four great masters, Black and White Wuchang and Judge Water and Fire, took action against the members of the Xuanming Sect one after another.

They are all great masters.

The masters of the Xuanming Sect are no match for the four of them. The followers of the Xuanming Sect are constantly being killed by them.

Queen Guo and Zhen Mi, who opened their eyes, stared blankly at the Xuanming Sect members who were killing each other. They did not expect that Su Chen just said a few words casually, but that Meng Po of the Xuanming Sect really obeyed Su Chen's orders.

This made looking at Su Chen feel incredible.

Queen Guo looked worried and asked Su Chen in a low voice,"Su Chen, Po Meng from the Xuanming Sect doesn't really like you, right?"


Su Chen looked at Po Meng when he heard Queen Guo's words and replied.

Su Chen believed that Po Meng also heard what Queen Guo said.

He also wanted to see how Po Meng would react.

Queen Guo looked at Su Chen with a serious face. warned,"What maybe? You can't have that ugly old woman"

"This may be a bit difficult."

Su Chen touched his chin and said with a smile.

Queen Guo grabbed Su Chen's clothes angrily and cursed,"What the hell, you won't be so greedy as to give in to this ugly old woman, right?"

Queen Guo guessed that Su Chen would never be interested in that ugly old woman, but she couldn't tell if this bastard was in danger.

If Po Meng from the Xuanming Sect threatened Su Chen, this bastard might really give in. That ugly old woman Meng Po

"Hmm, I think so, Queen Guo, he must be greedy for life and afraid of death."Zhen Mi nodded beside her and agreed very much with what Queen Guo said.

Zhen Mi felt that Su Chen was the emperor of an empire. Emperors are bastards who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Su Chen definitely doesn't want to die. If this bastard doesn't want to die, He would definitely give in to that ugly old woman.

At this moment,

Po Meng's head was full of veins and she was holding her crutch tightly. She wanted to kill this shameless man and those two damn women.

Although Po Meng didn't know How did this bastard know her identity, but she would fall in love with this shameless bastard?

This pretty boy is just being pretentious

"Zhen Mi, why do I think you are so brave today? Do you think I won’t do anything to you?"Su Chen hugged Zhen Mi, lifted her chin and threatened.

Su Chen felt that Zhen Mi let herself go when she had a stomachache. At first, Su Chen thought Zhen Mi had a stomachache, so he didn't pay attention to it. But Zhen Mi still dared to arrange herself in this way even when her stomach didn't hurt. Su Chen decided to teach Zhen Mi a lesson, as her character started to be free and easy.

"what you do? Let me go."Zhen Mi was so frightened when Su Chen hugged her that she struggled and trembled,

"do what? What do you think?"

Su Chen said and hugged Zhen Mi and started to kiss her.

Although Su Chen had no interest in Zhen Mi as a vase before, Zhen Mi is a beautiful woman after all, and after Zhen Mi ate the red fruit, Zhen Mi Now she is a master master.


Zhen Mi is just an empty master master now.

After all, she has not practiced any martial arts secrets.

Su Chen thinks that Zhen Mi will be allowed to practice some martial arts secrets in the future. He believes in Zhen Mi. He will also become a good master in the future. After all, Su Chen wasted a precious fruit, and Zhen Mi can only repay it with her own body.

"Shameless pervert, what are you going to do? Queen Guo yelled angrily when she saw Su Chen kissing Zhen Mi.

Su Chen let go of Zhen Mi and said to Queen Guo with a smile,"What are you doing?" Find you a sister, your body is too weak"

"you......You are shameless!"Queen Guo cursed in shame and anger after hearing Su Chen's words.

Queen Guo thought about how she had been tortured by Su Chen before. She also felt that she couldn't bear the harm of this bastard.


Queen Guo thought she was going crazy.

How could she You can think of those shameless things.


Po Meng held the magic dragon sword and knocked on the ground hard and threatened,"Boy, stop flirting. Have you figured out how to die?" You can't threaten me anymore"

"Shi Yao, do you really want to kill me? I'm very handsome, aren't you tempted at all?"

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