In a messy yard in Xuzhou City, two girls, Zhen Mi and Queen Guo, were very frightened when they saw the strange phenomena in the sky. The lightning and thunder in the sky seemed like the end of the world, and the lightning over the Zhou Mu Mansion Thunder is even more frightening.

Zhen Mi looked at the worried Queen Guo and said comfortingly,"Miss Guo, don't worry, Su Chen is so powerful that nothing will happen to him."


Although Zhen Mi didn't want Su Chen to be killed, she really hoped that the bastard Su Chen would be beaten and bedridden.

Zhen Mi had not forgotten Su Chen's insult to her.

"Maybe, we also leave Xuzhou City, it doesn't look safe here."Queen Guo nodded when she heard Zhen Mi's words. She looked at the terrifying black lightning in the sky and hurriedly grabbed Zhen Mi and said,


"You can't leave."

At this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared here and said coldly.

Queen Guo shouted nervously when she saw someone coming,


"It's me, the old woman."Meng Po walked out of the darkness with a cane. She looked at Zhen Mi and Queen Guo with her ugly face and said. When

Queen Guo saw Po Meng coming, she exclaimed,"Meng Po? you......How come you are here?"

Meng Po pretended to be gloomy and threatened,"Jie Jie, old lady, no one I want to track can escape. I am Po Meng in the underworld!"

Queen Guo and Zhen Mi were frightened when they saw Po Meng's gloomy look.

They kept retreating back in fear.


Queen Guo thought of what Su Chen said, which made her look at Po Meng again and pretend to be calm. sneered,

"Shi Yao, you don't have to pretend to be a ghost. Su Chen has told us everything about you. Don't you find it disgusting that you are a beautiful woman pretending to be a disgusting old woman?"

When Po Meng heard Queen Guo's words, she angrily cursed in a clear voice,"That damn bastard, I must kill him with my own hands."

Zhen Mi and Queen Guo felt incredible when they heard Po Meng's crisp voice.

Po Meng's voice was also so nice.

If Po Meng didn't still have the face of an ugly old woman, they would definitely think that Po Meng had a very young appearance. Beautiful woman.

Zhen Mi and Queen Guo also believed what Su Chen said.

Po Meng had indeed changed her appearance.

Possibly Po Meng was actually a beautiful woman.

Queen Guo pulled Zhen Mi and was about to leave and said,"cough! Su Chen is at the Prefectural Mufu. Go and kill him. We are leaving."


When Po Meng saw Queen Guo and Zhen Mi were about to leave, she ducked and quickly tapped the acupoints of Queen Guo and Zhen Mi,"Want to leave? You are overthinking. With you in my hands, I don’t believe that that bastard won’t come to save you unless he doesn’t want you two beautiful ladies anymore."

"I'm not that bastard's wife."Zhen Mi hurriedly explained after hearing what Po Meng said.

Po Meng looked at Zhen Mi with disbelief. Zhen Mi was very beautiful. She was also the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Po Meng didn't believe Su Chen. How could that perverted person handle this stunning Zhen Mi?

"Do you think I will believe you?"

Zhen Mi saw that Po Meng didn't believe it, so she continued to explain anxiously,"Mr. Meng, I'm really not that bastard woman."

Queen Guo looked at Zhen Mi beside her and didn't say anything.

Although Zhen Mi was really not Su Chen's woman, she felt that Po Meng would not believe that a beautiful woman was with that pervert Su Chen, or even Even hugging each other.

If it were her, it would be impossible for Queen Guo to believe what Zhen Mi said.

"You really aren't?"


"Then there is no use keeping you, you might as well die."Meng Po looked at Zhen Mi with disdain and was about to kill Zhen Mi with the magic dragon sword.

Po Meng didn't believe Zhen Mi's words. This beautiful beauty must be trying to find a way to inform the pervert.

What's the matter with Po Meng? She might be fooled by Zhen Mi.

Zhen Mi was sure that Meng Po wanted to kill her, which made Zhen Mi cry and hurriedly admitted,"Wait a minute."...Wait, I am, I am that asshole’s wife."

When Po Meng heard that Zhen Mi admitted that she was Su Chen's wife, she snorted coldly and warned Zhen Mi,"Hmph, if you dare to make me angry again, I will kill you directly."

"I.....I don't dare anymore."Zhen Mi nodded hurriedly as if she was hopeless.

Zhen Mi now hates that bastard Su Chen.

Not only was she humiliated by Su Chen today, but she was even implicated and caught by Po Meng.

Zhen Mi thought about how much she would suffer in the future. Later


Po Meng directly kidnapped Queen Guo and Zhen Mi. Now the city of Xuzhou was very scary, and she did not dare to stay in the city. Those black lightnings were also a great threat to her.

At this moment, the people of the entire Xuzhou City fled towards the four city gates. The black thunder and lightning and the terrifying atmosphere in the sky above the Xuzhou City made the people of the entire Xuzhou City very nervous. panic.

For a time, the entire Xuzhou City was in chaos.




The entire Xuzhou City was completely in chaos.

In the Prefectural Mufu, women like the Empress Li Maozhen and Le Bingyun They also looked at the vision in the sky in horror. This terrifying aura that was about to destroy the world made them feel very frightened.

"Everyone get out of town!"

Empress Li Maozhen looked at Su Chen in the air and ordered hurriedly with a dark face,

"Yes, Princess!"

When Le Bingyun and the others heard Li Maozhen's words, they quickly left the Prefectural Shepherd's Mansion.

"Want to escape? You are dead this time."

Li Maozhen suddenly saw Chi Gui and Chi Ye running away quickly, which made her even more angry.

She was a little angry when Su Chen made such a big noise. Although Li Maozhen couldn't fight against Su Chen, these two She wanted to take out the evil demons on them.

At this moment,

Su Chen was also very confused.

He didn't expect that his Divine Sword Controlling Thunder Art would be so powerful this time.

If he didn't control it quickly , The scope,

I am afraid that the entire Xuzhou City will be destroyed by him.

Ghost King Zhu Youwen is about to cry now.

He was about to escape after Su Chen caused such a terrifying vision, but he did not expect that he was locked by Su Chen.

Ghost King Zhu Youwen He just wants to escape until he can't escape now

"Damn it, this must be an emperor-level skill. The emperor of the Xuantian Empire actually has an emperor-level skill. What should I do now? Now how to do?"

"Ghost King, prepare to be baptized by thunder and lightning!"Su Chen was sweating profusely and after controlling the attack range of Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhenjue, he looked at the ghost king Zhu Youwen in the Prefectural Mufu and mocked. When the ghost king Zhu Youwen saw that

Su Chen was about to launch an attack, he hurriedly begged for mercy."No! Your Majesty the Emperor, I surrender, I surrender, I can serve His Majesty the Emperor in the future, and my Xuanming Sect will also serve His Majesty the Emperor in the future."

The Ghost King doesn't think he can resist the attack of black thunder and lightning in the air.

If those terrifying black thunder and lightning start to attack him,

Ghost King Zhu Youwen will definitely be annihilated by the terrifying black thunder and lightning."

"Assassinating my daughter is an unforgivable crime. You should prepare to enjoy my black thunder and lightning baptism."

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