Su Chen was even more speechless after hearing what the bandit said.

Didn't the bandit say"I drove this mountain and planted this tree? I want to pass by here and leave money to buy the road?" 】These bandits are not professional at first glance, they are even bandits disguised as some troops.

Su Chen suddenly thought of the caravan behind him.

Are these troops disguised as bandits trying to attack the caravan?

Or are these troops coming for Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran?

A bandit leader frowned when he heard Su Chen's words.

He felt that this young man was not simple.

Most people would either cry for mercy or run for their lives when encountering bandits, but this young man did not panic at all..

When the bandit leader thought about this mission, he immediately said to Su Chen,"Boy, get out of here or we will kill you.""

"But I want to go to Yizhou, can you let me go?"Su Chen asked with a smile when he heard what the bandit leader said.

The bandit leader was confused when he heard what Su Chen said.

He didn't expect that Su Chen would say this. This young man is either a nerd or a nerd. The bandit leader, who has never seen the world, waved his hand and ordered angrily,"Wishful thinking, archers prepare!"

"Holy shit! I can't get over it."Su Chen saw thousands of archers preparing to shoot him, so he hurriedly turned his horse to leave.

Su Chen was not afraid of these archers, but it was not cost-effective to kill these troops disguised as bandits.

Su Chen didn't want to Help the team behind to get rid of trouble.

He planned to wait and see who would be interested in Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran?

Su Chen stopped not far from the mountain pass.

After tying the horse, he I took out some wine and food from the system space and started eating.

After a while, the convoy from behind also arrived.

When the guards of the convoy found Su Chen sitting on a boulder eating and drinking, they were all a little confused.

The convoy was passing by Su Chen. They were very cautious when traveling.

The guards all knew that this young man had a grudge against their convoy, and the young master also had a powerful guard. The guards were very worried that Su Chen would take action against them. The carriage Inside,

Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran also got the news.

They were also very confused when they saw Su Chen at the carriage window.

They had eaten just an hour ago. This bastard should have eaten at that time, but this bastard Why did he start eating leisurely again, and he seemed to be ready to watch a show?

"Stop moving forward!"

Wu Ran looked at Su Chen and ordered with a frown.

She didn't think Su Chen would take a break and eat at this time. Is there danger ahead? Or is this bastard going to take revenge on them?

"Miss, why did you stop?"

Just after the convoy was stopped by Wu Ran,

Manager Hu hurriedly came to the carriage and saluted and asked.

In the carriage,

Wu Ran stuck his head out and ordered to Manager Hu,"Manager Hu, send a team of guards to check in front."

"Yes, miss!"

"Miss Wu, do you think there is danger ahead?"Trainer Bu originally thought that Wu Ran asked the convoy to stop to deal with Su Chen, but she didn't expect that Wu Ran actually asked the guards to explore the way. She looked at Wu Ran and was very confused.

Wu Ran turned to Coach Bu with a serious face. Said,"Well, there's no way this bastard can rest now, and he seems to be sitting in the direction where he's waiting to watch some show."

"this......Are there bandits ahead?"

Trainer Bu was very surprised when she heard Wu Ran's words.

She also felt that it was very wrong for Su Chen to rest here. Could it be that this bastard stopped when he found out that there were bandits in front of him? But why didn't this bastard remind them?

Wu Ran looked around and said warily,"It's possible, this is the area of ​​100,000 Mountains, and there are a lot of bandits here. With an angry look on his face, Trainer

Bu was about to dismount and settle the score with Su Chen,"This bastard didn't even warn us about the bandits. He acted like he was watching a show. Let's go teach that bastard a lesson.""

"Wait, we asked earlier."

At this time,

Su Chen nodded after seeing the motorcade stop.

The two women in the carriage were not stupid enough. They sent guards to explore the road when they knew they had stopped, but it was in vain for them to send people to explore the road. Check it out.

If the troops disguised as bandits find the convoy stopped, those troops will definitely attack. The hundreds of guards in the convoy are no match for those elite troops.

"Mr. Su, are there bandits ahead?"After Wu Ran and Trainer Bu arrived next to Su Chen, Wu Ran asked Su Chen directly,

"Are we familiar?"

Su Chen asked while drinking.

Wu Ran didn't expect that Su Chen would say this.

This made her face instantly turn red with anger. You must know that she and Bu Lianshi are two beautiful beauties.


This bastard may not be able to tell that she is wearing a veil, but Master Bu is a stunning woman on the Northern Continent beauty rankings.

Is this bastard a blind man?


Trainer Bu walked up to Su Chen and stared at Su Chen with his hands on his hips and shouted,"Hey, how do you speak? We are just here to ask you. If you know, just say it. If you don't know, just say you don't know." You look like a quack, you think you are the emperor!"

I said!

Brother, I am an emperor, and I am also the emperor of a powerful empire.

Su Chen looked at the angry Bu Lianshi and shook his head.

Bu Lianshi is still too young and does not look mature and steady at all in the future. In history, Bu Lianshi has not A tolerant, kind and courteous woman, the current step trainer is like a little wild cat

"Why should I say that? Do you think you are a queen?"

When Master Bu heard Su Chen's words, he pointed at Su Chen angrily and shouted,"You......How dare you tease me?"

What the hell!

Why did I tease Bu Lianshi?


Emperor? Queen?

What the fuck!

Su Chen thought that Bu Lianshi likened him to be the emperor, and he also likened Bu Lianshi to the queen. What a coincidence.

Su Chen didn't expect that this could be considered teasing Trainer Bu.

Wu Ran's eyes flashed coldly when she looked at Su Chen.

She also didn't expect that this bastard turned out to be a deceiver. Su Chen's appearance and temperament were like a The noble young master did not expect that this bastard was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

At this time, a guard who ran back on horseback shouted to Wu Ran,"Miss, it's not good, thousands of people were found at the mountain pass." Bandits, and those bandits are very well-equipped."

"What? Thousands of bandits? Or a well-equipped bandit? How can this be? Aren't there some refugees who are fleeing disaster and robbing their homes? Why are there so many bandits this time?"

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