Trainer Bu was very angry when he saw Su Chen taking away the jug.

Not only did Su Chen's wine not have that spicy taste, but it was also very sweet and delicious.

It might even restore her physical strength and spirit, but this bastard was too stingy. , she just accidentally spilled some wine and refused to let her drink it. The trainer looked at Su Chen and wanted to grab the wine bottle again.

After Wu Ran handed the wine bottle in her hand to Master Bu, she looked at Su Chen and said slowly,"Mr. Su, we really have no choice this time. We only have so many of our hundreds of guards left. Otherwise, if the two armies had attacked each other, we would have been caught long ago."

Wu Ran now felt even more that Su Chen was not an ordinary person. She had never heard of such a spiritual wine, but she only drank a few sips , her physical strength not only recovered, she even no longer felt any physical fatigue.

This made Wu Ran even more suspicious of Su Chen's identity.

Su Chen shook his head and refused again,"I can't save you, and you two can't die."

Wu Ran took out a dagger and said seriously,"We know that those troops want to capture us alive, but we can't even die. Will not be kidnapped by them"

"By the way."

At this time,

Bu Chan panted and came to Su Chen's side and asked loudly,"Boy, where is your powerful guard? Let her come out to protect us quickly, and I will give you a lot of money in the future"


Su Chen glanced at Bu Chan and cursed disdainfully.

Bu Chan wiped his sweat and said angrily,"You......Do you know who I am?"

"I'm not interested in knowing"


Su Chen pointed at the troops that started running towards here and said with a smile,"You are going to die. Did you see that? Those troops will kill you as soon as they come over."

"I......I won't die, sister, you have to save me, I don't want to die."After Bu Chan heard Su Chen's words, he also saw the troops coming here. Bu Chan was so frightened that he hurried to Bu Lianshi and begged.

Bu Lianshi looked at the panicked and frightened Bu Chan. He shouted with an eyebrow,"Calm down, there's nothing terrible about death. If you die, we will die with you.""

"No, I don’t want to die, sister, aren’t those troops trying to catch you? Go talk to them and ask the troops to let me go."

"Are you asking me to be captured by those troops?"

"Sister, those troops won't kill you. You may be a general's wife in the future. Just save me. I really don't want to die."


Bu Lianshi didn't expect that her brother would say such words.

This was simply pushing her into the fire pit.

Is this still her biological brother?

Bu Lianshi slapped Bu Chan on the face and cursed angrily. Said,"Get out of my way, my step trainer doesn't have a brother like you who is greedy for life and afraid of death.""

"Sister, if you want to save me, I am your biological brother!"

Bu Lianshi ordered with a gloomy face,"Come here, control this bastard for me. If he dares to yell again, give me a hard beating."

"Yes, miss!"

"Sister, you have to save me......Oh, don't hit me. I won't bark anymore. I won't bark anymore."

When Bu Chan continued to ask Bu Lianshi for help, the surrounding guards all punched and kicked Bu Chan. The guards here also looked down on Bu Chan very much. These guards are now killed. Bu Chan was heartbroken.

Su Chen looked at this farce and smiled slightly. Bu Chan was dead this time. Even if those troops didn't kill Bu Chan, Su Chen wouldn't be able to do it again and again. Third, let this idiot who provokes you go.

"Damn it, is that funny?"Bu Lianshi asked angrily when he saw Su Chen smiling.

"certainly!"Su Chen nodded and replied,


Bu Lianshi didn't expect that Su Chen would answer so confidently.

Isn't this bastard too big to watch the fun?

Does he still want to see their siblings killing each other?

Su Chen asked angrily after hearing what Bu Lianshi said He said,"Let me tell you, little girl, you asked me this, and I answered truthfully. Why am I so shameless?""

"You are a shameless person!"

"oh! It turns out that you are still angry about that emperor and empress thing. I don’t even care. What the hell do you care about?"

"you.....You bastard."

Bu Lianshi was really helpless towards Su Chen.

This shameless bastard really wanted to piss her off. Why did she care if he didn't? This bastard was simply a scumbag.

Wu Ran shook her head and felt a headache. , when did this happen?

Why did Bu Lianshi start a quarrel with Su Chen? It was unclear whether they would live or die for a while. Did Bu Lianshi forget the crisis here when he was quarreling with this bastard?

"Miss Wu Ran, Miss Bu Lianshi, would you please come with us?"

At this time, more than a hundred soldiers from the army quickly arrived at Su Chen's place. A leading commander shouted to Wu Ran and the infantry trainer.

Wu Ran shouted to these troops with an expressionless face,"You guys. Don't waste your time, we can't go with you"

"Then don't blame us for being rude, go ahead, kill those guards, don't hurt Miss Wu and Miss Bu."The commander of the army waved his hand and ordered with a sinister look on his face,

"Yes, Captain!"

"Stop if you dare to come forward and we will kill ourselves."

"Stand back or we will kill ourselves immediately."

Wu Ran and Bu Lianshi took out their daggers and put them on their necks to threaten the troops,

"Wait, everyone, step back."

The captain was scared.

Each of these two women is more important than the other. If these two women die here, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive even if he goes back.

Su Chen looked at Wu Ran and Bu Lianshi holding daggers one by one. Driving around her neck to threaten those troops, Wu Ran couldn't see her neck clearly while wearing a veil, but Bu Lianshi's neck was very white, tender and delicate.

Su Chen teased Bu Lianshi,"Bu Lianshi, I didn't expect Your neck is quite white and tender"

"You shameless pervert, do you want to die?"Bu Lianshi yelled angrily when he heard Su Chen's words.

Bu Lianshi was already very nervous, and her hand holding the dagger was trembling, but this bastard actually looked at her neck specifically.

This The trainer who gave in was ashamed, angry and helpless.

Wu Ran and the surrounding guards were also very speechless towards Su Chen. They had knives on their necks now, but this young master actually had the intention to make a joke, which made them nervous. Feeling a little relieved,

Su Chen smiled and continued teasing,"I don't want to die! Trainer Bu, your neck is so fair and moist, I won’t suffer even if I just look at you. Besides, you are going to die, so why do you care about this?"

"Look at your sister!"

"Ahem, Trainer Bu, you said dirty words. Besides, I don’t have a sister."

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