Behind the barbarian army,

Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran saw that a war was about to start, which made them fearful again.

They are all ordinary women, and the Yizhou army does not recognize them. In case they are accidentally killed by the Yizhou army on the chaotic battlefield.

There was no place for them to cry.

Trainer Bu suddenly saw that Zhu Rong had been following Su Chen, and Su Chen had been giving instructions to the barbarian soldiers. Zhu Rong was nodding like a little woman.

Trainer Bu asked in confusion,"Sister Wu, why do you feel something different between Mr. Su and Mr. Zhu Rong when they come back? Why does Zhu Rong obey Mr. Su's words?"

Wu Ran frowned and couldn't understand,"I don't know, maybe it's Zhu Rong must rely on Su Chen to win this war!"

"Bastard Su would actually help the barbarian army attack the Central Plains army? Is this an attempt to betray us Central Plains people?"Trainer Bu clenched his little fist and looked at Su Chen and said angrily.

Wu Ran shook his head and guessed in confusion,

"This is not helping the barbarians, this is probably because Su Chen isPaul, trainer, why do I think Mr. Su may have a grudge against Zhou Mu Jiang Yuyan? This time Zhu Rong came to form an alliance with Zhou Mu Jiang Yuyan, but now there is going to be a fight. I suspect that this is caused by Mr. Su."

"No wonder, no wonder Bastard Su insisted on going to see Zhou Mu Jiang Yuyan with Zhu Rong. Did that bastard tease Zhou Mu Jiang Yuyan?"

"There's a chance that that bastard is just a shameless pervert"

"Sister Wu Ran, what should we do?"

"I don't know, I'll see what happens later."

At this moment,

Yizhou's army has already charged over, and the barbarian soldiers commanded by Su Chen have also arranged their defenses.

"Archers, shoot!"

Su Chen saw the well-equipped Yizhou army charging over. He waved his hand and shouted an order,"Swish, swish, swish.".......

After a burst of arrows shot down,

Su Chen's face darkened.

Thousands of barbarian archers did not kill a single Yizhou army.

The barbarian archers did not even hit the Yizhou army. The bows and arrows They all fell down.

The barbarian soldiers didn't even shoot at a distance of more than 150 meters?

Are these barbarian soldiers all soft-footed shrimps?

Su Chen looked at Zhu Rong beside him and shouted with a dark face,"What the hell, Zhu Rong, are these barbarians your elite army?"

Zhu Rong also yelled at Su Chen angrily,"You bastard, If you order the army to fire arrows at such a long distance, can my barbarian soldiers shoot them?"

"This is only a distance of more than 150 steps. My army can kill the enemy from more than 200 steps away. Your barbarians are too good."


Zhu Rong didn't know what to say when she heard Su Chen's words.

Her barbarian soldiers were already the best among the barbarians, but how could they compare with the elite Central Plains army?

The army in the Central Plains is well-trained.

The barbarians are people who live in the mountains and forests. It is impossible for the Central Plains people to compete with the barbarians when hunting in the mountains and forests. But with a large army fighting in the open area, the barbarians are not uniform at all. , well-equipped Central Plains army opponents.

Jiang Yuyan looked at the barbarian attacks from the high platform and smiled disdainfully.

Are these barbarian troops here to make fun of them?

The barbarian archers couldn't even shoot from a distance of 150 steps, and the barbarian army was just a few stragglers, vulnerable to a single blow.

If the barbarians hadn't been hiding in the mountains and forests,

Jiang Yuyan would have sent out a large army to destroy these barbarian scourges.

"Archers, shoot!"

Swish swish swish"......

The archers of the Yizhou army on the opposite side also fired arrows.

"Raise your shield to defend!"

After Yizhou's army also started firing arrows,

Su Chen hurriedly ordered,

Puff! Puff!

Puff! Stab! Stab! Stab!


After a shower of arrows, the barbarian army was shot and killed hundreds of people.

Although the barbarian soldiers were promptly ordered by Su Chen to raise their shields for defense, the wooden shields of the barbarian soldiers could not withstand the arrows made of refined iron. The shield was penetrated one after another as if it were made of paper.

Su Chen looked at the hundreds of barbarian soldiers who were killed by a hail of arrows and shook his head helplessly. There was no way to fight this war.

Even if the barbarian army kept retreating in defense, they would be slowly shot to death by the Yizhou army. , after a close battle, the barbarian army may collapse at the first touch.

Su Chen thought about it and looked at Jiang Yuyan and shouted with his inner strength,"Jiang Yuyan, stop your army's attack and let's negotiate.""

"Stop attacking!"

Jiang Yuyan laughed when she heard Su Chen's cry.

She didn't expect that when Su Chen bowed his head, a powerful emperor actually bowed his head to her and admitted defeat.

This made her very happy.

Jiang Yuyan also thought Do you know how Su Chen will resolve this crisis?

"Yes, Zhou Mu!"

Dong dong dong dong.......

After the war drums sounded to stop the attack, the Yizhou army hurriedly stopped charging when they heard the sound of the war drums. The Yizhou army did not retreat. Every soldier of the Yizhou army maintained their offensive formation..

When Zhu Rong heard Su Chen's words, he asked Su Chen in confusion,"Su Chen, do you want to continue negotiating with Jiang Yuyan?"

Su Chen touched the beautiful feathers on Zhu Rong's head and said helplessly,

"What if we don’t negotiate? These barbarians of yours will probably suffer heavy casualties if they are shot by the Yizhou army for a few more rounds, or even collapse if they are charged by the Yizhou army. Your army is too incompetent. Zhu

Rong said uncomfortably while holding his hands.

"How can you blame me? If they were in the mountains and forests, my barbarians would definitely fight against the Yizhou army. It’s just that in this open area, my barbarians would definitely not be the opponent of the well-equipped and well-trained regular army."

"You wait for me here. You must not take action against Yizhou's army without my order. Do you hear me?"

"I know, but you have to be careful, Jiang Yuyan is very powerful"


On the high platform,

Jiang Yuyan smiled and waited for Su Chen's arrival again after the soldiers rearranged the high platform. She was in a very good mood now.

As long as that bastard Su Chen cared about that beautiful barbarian woman, she would There is a way to threaten Su Chen.

If Su Chen doesn't want her to destroy Zhu Rong's tribe, that bastard will be left to her hands in the future. At least recently, Su Chen, the shameless pervert, can't do anything to her.

Jiang Yuyan will also take this opportunity. Bully that bastard

"Jiang Yuyan, there is no need to continue the war. The grudges between you and me can be settled privately."

At this time,

Su Chen teleported to Jiang Yuyan and said expressionlessly.

Jiang Yuyan looked arrogant and said with a smile,

"Why should I listen to you? I am now the state shepherd of Yizhou. I have the final say in Yizhou. I can destroy whoever I want. Do you, a shameless pervert, think I am your subordinate? When Su

Chen heard Jiang Yuyan's words, he threatened coldly,"Jiang Yuyan, do you believe that I will order Jingzhou's black-armored army to launch a war against Yizhou right now?""

"It's up to you, but before your army arrives, I will definitely destroy Zhu Rong and her tribe first."

"Damn it, Jiang Yuyan, we will win or lose in one battle. It’s just me and you, do you dare?"

"Are you looking for death?"

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