Outside Lincheng, by the riverside,

Su Chen and Jiang Yuyan stood face to face.

They were not looking at each other lovingly.

Su Chen and Jiang Yuyan stared at each other with expressionless faces, and their aura was constantly increasing. Some of the surrounding trees were shaken by their powerful aura.

Boom boom boom......

The two powerful auras constantly collided with each other, causing even the water in the river next to it to be shaken and splashing continuously.

Jiang Yuyan looked at Su Chen and said coldly and proudly,

"Su Chen, are you ready? This time I will beat you into a pig head so that your women will not recognize you in the future. Su

Chen held a sword in his hand and did a sword show before mocking,"That's a big lie. You were no match for me before. Have you forgotten what happened in the Ming Palace?""

"My current strength is not what it used to be. You should still worry about yourself."

"Wouldn’t you know if you try it?"

"court death!" boom!

"No, Jiang Yuyan, are you becoming more and more useless?"

Su Chen disappeared instantly when Jiang Yuyan waved her palm to attack her.

Su Chen had been guarding against Jiang Yuyan. He did not dare to take Jiang Yuyan's cruelty lightly. Although Jiang Yuyan said she would not kill him, who Does he know if Jiang Yuyan is deceiving him?

"When you cry, I hope you can hide there and look at the palm!"

Boom boom boom.......

"Damn it, you bastard, are you just going to keep hiding?"Jiang Yuyan saw that Su Chen had been avoiding his attacks, which made Jiang Yuyan angrily cursed at Su Chen.


Su Chen took the iron sword and attacked Jiang Yuyan.

He didn't want to waste time with Jiang Yuyan.




"Fifteen of swords!"

Boom boom boom!"

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen was knocked away by Jiang Yuyan's palm.

Su Chen knew that with his strength, it would be impossible to defeat Jiang Yuyan without using special moves. However, he did not expect that Jiang Yuyan would use all her power to attack him from the beginning. How could this Jiang Yuyan How much I hate myself

"Humph, you overestimated bastard."

Jiang Yuyan laughed when she saw Su Chen who was beaten away by her,

"Jiang Yuyan, I have to be serious"

"Feel free to come over."

Boom boom boom......

Su Chen jumped directly into the air and raised the long sword in his hand.

This time he was going to use an unskilled sword technique to kill ghosts and gods to defeat Jiang Yuyan.

Su Chen had no choice.

He didn't have a weapon in his hand.

Su Chen's spiritual sword Luoxue was used to apologize to his daughter Su Yan. If he uses the Divine Sword Controlling Thunder Zhenjue now, I'm afraid the ordinary long sword in his hand It will be broken before you use your ultimate move.

"What kind of sword technique is this? Why do you feel threatened by me?"Jiang Yuyan looked at Su Chen in the air and guessed with a solemn expression, boom boom boom......

At this time, just as Su Chen was gathering his skills, the water in the river seemed to be exploded, and water pillars were being blasted out one by one.

"The righteousness of heaven and earth will last forever!"

"Not seeking to kill immortals, but killing ghosts and gods!"

Boom boom boom.......

After Su Chen recited the formula to kill ghosts and gods in the air, the sky above Linhe changed. The darkened sky was like a ghost crying and a wolf howling. The eerie feeling made people feel chilled all over here.

Jiang Yuyan said with an ugly face,"Damn it, this bastard actually has such a powerful sword art."

Jiang Yuyan found that she had been locked by Su Chen's sword art.

She couldn't escape from this sword art even if she tried to escape now. attack.

Su Chen's face was also very ugly now.

He didn't expect that the long sword in his hand could not even use the Ghost Slaying God Sword Technique. This was the best sword in his system space.

If Su Chen gathered his strength again, the sword in his hand would be completely broken.

Su Chen rolled his eyes and said to Jiang Yuyan below,"Jiang Yuyan, give up, otherwise if I send out this sword technique, you may die."

Jiang Yuyan was very angry when she heard Su Chen's words.

How could she Can you admit defeat?

This bastard is her most hated enemy in her life. If she gives up today, everything she has will be lost. Yizhou is where she has worked hard for more than a year. She absolutely cannot lose to this shameless pervert like Su Chen.

"Su Chen, I will not admit defeat. If you want to kill, then kill. Even if I die, I will never admit defeat."

What the hell!

What should I do?

If he continues like this, let alone the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword Technique, his internal strength will be completely exhausted.

Su Chen is also in a hurry and has no choice.

He really made a miscalculation this time. , It’s really not possible without a good sword in hand. Do you have to admit defeat to Jiang Yuyan this time?

Su Chen thought about it and continued to say to Jiang Yuyan,"Jiang Yuyan, you look so beautiful, I really I don't have the heart to kill you, so you should just admit defeat. It's no loss to you anyway."

Jiang Yuyan heard that Su Chen dared to molest her at this time.

This was an insult to her.

Jiang Yuyan yelled and threatened with anger,"Don't even think about it. If you dare to molest me again, you shameless pervert, I will blow myself up." Die with you."

I guess!

Jiang Yuyan is a bit difficult to deal with!

It's his fault!

No matter what, just be a shameless gangster again this time.

Su Chen looked at the long sword that had begun to crack in his hand, and he hurriedly said to Jiang Yuyan He said affectionately,

"Jiang Yuyan, I am not teasing you, I like you very much. Back in the Ming Palace, I had the ability to kill you, but did you see me killing you?"

"It’s still my powerful women, but I didn’t let them hunt you down. Don’t you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Yuyan was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words.

This bastard likes her?

How is this possible?

It's just that Jiang Yuyan was very confused when she thought about what happened in the Ming Palace.

Su Chen had the ability to kill herself at that time, but He didn't kill herself, and he didn't even seriously injure her.

Could it be that this bastard was attracted by her beauty?

Jiang Yuyan shouted to Su Chen with a look of shame and anger,"You......What are you talking nonsense about?"

Su Chen saw Jiang Yuyan's confused expression and continued,

"I'm not talking nonsense. Think about it, we have no hatred in the first place. I had no choice but to sabotage your plan in the Ming Palace."

"My empire wants to rule the entire Tianxuan Continent. Even if you plan the Ming Empire in the future, if we meet in a war in the future, after you are exposed by me in the Ming Palace, won't we not have to fight to the death?"

Jiang Yuyan clenched her fists tightly and struggled in her heart.

Although she didn't believe what Su Chen said, what Su Chen said was reasonable and well-founded.

This made her wonder if Su Chen was deceiving her?

"I don't believe you, you are just a shameless pervert who lies without blinking an eye."

I guess!

Even now, Jiang Yuyan still doesn't believe it.

This woman is too difficult to deal with.

Su Chen saw that the long sword had begun to fall into pieces.

He was also very nervous now.

If Su Chen did it again within a quarter of an hour, If Jiang Yuyan can't be dealt with, not to mention that his long sword will be completely broken, or even his internal strength will be exhausted and he will fall from the air.

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