Nie Xiaoqian did not expect that the bearded man turned out to be the demon catcher Yan Chixia.

However, she also heard the tree demon grandma talk about Yan Chixia. Although Yan Chixia was very powerful, he could not be the tree demon grandma in the late Yuan Ying stage. His opponent, the tree demon grandma, didn't care about Yan Chixia at all.

Yan Chixia said to Yan Chixia with a righteous face,

"Female ghost, I know that I am no match for the thousand-year-old tree demon, but the tree demon has been threatening Guobei County for many years and harmed countless people. How can I, as an exorcist, sit back and watch?"

Nie Xiaoqian saw that these people had no intention of taking action against her, which reassured her.

"Haha, Yan Chixia, even if you can kill the Sophora Tree Demon, don't think that nothing will happen to you. There is a Black Mountain Demon behind the Dryad. The old Black Mountain Demon is even more powerful than the Dryad."

"Montenegro old demon? this......"

Yan Chixia was confused when she heard Nie Xiaoqian's words.

He did not expect that the tree demon was actually related to the old demon from Black Mountain. He was not sure that he could kill the thousand-year-old tree demon, and it was even less likely that he could kill the old demon from Black Mountain who was even more powerful. opponent.

Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru looked sideways when they heard Nie Xiaoqian's words.

Although they didn't know what kind of monsters the Dryad and the Black Mountain Old Demon the female ghost mentioned were, they frowned when they saw the bold Yan Chixia, and they also guessed that the Dryad and the Black Mountain Old Demon were probably not easy to mess with.

Ning Caichen shivered and shrank to one side.

He was confused when he heard something about the thousand-year-old tree demon and the old black mountain demon. A female ghost could easily kill him. The more powerful tree demon and black mountain demon Couldn't the old demon kill him with just one look?

Ning Caichen doesn't want to stay here anymore.

This Lanruo Temple is too scary.

Su Chen took a sip and didn't pay attention to this.

Although the Black Mountain Old Demon is powerful, the Black Mountain Old Demon cannot easily appear in the human world. In the plot, the Black Mountain Old Demon has never appeared in the human world. But is there an underworld in the Godfall Continent?

Su Chen shook his head as he thought about it.

Even if there was an underworld in the Shenyu Continent, it would be a replica. How could the power of the underworld appear in the Shenyu Continent?

And how could the real underworld not be able to subdue a little old Montenegro monster?

No matter how you say this, it is unjustifiable.

"Um? Are there some more female ghosts?"Su Chen suddenly looked outside the ruined temple and said to himself,

"What? Is there another female ghost coming?"Lin Yueru asked hurriedly after hearing Su Chen's words.

Others also looked at Su Chen.

They didn't expect that there were more female ghosts coming.

But how did Su Chen know that some more female ghosts were coming?

Yan Chixia looked at Su Chen Chen was confused.

How could a great master feel more powerful than him? He didn't sense the arrival of a female ghost. Is Su Chen lying? Or did he really sense the arrival of a female ghost?

Su Chen nodded. He confirmed,"Well, some little female ghosts with low strength are coming."

"Have I ever been able to fight?"

"you? You'd better go to sleep, you can kill those female ghosts everywhere in your dream.

Lin Yueru kicked Su Chen hard," You.....Suchen, you are an asshole."

Lin Yueru did not expect that Su Chen would be so angry with her.

She knew that her three-legged cat technique could not be the opponent of the female ghost, but Su Chen did not give her face and even ridiculed herself in public. This made Lin Yueru look at Su Chen. Very angry.

Su Chen turned sideways and hid.

He looked at the angry Lin Yueru and smiled.

This little wild cat was really angry this time.


Lin Yueru looked really beautiful when she was angry.

Su Chen grabbed him Lin Yueru, who still wanted to take action, smiled and said,

"Okay, don't be angry, I'm just joking. I will teach you some powerful skills in a while, and you will also be a powerful heroine in the future."


Lin Yueru's eyes lit up when she heard Su Chen's words.

Although she didn't know how powerful Su Chen was, people like his father and Zhao Ling'er said that Su Chen was not simple. Lin Yueru also guessed that Su Chen might have a not simple family background, or even someone from the East. Cultivation family in the mainland


"Haha, you bastard, you have to keep your word, otherwise I won’t let you go in the future."

"I won't lie to you. Li

Xiaoyao asked Su Chen,"Master Su, are those female ghosts the same as Nie Xiaoqian?""

Nie Xiaoqian said hurriedly on the side,"Those female ghosts and I are together, but they are all controlled by the tree demon, and we can't help but help the tree demon do things. Yan

Chixia took the giant sword and shouted,"It doesn't matter what they do, as long as those female ghosts harm the people, I will do justice for heaven.""

Su Chen rolled his eyes at Yan Chixia and suddenly stretched out his hand and said,

"Space moves!"


Dozens of female ghosts in white appeared in the ruined temple in an instant.

These panicked female ghosts looked at the people in the ruined temple with fear and trembling. They did not dare to take any action at all.

Just now. A powerful force imprisoned them all at once, and even appeared here in the blink of an eye, which made them female ghosts guess that they had met a powerful immortal cultivator. Su Chen was now in the realm of out-of-body cultivation, and his space After converting the internal force into magic power, he also mastered some spatial magical powers. Although he was not yet proficient in using the spatial magical powers, he was more than enough to deal with these female ghosts. Everyone in the ruined temple looked at

Su Chen in shock.

I didn't expect that Su Chen would be so powerful. More than 20 female ghosts were captured in an instant. Even these female ghosts were so frightened that they did not dare to take action or escape.

This made Yan Chixia and the others have no intention of attacking Su Chen. Chen Chen was shocked and confused.

Su Chen frowned when he looked at these female ghosts.

Some of these female ghosts had blood on them.

This must mean that some of these female ghosts have killed people, but he couldn't tell them apart. Are you killing good people, or are you killing people who deserve to die?

"Nie Xiaoqian, who can let go of the female ghost here? Who else must be in a state of despair?"

Yan Chixia patted her chest when she heard Su Chen's words and said,

"Mr. Su, I am good at this. I can tell at a glance whether these female ghosts have killed anyone."

Su Chen shook his head and refused,"You can't do it. When a female ghost kills someone, she has to divide the people. Some people die without mercy, and some people may die innocently. Can you tell the difference between these?"


Yan Chixia was also very helpless when she heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen was right.

It would be unfair to those female ghosts to judge whether they killed someone based on their blood. Some damned people really deserved to die, and neither did Yan Chixia. A person who knows no difference between right and wrong.

After Nie Xiaoqian came to her senses, she hurriedly knelt down and begged Su Chen,

"Mr. Su, these are my sisters. Some of them have killed some people, but those are also people who deserve to die."

"Young Master, although the tree demon has been forcing us to absorb the yang essence, we poor women are still looking for some damn people to kill. I beg Young Master to let the sisters here go."

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