On the official road leading to Hangzhou City, an army of tens of thousands escorted a luxurious carriage to Hangzhou City. In the carriage, Su Chen and Lin Yueru were sitting together.

More than ten days ago, after Su Chen killed the thousand-year-old tree demon, he returned to the ruined temple to explain to Yan Chixia and Li Xiaoyao and left.

And Lin Yueru, this little girl, was entangled with him.

Su Chen originally wanted Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru to go to Shushan together to find out about Caiyi and Zhao Ling'er.

But Lin Yueru kept pulling him, and

Su Chen had no choice but to take Lin Yueru with him to Hangzhou.

In the carriage,

Lin Yueru had been in a daze after encountering these black-armored troops today. She did not expect that Su Chen would have tens of thousands of troops, and these troops were troops she had never seen before.

She knew from the powerful aura exuded by these black-armored armies that these armies were very powerful. This was not comparable to any army in the Song Dynasty.

Lin Yueru was even more confused about Su Chen's identity.

"Su Chen, what is your identity? Why do you have so many armies?"

"you guess?"

Su Chen took a sip of tea and said with a smile,

"I'm guessing, tell me!"

"I don’t have any identity, I am just a city lord who is about to take office in Hangzhou City."

Lin Yueru asked in surprise when she heard Su Chen's words,

"you? Are you actually the lord of Hangzhou City? How can this be? Hangzhou City was the largest main city of the Song Dynasty in the south. There were more than 500,000 residents in Hangzhou City alone, not to mention the counties under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou City."

"Don’t I look like a city lord?"

"No matter how you look at him, he is the dandy young master of the same family."

Su Chen took out the imperial edict and seal from the system space and said,

"Lin Xiaoniu, you are looking down on others. Look, this is the imperial edict of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty and the seal of the city lord of Hangzhou City. Do you think these are fake? Lin

Yueru exclaimed with a surprised look on her face,

"You are really the lord of Hangzhou City. Although I guessed that you couldn't lie when I saw these troops, Hangzhou City is crucial to the Song Dynasty's control of the south. How could the Song Dynasty court entrust such an important Hangzhou City?"

"Hey, maybe the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was confused!"Su Chen coughed and said rudely.

Lin Yueru glared at Su Chen and asked angrily,"You bastard are talking nonsense. Is your family a cultivating family? Are there some powerful people in your family?"

Lin Yueru felt that Su Chen's family was probably very powerful.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the Song Dynasty to entrust such an important city of Hangzhou. The annual taxes paid by Hangzhou City accounted for one-third of the entire south. How could the Song Dynasty court possibly Will they give up such an important tax place?

This is probably what benefits Su Chen's family gave to the Song Dynasty court, or even what conditions they promised to the Song Dynasty court.

Su Chen nodded when he heard Lin Yueru's words,"Well, not bad. I am the weakest in my family. I can’t tell you where my home is now, but you will know later."

In Tianxuan Continent,

Su Chen's strength is not comparable to that of his women. It is understandable for him to say this. Although he is powerful now, he does not mean that Lin Yueru knows nothing.

"Then how come you were named Wu Xiangjun? Junjue is one level lower than Wangjue. Has your family paid a huge price?"

Su Chen shook his head and said,"How do I know? I only found out not long ago that I was going to be the city lord of Hangzhou City, and I also just found out about the title of Lord Wu Xiang."

Su Chen also didn't expect that the system would assign him the same title he had used in Tianxuan Continent in Shenyu Continent.

Mr. Wu Xiang?

No one has called him this title for a long time.

He really missed this title.

At this time, a man's voice came from outside the carriage,

"Your Majesty, Hangzhou City is about ten miles away. Do we need to notify the officials of Hangzhou City? Su

Chen thought for a while and then ordered,"Send someone to inform the officials in Hangzhou City so that they don't have to welcome me. Just ask them to arrange a residence for me.""

"Yes, Your Majesty! Lin

Yueru asked suspiciously after hearing Su Chen's order,"Why don't the officials of Hangzhou City greet you?""

Su Chen touched Lin Yueru's delicate face and said,

"I don't know how to use any of those officials. From now on, the city of Hangzhou will be mine, and the officials will all be mine. I will send all those officials from the Song Dynasty court away."

Lin Yueru opened Su Chen's hand in shame and anger.

She thought about it and nodded and said,"Well, that's fine. Those provincial officials are being obedient to you."

"Oh, I didn’t expect that the carefree Lin Nvxia would think of this."

"Do you want to die? If you say that again, I'll beat you up"

"Tsk, it sounds like you can beat me, but you really have a way to beat me."

"any solution? Lin

Yueru asked Su Chen with a confused look on her face.

Lin Yueru knew that Su Chen was a powerful out-of-body master. Su Chen could defeat her with just one hand.


Su Chen could defeat him with just one look. ,

Su Chen, who knows the laws of space, is very powerful.

Lin Yueru thought that if she took action against this bastard, he would probably move her to Suzhou City. No matter how angry she was, there was nothing she could do against this bastard.

At this moment,

Hangzhou City The magistrate here sat in the government office with a gloomy look. He did not expect that the Song Dynasty court would entrust Hangzhou.

This would cut off his financial path.

Hangzhou City is the richest place in the south of the Yangtze River. He can spend time in Hangzhou City every year. He embezzled hundreds of thousands of silver taels. Now that Hangzhou City has been enfeoffed, he will not be the top official in Hangzhou City in the future. It is not even certain whether the future lord of Hangzhou City will use him.

"Someone come!"

"grown ups!"

The governor of Hangzhou ordered with a sinister look on his face,"Master, inform General Wu and ask him to lead people to kill the upcoming lord of Hangzhou City."

"Sir, you are doing this to be treasonous. If the new Mr. Wu Xiang finds out, you will be killed."

The prefect of Hangzhou said disdainfully after hearing what his men said,


"My official career has come to an end. The city of Hangzhou has been enfeoffed. Whether we live or die in the future depends on the new city lord’s whim."

"Besides, I have controlled Hangzhou City for more than 20 years. There is no way I would give up all these years of hard work. It is impossible for me to return to the imperial capital. So what if Hangzhou City has a new city lord? As long as the new city lord is killed on the way here, who will know that it was me?"

The master continued to persuade with a worried look on his face,

"Sir, think twice! Being able to be entrusted with the city of Hangzhou by the emperor to the new city lord, I'm afraid that Mr. Wu Xiang's family background is not simple. My lord, you should think about it before making a decision."


The city lord of Hangzhou slammed the table and ordered loudly,"Go and send the order immediately and ask General Wu to lead an army of five thousand to kill the new city lord."

"Yes, my lord!"

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