After Xiaobai heard the humiliating gibberish of these monsters, she was very angry.

She was very reluctant when Xiaobai came to kill these little monsters this time. She was even resentful of that bastard Su Chen, but these little monsters The demon's words completely angered her.

Xiaobai will now vent his anger towards Su Chen on these little monsters.

The wolf demon drooled when he looked at Xiao Bai, who had a protruding figure. This snake demon was really so beautiful. It was much prettier than the little banshees and human women he had played with in the past.

The wolf demon looked at Xiaobai's perfect figure with lewd eyes and laughed,

"Haha, we don’t regret dying? Little snake demon, we are demons and these are humans. Humans and demons have been incompatible with each other since ancient times. Don’t you know this?"

"Ancient times are ancient times, now is the present, stop talking nonsense, will you all go to hell?"Xiao Bai saw the disgusting look of the wolf demon and waved his hand to attack these little monsters.


A powerful aura came from Xiao Bai's body, and the monsters here exploded when they saw Xiao Bai.The powerful aura scared me out of my wits.

The rat demon shouted in horror,"No, this snake demon is a big demon, let's run away."

Xiaobai looked at the little demons who were trying to escape and said with disdain,"You little demons can escape." Are you there? Go to hell!"

Xiaobai is a powerful practitioner of the Out-of-body Realm, and the most powerful rat demon among these little monsters is the Golden Core Realm, and the rest are all cultivated into monsters. Little monsters, Xiaobai can destroy these little monsters with one hand.

Boom boom boom!

Xiao Bai waved his palm, and these little monsters didn't even have a chance to hide. They were destroyed by Xiao Bai, and even their bodies were not left behind.

After killing these little monsters, Xiaobai said to himself,"They are all little monsters who don't regret dying. Just like that bastard Su Chen, that bastard is also a damn shameless pervert!" In

Hangzhou city,

Xiaobai Qing Ke worked harder than Xiao Bai to kill the monsters among the people.

This place will be Su Chen's territory from now on, and also her territory.

Xiao Qing has a deep love for Su Chen and will even be Su Chen's woman in the future. Xiao Qing will complete all Su Chen's decisions perfectly.

In Wu Xiangjun's mansion,

Su Chen looked at the army that was suppressing the people who wanted to riot, and Xiaobai and Xiaoqing who were killing the monsters and demon cultivators who wanted to fish in troubled waters. He had achieved his goal today.

Su Chen will deal with other immortal cultivators and demons in Hangzhou city later.

The city of Hangzhou will truly belong to him.

Su Chen suddenly thought of the weapon he didn't have yet, which made him look at the little fox and said with a smile,"Little fox, do you have a magic weapon for the sword? I lack a weapon now."

"Why should I give you a magic weapon?"When the little fox heard Su Chen's words, he asked mockingly,

"Hey, little fox, we share adversity and life and death together, so don’t be so heartless."

"Are you such a shameless bastard that you want a magic weapon? So what do you give in exchange? I am the owner of Baoqingfang, and I will not do a loss-making business."

Su Chen patted his chest and introduced himself,"What do you think of me? Does your Baoqingfang still lack a male host? I think I am qualified to be the male owner of Baoqingfang." bump!

"Go to hell! Damn bastard!"The little fox kicked Su Chen on the butt in shame and anger.

This bastard is so hateful.

On such an important occasion today, this bastard actually has the intention to tease her? The little fox couldn't help but want to kill this bastard..Su

Chen touched his butt and looked at the little fox and smiled.

The little fox also kicked her casually, otherwise he would definitely be kicked out of Hangzhou City by the little fox.

"Little fox, I really lack a weapon. My spirit sword was taken away by my daughter. If I don’t have a handy weapon, I will suffer in future battles."

The little fox didn't expect that Su Chen actually had offspring. This made the little fox look at Su Chen and asked in surprise,

"Your daughter? You bastard actually have descendants?"

Su Chen curled his lips and mocked,

"What you said is really strange. I am already in my twenties. Have you ever seen a human being in his twenties who still has no descendants?"

The little fox heard Su Chen's words and asked speculatively,"You are just a shameless pervert, you must have a lot of women, right?"

The little fox also thought that Su Chen was an emperor in Tianxuan Continent, and would even be a human emperor in the future.

There must be a lot of women like this bastard.

This bastard asked her for some ghost cultivation techniques before, and he wanted to do this The bastard should have some female ghost cultivators in his hands. This bastard is just a shameless pervert who can't walk after seeing a beautiful girl.

Su Chen coughed awkwardly and said,"Ahem, we'll talk about this later. Do you have any magic weapon for swords?" ? Magical weapons can also be used"

"No! Even if you have it, I won’t give it to you"

"I'll do it! Little fox, if you do this, we will never be friends again."

"friend? Am I friends with you?"

"Aren't we friends? Are we a couple?"

"Damn it, you better shut up now."

The little fox really couldn't stand this bastard anymore.

She took out a purple sword from her storage bag and threw it to Su Chen. She was also annoyed by this bastard. Besides, this bastard couldn't die, and the little fox couldn't. I don’t want Su Chen to encounter unexpected events in the future

"Ha ha....."Su Chen took the sword the little fox threw to him and laughed.

The little fox just didn't mean what he said and said there was no spirit treasure. Didn't he just take out a spirit sword? But why is this spiritual sword purple? He is a man, so what does it mean to use a purple spiritual sword?

Just when Su Chen was looking at the spiritual sword in his hand, the riots in Hangzhou City were also suppressed.

Tens of thousands of people were detained by the army, and all the three religions and nine factions in Hangzhou City were massacred. Even if there were still some gangs of three religions and nine factions in Hangzhou City, it would not be a problem.

In the future, Lin Yueru will focus on cracking down on those gangs with three religions and nine sects.

At this time, a captain of ten thousand people from the black-armored army arrived and saluted Su Chen and said,"Your Majesty, the people who wanted to riot in Hangzhou City have been caught. Your Majesty, what should we do with these people?"

Su Chen said to the black-armored army. The commander directly ordered,"Take all the captured people to the military camp in the western suburbs. Also, find the families of these people. Their families will also be detained in the military camp in the western suburbs.""

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Wait, order Su Ling to dispatch 50,000 black-armored troops to prepare for war at any time. Lingfeng Canyon outside Hangzhou is the battlefield of the war. Let Su Ling get familiar with the terrain there as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After the little fox heard Su Chen's order to the black-armored army, she was very confused. Aren't the people who wanted to riot in Hangzhou City been suppressed? Why is this bastard still preparing for war?

Is he going to attack that city ? Start a war?

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