In Xuannio Palace, in the evening,

Su Chen held a banquet for his future arrival.

In the hibiscus tree garden, more than a dozen beautiful women were eating delicious food, drinking spiritual wine and talking to each other.

Princess Honglian sat next to Bai Ruobing with a look of despair. She wanted to die now, and she never expected to fall asleep in Su Chen's study.

She wanted to assassinate Su Chen, and she even took out the weapon, but she couldn't figure out why she fell asleep.

Bai Ruobing looked at the listless Princess Honglian and said,"Honglian, do you understand everything I said to you this afternoon?"

"Master, I understand."

Princess Honglian nodded hurriedly.

Under the guidance of Bai Ruobing and Zi Nu, she no longer planned to seek revenge from Su Chen.

Su Chen was right,

Han Guo could not be Qin's opponent no matter what. , and her brother Han Fei,

Honglian also knew about it.

She used to think that his brother was not in good health, and he was often bedridden.

After Princess Honglian knew that it was the Nilin Sword that absorbed her brother's vitality , , even if her brother didn't die in Loulan, he probably wouldn't live long, and what her brother did was just so that Su Chen could take care of herself in the future. When

Bai Ruobing heard Princess Honglian calling her master, she rubbed her forehead.

"This relationship is a bit messy"

"Su Chen had issued an imperial edict in the afternoon. From now on, you will be Su Chen’s sister and the eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire."

"You are both my disciple and my sister-in-law. That bastard confused our seniority."

Princess Honglian was very speechless when she heard Bai Ruobing's words, but she didn't care about it.

She still liked to call Bai Ruobing her master.

"It doesn't matter, I am your disciple to begin with. Calling me sister-in-law or master is the same."

"whatever. Bai

Ruobing looked at Su Chen talking to Hu Ji, she smiled slyly and said,"By the way, has your brother given you a gift?""

"Gift? No! His Majesty......Oh no, is it my brother who wants to give me a gift?"

Princess Honglian asked curiously.

She was a little excited now. Su Chen was the emperor of an empire and a powerful master. If Su Chen gave her a gift, it would definitely not be an ordinary thing.

Bai Ruobing pulled up Hong Princess Lian smiled and said,"Come with me, I will ask for a gift for you for that bastard. Since that bastard recognizes you as his sister, how can there be a shortage of gifts?""

"Haha, thank you, master!"Princess Honglian smiled and hurriedly went to find Su Chen with Bai Ruobing. She was looking forward to Su Chen's gift very much.

At this moment,

Su Chen was holding the sexy Hu Ji while drinking spiritual wine and talking.

He didn't know at all that he was The treasures will be less.

Hu Ji leaned on Su Chen's arms and said coquettishly,"Husband, I am now at the peak of the Grand Master's strength. Am I really not able to go to the Shenyu Continent?"

Su Chen kissed the hot-figured Hu Ji and refused,

"No, the Shenyu Continent is too dangerous. Immortal cultivators, monsters, ghosts, and even demon cultivators are not something we can deal with. Your current strength is gone. The Shenyu Continent is also a scumbag. Immortal-level exercises, Su Nu Heart Sutra You have to practice hard, and your husband will have to rely on you to protect him from now on."

"Haha, I understand, husband, since you can find a fairy-level technique for women to practice, why can't you find a cultivation technique that suits you?"

"well! His character is too bad, but I will find an immortal-level skill as soon as possible"

"Well, I believe that your husband can find a suitable immortal-level technique."

At this time,

Bai Ruobing brought Princess Honglian to Su Chen and said with a smile,"Husband, since you recognize Honglian as your sister, what about the gift?"

"what gift?"

"How could you not give a gift if you recognize Guren as your sister? It's like celebrating someone's birthday. Don't you go to a birthday party without bringing a gift?"

I guess!

Is there such a thing?

Su Chen also thought what Bai Ruobing said was reasonable, but what gift should he give to Princess Honglian?

After hearing the conversation between Su Chen and Bai Ruobing, the girls next to them also wanted to know. What gift will Chen give to Princess Honglian?

"Three vermilion fruits, three primary spiritual stones, a bag of spiritual tea, a jar of spiritual wine, Ruobing, is this okay?"

Su Chen thought about it and said to Bai Ruobing, these are very valuable cultivation treasures. Su Chen is not stingy this time. After all, Princess Honglian will be his sister in the future, and Su Chen will never be stingy towards his own person.

When Princess Honglian heard what Su Chen said, her eyes were so bright that she was about to drool. She knew all these treasures.

In the hibiscus tree garden, she ate and drank a lot, including tea and wine, and even She had drank and eaten Zhu Guo, otherwise she would not have been able to become a late master in just a few months.

Bai Ruobing nodded when she heard what Su Chen said, but she saw Princess Honglian's eyes were shining, so she patted her head angrily. This little girl was so worthless. These are just some ordinary cultivation treasures. Su Chen didn't produce any of her treasures.

Bai Ruobing After thinking about it, he said to Su Chen,

"Not bad, but give your black mandala flower to Honglian. Honglian is very interested in poisons. She can control snakes in the world. With black mandala flowers, Honglian will also have her own flowers in the future. ability to protect"

"What? Black mandala flower?" Su Chen felt pain when he heard that Bai Ruobing wanted to get a black mandala flower for Princess Honglian. The black mandala flower is very powerful. The early black mandala flower can poison the golden elixir. If the black datura flowers enter the mature stage in the future, even gods can be poisoned. The black datura flowers have been cultivated in the hibiscus tree garden. Su Chenguang uses spiritual fluid and spiritual stones to use them. I bought more than ten pills. Su Chen felt so painful that he wanted to refuse. Everyone here laughed when they saw Su Chen's painful appearance. Women like the Black Mandala Flower knew that after all, the hibiscus tree garden was full of flowers. They are taking care of it. Such spiritual flowers are very powerful, and they did not expect Bai Ruobing to pay attention to the black mandala flower. This time Su Chen will lose a piece of flesh. Bai Ruobing smiled and confirmed to Su Chen ,"Well, that's right, it's just the black mandala flower. You won't need it anyway, so give it to your sister.



"you are not willing?"

"Willing, willing."Su Chen looked at Princess Honglian's expression of crying if she didn't give him anything, and reluctantly agreed.

Su Chen looked at Bai Ruobing and decided that

Bai Ruobing should not sleep tonight. He will teach this prodigal woman a good lesson tonight. Teach her a lesson.

Looking at these in the future, she can't understand why Su Chen's expression looks like cutting flesh on a flower? Is that black mandala flower very special?

Princess Honglian rubbed her hands excitedly and hurriedly thanked,"Thank you brother, thank you master!"

Su Chen said with a mournful face as if he was about to die,

"It should, it should!"

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