King Qin Yingzheng read the letter in his hand and held it tightly.

Su Chen was right, it was impossible for empires to become friends.

When Ying Zheng betrayed his faith and wanted to kill Su Chen, he also saw Su Chen's potential, a powerful army, and a powerful master. At that time, Su Chen had the ability to threaten Great Qin.

Ying Zheng did not kill Su Chen in Da Qin.

This was the most regretful thing he had done in his life.

If he had killed Su Chen at all costs, would Great Qin be like this today?

Ying Zheng looked outside Xianyang City. Some black-armored troops were setting up temporary tents. He knew that Su Chen wanted to meet him, or even see him off for the last time.

King Qin Yingzheng looked at the black-armored army in the distance, he laughed sadly and said,

"Ha ha......., I am not as good as Su Chen? How can I be inferior to that shameless bastard?"

"Why does a guy who causes trouble everywhere and even flirts with women have such a powerful army?"

"Why are there so many powerful masters helping him? Why do those proud women fall in love with that shameless bastard?"

"Is the destruction of Qin imminent? Is the destruction of Qin imminent? Is Da Qin going to perish in the hands of the few?"

"The few are dissatisfied! Da Qin refused to accept it!"

On the city wall, when the ministers of Da Qin saw Ying Zheng shouting heartbreakingly, they all lowered their heads one by one. Some officials loyal to Da Qin felt very sorry for the King of Qin.

King Qin Ying Zheng was a very wise monarch. , the King of Qin would be busy until late at night just dealing with state affairs.

However, the Qin Dynasty encountered the powerful Xuantian Empire, and

King Qin Yingzheng met the evil Su Chen.

The evil Su Chen seemed to be blessed by gods and was destroyed in less than two years. There are countless countries, and even today the Great Qin will be destroyed by the Xuantian Empire and Su Chen. How unfair is this God?

"God is unfair! Da Qin refused to accept it!"

"God is unfair! Da Qin refused to accept it!"

"God is unfair! Da Qin refused to accept it!"........

On the wall of Xianyang City, some officials loyal to Great Qin also shouted with Qin King Yingzheng.

The ministers nearby and even the thousands of Qin troops on the wall of Xianyang also shouted one by one. Finally, even Xianyang, the capital of Great Qin, The people in the city also yelled one after another.

On the high platform of the commander-in-chief of the Southern Combat Legion,

Su Chen was teasing Xiao Yue'er.

However, the loud shouts coming from Xianyang City made Su Chen look at Xianyang City with some doubts and said,"I guess, Da Qin is having trouble. What are you crazy about? I just wrote a letter asking to meet him, why is the whole city shouting dissatisfaction?"

"You didn't write anything to insult King Qin, right? Huang Rong looked at Su Chen and asked suspiciously, here is Zhao Ji, the mother of King Qin Ying Zheng, and Mi Hua, the wife of King Qin Ying Zheng.

This bastard didn't provoke King Qin Ying Zheng in his letter, right?

"As for me? If you don't believe it, you can ask Mi Hua. He sharpened the ink for me. Mi Hua has seen everything I wrote."

Mi Hua blushed and said hurriedly when she heard Su Chen's words,"Your Majesty did not write anything to insult King Qin. The letter only mentioned some past events and a meeting later."

Mi Hua didn't expect that she would be caught peeking at the letter written by Su Chen.

She just wanted to know what Su Chen would write to the King of Qin. She was also worried that Su Chen's letter would anger the King of Qin and her son Fusu would be angry. The King of Qin was executed.

However, she saw that Su Chen didn't care and didn't even plan to pursue the case, which made her relieved.

When Huang Rong heard Mi Hua's words, she said doubtfully,"Is that so? Could it be that the King of Qin was unwilling to be punished by someone like you?" The bastard destroyed his country?"

Su Chen looked at Huang Rong with a speechless expression and shouted,

"Let me go, Huang Rong, is there anything wrong with me destroying Qin? With the power of the Xuantian Empire, the power of the black-armored army, and the power of women like you, isn't it natural that the Qin Kingdom will be destroyed by me? Huang

Rong laughed when she heard Su Chen's words and said,

"Hahaha! How powerful is the Xuantian Empire? How powerful is the black armored army? Even how powerful we women are?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

"You are just a dandy who flirts with women everywhere. Have you ever managed the Xuantian Empire?"

"Have you ever led an army to destroy any country?"

"King Qin Yingzheng was also unwilling to accept that his Qin State was destroyed by you, a dandy."

Although Huang Rong ridiculed Su Chen like this, the Xuantian Empire, the Black Armor Army, and these women were all supported by Su Chen. The

Xuantian Empire was established by Su Chen, and so was the Black Armor Army. Su Chen recruited them, and the skills and martial arts secrets of these women were also provided by this bastard.

Without Su Chen, none of this would have been possible.

Huang Rong also kept running around with Su Chen, no!

She kept getting involved everywhere Hua Laicao was very dissatisfied.

Su Chen couldn't even trap him in Tianxuan Continent now. This bastard went to the world of cultivators to pick up girls, and even picked up some monsters. This made Huang Rong really speechless towards Su Chen.

After Su Chen heard what Huang Rong said, he was stunned and didn't know how to defend himself.

Huang Rong seemed to be very reasonable, but when Su Chen thought about Huang Rong's words, he felt that something was wrong. The women next to him couldn't bear it. They didn't dare to laugh at Su Chen at this time.

Otherwise, if Su Chen got angry from shame, it would still be them women who would suffer.

On Fucuo Mountain outside Xianyang City, some masters from various schools of thought were hiding here.

Xunzi from the Confucian school, the six elders of the peasant family, some remaining people from the Mohist school, and some unknown masters from various schools of thought, all came to help Qin. In the past month, many of them have sent troops from various schools of thought. People assassinated Huang Rong, but they never came back every time. The various schools of thought have lost a lot of masters in the past month. The

Xuantian Empire's army has not launched an attack on Xianyang City, and they are just staying here. It's been a month.

Today, they discovered that the Xuantian Empire's army was about to launch an actual attack. Just when they were about to assassinate the generals of the black-armored army, they did not expect that His Majesty the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire had arrived.

This made this place The remaining schools of thought have all retreated.

When the emperor of the Xuantian Empire arrives, there must be many expert guards around him. With two or three of them, there is no way they can be the opponent of those powerful guards.

Farmers An elder looked at Xunzi, a Confucian who was meditating next to him, and said seriously,"Master Xun, you are the most powerful here. You are a land immortal in the heavenly realm. The emperor of the Xuantian Empire is going to trouble you this time.."

In this nearly month-long assassination of Huang Rong, neither the Confucian nor the Nong family masters participated.

The Confucian family disdained the assassination, and the Nong family's sixth elders did not agree with each other, which also led to the Nong family not participating in the assassination.

"Su Chen, the emperor of the Xuantian Empire, killed my disciples Han Fei and Zhang Liang. I have no choice but to avenge this. After the war begins, I will take action against Su Chen, the emperor of the Xuantian Empire."

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