Su Chen did not expect Master Shuiyue of Qingyun Sect to actually see his level of cultivation. It seemed that he had underestimated the power of Master Shuiyue. It seemed that powerful immortal cultivators should not be underestimated.

No wonder Master Shuiyue kept stopping Lu Xueqi from taking action.

It turned out that he was afraid that her disciple would be defeated by him.

Su Chen looked at the surprised Lu Xueqi and said with a smile,"Girl, I can suppress you with one hand, do you believe it?"


Lu Xueqi yelled angrily when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't expect that this bastard had hidden his cultivation level. How could a shameless bastard be stronger than her? Could this bastard be a true disciple of another top immortal sect?

Su Chen opened his mouth and continued to tease Lu Xueqi,"I have teeth. Look, my teeth are very white.""


"What a bastard!"

"Mr. Su, you are really shameless."

Lu Xueqi, Yun Yun, and Yafei all yelled and cursed when they heard Su Chen's words. They didn't expect that Su Chen would be such a shameless bastard. Today, they are speechless against this bastard.

"This Su Chen is really unique."Xuanyuan Qingfeng shook his head in surprise when he heard Su Chen's words and said,

"He is a shameless bastard! Xu Nian said with disdain and anger,

"Aren't you a bastard too? You and that Su Chen are at odds with each other, both of you are not good people."


When Xiao Xun'er heard Su Chen's shameless words, he blushed and said angrily,"This shameless bastard, if I were next to that bastard, I would definitely strangle that bastard to death." Mr.

Ling looked at Su Chen, shook his head and said,"Su Young master is really a special person"

"Someone special? He is a shameless person"

"Yes, miss!"

Princess Yaoye looked at Su Chen with a confused look on her face.

Is this the person who came from the fairy world?

How can he look like a rogue? Is the noble son who came from the fairy world just a shameless young man?

Others in the hall were also right. Su Chen was speechless.

They had seen shameless people, but no one here had ever seen such a shameless person. However, Master Shuiyue never took action. It seemed that Su Chen, who had no fear, had an extraordinary origin.

Shuiyue He looked at Su Chen angrily and shouted,"That's enough, Su Chen, are you going to apologize now? It's better that I teach you a lesson and you apologize."

Su Chen saw Shui Yue acting like you were going to take action without apologizing. He coughed in embarrassment and said,"Ahem, senior, it's not good to beat and kill too much, why don't you just forget about it, anyway, your disciple There is no loss"

"You are dreaming!"

Lu Xueqi shouted angrily when she heard Su Chen's words.

She was fooled by this bastard today.

Now she can no longer maintain an expression of not caring about anything. Even her usually cold self is full of anger.

This bastard will not apologize today. , even if she couldn't beat this bastard, Lu Xueqi would also die with this bastard.

When Su Chen heard Lu Xueqi's words, he exclaimed,"I'll do it!" Lu Xueqi, I have let you go, why are you still so entangled with me?"

"court death!"

Lu Xueqi suddenly burst out with powerful momentum, and she attacked Su Chen with one punch.


Su Chen held the blue bird and red clothes to avoid Lu Xueqi's attack. The seat where he was was shattered by Lu Xueqi's punch.

"Lu Xueqi, I'll wait for you outside the hall!"

Su Chen looked at Lu Xueqi and said to Lu Xueqi, then he disappeared into the hall with the blue bird and red clothes.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? Even if I try my best today, I will kill this shameless person like you."When Lu Xueqi heard Su Chen's words, she ducked and disappeared into the hall.

Everyone in the hall ran outside the hall. They all wanted to see the scene of powerful masters fighting each other. This would also be very useful for their future practice. It's good.

Master Shuiyue waved to the remaining disciples, and she disappeared into the main hall instantly. The remaining disciples of Qingyun Sect also hurriedly went out of the main hall.

Yun Yun looked helplessly at the empty main hall. , she patted her forehead and quickly left the hall.

In the square outside the hall,

Su Chen put Qingniao and Hongyi aside and said,"Just watch from the side and see how this young master will teach that little girl a lesson.". Hongyi looked at Su Chen and reminded him worriedly,"Master, Master Shuiyue is very powerful. Aren't you afraid of Master Shuiyue's attack?""

Su Chen saw Master Shuiyue appearing next to him.

He coughed hurriedly and then flattered him and said,"Cough! After all, Master Shuiyue is a senior expert. She must have been scaring me just now. How could someone like Master Shuiyue take action against a junior."

Qingniao and Hongyi lowered their heads speechlessly after hearing Su Chen's words.

Their new master is too shameless.

Is this the so-called bullying of the weak and fear of the strong?

"Bastard, come and fight! Lu

Xueqi appeared in the square and looked at Su Chen and shouted,


Su Chen appeared opposite Lu Xueqi in an instant and asked with a smile,"Girl, are you sure you want to fight me?""

"Yes, I will definitely kill you today"

"I can fight you, but you can't let your master take action, otherwise I won't fight you"

"Don't worry, my master won't take action"

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, just die!"Lu Xueqi drew out her Tianya Sword and attacked Su Chen.

Boom boom!

Su Chen dodged and took out the purple spirit sword given to him by the little fox.

He also wanted to test the difference between himself and the immortal cultivator. ,

Su Chen is stronger than Lu Xueqi, but he has no immortal cultivation skills. In addition to the law of space, he only has the four major sword techniques of Qingyun Sect as martial arts for cultivation of immortals. He has only scratched the surface of the Wanjian Guizong of Shushan. , even if it is used now, it is of no use.

Qingyun Sect has the Heavenly Book of Immortal Cultivation Techniques and the Xuanqing Dao of Tai Chi. If he really wants to fight Lu Xueqi, if Su Chen doesn't use the law of space, he may not be Lu Xueqi's opponent.

"Eighteen swords!"

Boom boom boom!

A purple sword and a sky blue sword kept colliding rapidly in the square of Yunlan Sect. The powerful momentum erupted from the two spiritual swords made the people watching around them keep retreating.

"Twenty swords!"

Boom boom boom!"

"Sword twenty-one!"

"Twenty-two swords!"

Su Chen continued to use the Holy Spirit Sword Technique to fight against Lu Xueqi's attacks.

Although Lu Xueqi used mediocre moves, they were more powerful than Su Chen's sword moves.

This is the difference between Xiuxian Martial Arts and ordinary martial arts.

Although the Holy Spirit Sword Technique Strong, but it could barely hold up against Lu Xueqi's random sword moves.

"Is that all you have?"

Lu Xueqi was very surprised after her fight with Su Chen.

Although this bastard's swordsmanship was sharp, it was just ordinary martial arts, not immortal martial arts at all.

Did this bastard look down on her?

"What's wrong with my ability? As if you defeated me"

"you wanna die!"

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