Su Chen was speechless when he heard Lu Xueqi's angry words, and died together?

How can this be?


Lu Xueqi didn't have the ability to die with him.

Su Chen looked at the trembling Lu Xueqi and shouted,

"Girl, how about we just forget it?"

"You see, Yunlan Sect has been destroyed by us, who is to blame for this? Also, your master, Master Shuiyue, has been watching from the side. What if you die accidentally? I'm afraid your master will tear me alive"

"You're dreaming that if you die, you won't have to worry about anything. It's better for you, shameless bastard, to die."Lu Xueqi shouted angrily when she heard Su Chen's words.

She directly increased her mana output to destroy this bastard.

This bastard was thinking about other things during the battle.

This is simply looking down on her.

Boom boom boom......

"What the hell!"

Su Chen saw Lu Xueqi desperately increasing her mana output attack, which made Su Chen very helpless.

The terrifying thunder and lightning attack in the sky above Yunlan Sect directly destroyed the entire Yunlan Sect this time.

In Yunlan Sect , None of the buildings were intact, and even several hills in the Yunlan Sect were split open.

"What is Xue Qi doing? Does she want her life?"

Shuiyue was very anxious when she saw the situation in the air of Yunlan Sect.

Shuiyue found that Lu Xueqi could no longer hold on, and she was also ready to tear apart the space to rescue Lu Xueqi.

But she was very confused when she saw Lu Xueqi's lifeless attack.

Even if Lu Xueqi hated Su Chen, she couldn't gamble with her life.

Shui Yue hurriedly began to gather her magic power. She wanted to save her apprentice in time when Lu Xueqi was in danger.


At this time,

Su Chen Suddenly he found that Lu Xueqi was about to fall from the air.

He hurriedly teleported to Lu Xueqi, hugged her and left instantly. If Su Chen had been a step too late just now, I am afraid Lu Xueqi would have been destroyed by the terrifying thunder and lightning.


In Su Chen's hug Just after Lu Xueqi disappeared,

Shuiyue tore through the space and arrived, but she was very worried when she didn't notice Lu Xueqi.

Boom boom boom boom......

Just when Shui Yue was looking for Lu Xueqi, Su Chen's lightning attack, which he had not withdrawn before leaving, directly attacked Shui Yue.



When Shuiyue saw the incoming thunder and lightning attack, he swung out his palm.

A more terrifying aura came out of Shuiyue's palm.

After a blue light quickly collided with the black thunder and lightning, the black thunder and lightning was directly hit. Disappeared.

Without Su Chen's control, the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhenjue in the air began to slowly dissipate, and a glimmer of light appeared in the dark sky.

Shui Yue checked her surroundings, and she found that Lu Xueqi and Su Chen had disappeared. Missing, this made her very angry,"Damn it, why is Xue Qi missing? And why did that bastard disappear too?"

At this time, everyone at the foot of the Yunlan Sect saw that the battle was over. They came quickly one by one to know who had won.

"Where are people? Why is Master Shuiyue the only one in the air? Where are Lu Xueqi and Su Chen?"

"hiss! Could it be that Lu Xueqi and Su Chen died together?"

"It's possible, haven't you noticed that Master Shuiyue's face is very ugly?"

"How can this be? Two powerful masters died together like this?"

"No one can escape such a powerful lightning attack, and it is possible for them to die together."

"Do you think Master Shuiyue will kill Su Chen's women in anger?"

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, Master Shuiyue is a senior of Qingyun Sect, how could she kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

After the strong men from the Yunlan Sect arrived, they started talking after seeing the situation here.

Especially since the Yunlan Sect was destroyed and

Lu Xueqi and Su Chen disappeared, everyone started to speculate..

When Xiao Xun'er arrived and heard the discussion nearby, she said with a surprised expression,"That bastard is dead? How did that bastard die?"

"Miss, the attack just now was very powerful. Mr. Su and Lu Xueqi may have died together."

Xiao Xun'er shook her head and said with a cold face,

"Impossible, how could that bastard die?"

"That bastard Su Chen was so shameless. It was impossible for him to die together with Lu Xueqi. I didn't believe that bastard was dead until I saw his body."

Xiao Xun'er didn't believe that Su Chen would die together with Lu Xueqi. How could a shameless bastard risk his life and die with the enemy? If others, Xiao Xun'er still believed it, but she didn't believe in Su Chen at all.


Mr. Ling looked at Xiao Xun'er and didn't know what to say, but didn't the young lady wish that Su Chen died?

Why do you look worried now?

Mr. Ling shook his head as he couldn't understand these things.

After Yun Yun and Nalan Yuyan arrived, they were very surprised when they heard the comments from the powerful people around them.

Is Su Chen dead?

How can this be?

Isn't Su Chen stronger than Lu Xueqi?

How could Su Chen die?

Nalan Yuyan looked at the destroyed Yunlan Sect and even heard the comments from the people around her.

She looked at Yun Yun's pale face and asked in a low voice,"Master, is Mr. Su really dead?"

Yun Yun shook her head and said in disbelief,"No way, how could Su Chen die? I don't I believe Su Chen will die"

"But there are no figures of Mr. Su and Lu Xueqi here. Master, I'm afraid they died together."

"Su Chen was very powerful. He must have taken Lu Xueqi away with him. There was no way they would die together."

"well! Hope so!"

At this time,

Xu Nian next to him laughed,"Haha, that bastard is finally dead, what a good death!"

Xu Nian finally felt relieved after Su Chen's death.

Su Chen's strength scared him.

No master in Beiliang could be Su Chen's opponent.

An enemy more powerful than the Nascent Soul Realm. If Su Chen didn't die, , the future will be the end of Beiliang.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked at it and laughed and said Xu Nian didn't say anything.

She didn't believe that Su Chen would die, and Su Chen and Lu Xueqi disappeared at the same time, which made

Xuanyuan Qingfeng even more suspicious.

Master Yue has always been by his side. If Lu Xueqi is in danger, can Master Shuiyue refuse to save her?

Princess Yaoye looked at Ya Fei with a disappointed look on her face and said,"Zhu Guo is gone, Ya Fei, it seems that Su The young master is really dead."

Ya Fei is not worried at all.

Su Chen is a young master who came from the immortal world to the Shenyu Continent to experience.

Since Su Chen has an immortal fruit like Zhu Guo in his hand, will he not have a magic weapon to save his life?

"No, Yaoye, do you really think Mr. Su will die? A dandy who comes to the fairy world, will he have no magic weapon to save his life? Or do you think a person who comes from the fairy world will die so easily?"

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