When Shui Yue heard Su Yue's cry, she looked at the little girl in Queen Medusa's arms.

She didn't expect that a little girl who was less than one year old would say this. Although the little girl couldn't speak clearly, she still couldn't speak clearly. This little girl obviously wants to protect these women

"father....daddy....beat...Beat the bad guys! Shuiyue looked at this cute little girl and threatened with a smile,"Haha, your father has escaped. He doesn't want you anymore.""

"Wow wow wow....."Su Yue cried loudly when she heard Shui Yue's words.

"If Yue'er doesn't cry, your father will be here soon."

"Yue'er, be good, don't cry!"

"Xiaoyue'er, your father will be here soon. If you cry, your father won't like you."

Queen Medusa, Hanhan, and Shi Feixuan heard Su Yue cry.

Although they couldn't move one by one, they still hurriedly comforted Su Yue.

"Wenmin, go and pick up this little girl."

"Yes, master!"

Queen Medusa saw the disciples of Qingyun Sect trying to take Yue'er away, she hurriedly shouted,

"No, Yue'er can't be taken away by you."

"It's not up to you, Wenmin, why don't you go pick up that little girl?"

"Yes, master!"


Just when Wen Min from Qingyun Sect was about to take Su Yue away,

Su Yue's body suddenly burst out with a powerful aura, and Wen Min was immediately knocked back.

"This is?"

Shui Yue looked at Su Yue and was very surprised.

A little girl less than one year old could have such a powerful aura in her body? Even Wen Min in the Nascent Soul Realm was shocked back. This little girl looked at It's not easy.

Queen Medusa, Shi Fei Xuan and Huan Huan also looked at Su Yue in dumbfounded manner.

The powerful aura that erupted from Su Yue's body just now did not threaten them at all, and even the shadow assassins were not affected. This caused them to look at Su Yue with great confusion.

Wen Min retreated to Master Shuiyue and asked in confusion,"Master, what's going on?"

Shui Yue shook her head and replied,"I don't know, maybe Su Chen gave his daughter some defensive magic weapon, and that magic weapon is protecting this little girl."

The strong men around thought that the matter was about to end.

They didn't expect that things had changed again, which made everyone here look at Su Yue. They also wanted to know what was going on with this little girl's body.

Mr. Ling Looking at Su Yue, she asked in surprise,"Miss, what's going on?"

Xiao Xun'er glared at Mr. Ling and felt very helpless.

How could she, a fighting king, know that?

Mr. Ling was also confused.

"I don't know, maybe Su Chen's daughter has a defensive magic weapon in her body."

Mr. Ling thought for a while and guessed,

"That's right, Mr. Su Chen came from the fairy world, so his daughter must have a defensive magic weapon."

Ya Fei smiled when she saw Su Yue's change and said,"Did you see that, Yao Ye, do you still think that Su Chen is dead?"

Ya Fei did not expect that Su Yue would erupt with a powerful aura, and even the strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm could not get close. This made her guess that this must be the magic weapon that Su Chen gave to his daughter.

So how could Su Chen die? ?

Su Chen will definitely have a powerful magic weapon on his body, and that bastard can't die easily.

"You are right, Yafei, it is really impossible for Su Chen to die."Princess Yaoye looked at Su Yue and nodded.

The powerful aura that erupted from Su Yue's body just now left her with lingering fear.

This time she believed that Su Chen would not die.

A little girl has a powerful defensive magic weapon. , Su Chen must also have a powerful magic weapon to protect his body.

Nalan Yuyan looked at Su Yue and asked in surprise,"Master, what's going on? Yun

Yun shook her head and guessed,"I don't know. This may be the magic weapon of the Eastern Continent protecting that little girl.""

"How powerful is such a magic weapon for such a little girl? Master, this time you must get a magic weapon for Su Chen to compensate for the losses of our Yunlan Sect."

"Haha, you dare to open your mouth like a lion."

Xu Nian just stared at all this with dumbfounded eyes.

He didn't know what to say now.

Today's incidents happened one after another.

Is it so difficult for the people of Qingyun Sect to arrest Su Chen's woman and daughter?

And Su Chen His daughter is protected by a magic weapon, will that bastard Su Chen do it?

That bastard Su Chen will definitely not die this time, so won’t he have to face Su Chen’s threats in the future?

"This little girl is not simple. I will carry her here myself."

Shui Yue checked Su Yue, but she didn't find any magic weapon on Su Yue.

When she looked at Su Yue, she was very confused.

She had never seen such a thing before. Shui Yue decided to check Su Yue. situation.

Boom boom boom.....

When Shui Yue was about to get close to Su Yue, the aura erupting from Su Yue's body became stronger and stronger, but it was not a threat to Shui Yue at all, so Shui Yue still walked towards Su Yue step by step.

Everyone around was watching intently. They all wanted to know what was going on with Su Yue's body. Was there a magic weapon protecting her? Or are there other reasons?


Just when Shui Yue was about to approach Su Yue, a bird's song suddenly chirped from Su Yue's body. boom!

A golden giant bird suddenly appeared from Su Yue's body. After this illusory golden bird appeared, it flew into the sky above Su Yue.

After the giant bird appeared, Medusa felt that she could move.

She hugged Su Yue and looked at the giant bird in the sky and said confusedly,"What's going on? Why did a giant bird come out of Yue'er's body?" Appeared?"

"This is the black bird, the totem of our family"

"Yes, this is indeed a black bird, the totem of our black bird family."

Hanwan and Shi Feixuan also regained their freedom. They looked at the black bird in the sky and said with smiles.

They also knew that Su Yue inherited Su Chen's black bird bloodline, and even Su Yue's sealed cultivation realm. I heard about it.

Although Hanwen and Shi Feixuan were not present at the time, it was impossible for Xuanniao and the others to admit their mistake. Their clothes were all embroidered with Xuanniao patterns, and their family's totems were for them to admit their mistake.

"Black bird? Su Chen is from the Xuanniao family? No wonder you all have black bird patterns on your clothes."Queen Medusa looked at the black bird in the sky when she heard what Hanhan was talking about with her master concubine.

She had seen this black bird before.

Su Yue had such a pattern on her clothes, and even when Hanhan and her master concubine Xuan were wearing clothes. There is one in the book.

But why hasn’t she heard of the Xuannio family?

Does Su Yue have Xuannian blood in her body?

"Black bird? How can this be? This little girl actually has the blood of the black bird from the ancient immortal world? What is the origin of this little girl? Did Su Chen come from the fairy world?"

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