In the forest at the foot of the Yunlan Sect Mountain, more than a dozen people in black here looked at the protector with uneasiness.

Ever since the battle that took place in the Yunlan Sect today, the protector of the Soul Palace had been sullen and motionless. They These little minions stood nearby without even daring to breathe.

The fighting that took place in Yunlan Sect today was beyond their imagination. The battle in the Nascent Soul Realm (Dou Zong) frightened all the Dou Zong here.

Although they also have four Dou Zong here, the Dou Zong and the Nascent Soul Realm of the Eastern Continent are not at the same level at all.

It is also very easy for a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm in the Eastern Continent to kill a strong man in the Nine Stars of the Douzong in the Southern Continent. Unless there are techniques to restrain him, the Douzong will not be his opponent at the Nascent Soul Realm.

Today's battle involves the four fighting sects here taking action together, and there is no return.

Even Dou Zun's protector may not be his opponent.

A Dou Zong saluted the sullen Soul Palace Protector and said,"Protector, do we still want to implement our plan?" The

Soul Palace Protector said angrily with an ugly look on his face,"It's a waste of time. If the mission is cancelled, I will report it to the palace." Lord, report what happened here."

The protector of the Soul Palace did not expect that Yunlan Sect would have masters of the Nascent Soul Realm coming this time, and even Shui Yue, the master of Qingyun Sect's Xiaozhu Peak, would arrive.

Shui Yue is a powerful person in the distraction realm.

Even if he encounters Shui Yue, he may be slapped to death.

This mission is still necessary.

There are not enough people here to slaughter the disciples of Qingyun Sect.

This Dou Zong bravely reported again,"Dharma protector, people from the ancient tribe have discovered us, should we kill those people?"

The guard waved his hand and stopped him,

"No, the people from the Ancient Clan are all small fish and shrimps. If we kill those people, I’m afraid the Ancient Clan will send more masters, which will be detrimental to our future actions."

"Protector, what about Yunshan? He knows our plan, should we destroy him?"

"Is Yunshan still in retreat in the back mountain?"

"Yes, the protector didn't give Yunshan a soul pill. Yunshan should be breaking through the Douzong."

The protector of the Soul Palace ordered with a cold face,

"Go kill him. The Yunlan Sect's mission has failed, and the chess piece is useless. Besides, the ancient tribe has discovered us. There is no need to leave the hidden danger of Yunshan. We cannot let the ancient tribe know our plan."

"Yes, protector!"

"Go back and continue to lurk. I will inform you if there is a mission. I want to go back to the Soul Palace to report the things here to the Palace Master."

"Yes, protector."

On a small road in the Yunlan Sect,

Xiao Huohuo was coming towards the Yunlan Sect with a black giant ruler on his back. Although the powerful battle just broke out in the Yunlan Sect made Xiao Huohuo frightened, tomorrow is the time for a duel.

Xiao Huo Huo Huo didn't want to miss the time.

He also wanted to see what powerful enemy the Yunlan Sect had encountered.

Xiao Huohuo thought about the powerful battle just now.

He thought about it and asked,"Master, are you sure it was a battle with the Douzong just now?" ?"

An old voice said from the ring on Xiao Huohuo's hand,

"No, it’s the Nascent Soul realm that’s even more powerful than Douzong."

"Although the Nascent Soul Realm is at the same level as the Douzong, most Douzong are no match for the Nascent Soul Realm."

"The Eastern Continent is a land of outstanding people and spiritual people, with skills, martial arts, magic weapons and aura that no other continent can possess."

Xiao Huohuoyi said with some frustration,"I know, it's just the rules of heaven and earth. Even if we want to use spiritual energy to practice, it's impossible."

Xiao Huohuo is very clear about cultivating immortals.

He is a time traveler.

He knows the power of cultivating immortals clearly. However, he was born in the Southern Continent. Even if he wants to cultivate immortals, it is impossible for him.

He cannot feel the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth at all. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is the same even in the Eastern Continent where the spiritual energy is rich. Unless he has a special technique, he will never be able to cultivate immortality in his life. The old man in the ring looked at Xiao Huohuo's dejected look and encouraged him,

"Xiaohuo, fighting qi cultivation has the benefits of fighting qi training. As long as you become stronger in the future, when your fighting qi is strong, it can turn the world upside down. If you collect enough strange fires, even immortal cultivators cannot be your opponent."

Xiao Huohuo nodded and felt better and said,

"Thank you for your guidance, Master. I will intensify my practice in the future. I will even collect more exotic fires."

"Well, keep on your way, rest at the foot of Yunlan Zong Mountain tonight, and go straight up the mountain tomorrow to fulfill your three-year agreement"

"Yes, master!"

In the Yunlan Sect, with the intensive construction work of thousands of disciples, each house was built.

Although the houses were not well built and the items inside were not complete, they were already the best.

In one hour Being able to build such a house, the strong men here are not picky.

After all, the battle just now destroyed the Yunlan Sect, and all they need is a place to rest.

In a house,

Shuiyue and Shi Fei Xuan sat together,

Shui Yue still wanted to accept Shi Fei Xuan as his disciple, Shi Fei Xuan helplessly listened to Shui Yue's constant nagging.

Shui Yue took Shi Fei Xuan's hand and said with a smile,"Fei Xuan Xuan, you should think about it carefully. This is your opportunity. You don’t want to listen to Su Chen on everything."

"Senior, I will think about it carefully."Shi Feixuan nodded to Shui Yue and replied.

Shi Feixuan didn't want to sit here with Shui Yue, but in order to reassure Shui Yue that they would not escape, Shi Feixuan had no choice but to come here as a hostage.

Still. There is that enchantress Huan Huan, why don't you share the joys and sorrows with her this time?

When Shi Feixuan thought of Huan Huan's smile when she arrived, she couldn't help but go back and have a fight with Huan Huan.



At this moment,

Shuiyue suddenly noticed a strange breath appearing in the room. She stood up in a hurry and shouted.

Shi Feixuan also nervously drew out her long sword and was on guard.

"Master, it's me!"

Lu Xueqi's voice suddenly came from the room.

"Xueqi, you......"

Shui Yue was stunned when she discovered Lu Xueqi. She didn't expect that Su Chen would appear in the room holding her apprentice. This made Shui Yue confused for a moment what happened.

"Bastard, don't let me go yet!"

Lu Xueqi saw Shui Yue's shocked expression, and she immediately realized that she was still being held by Su Chen, a bastard.

When she came to Yunlan Sect,

Su Chen carried her to Yunlan Sect in an instant, and even She also appeared directly in her master's room. Lu Xueqi blushed and stepped on Su Chen hard, yelling at Su Chen to let her go.

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen was very helpless after being stepped on by Lu Xueqi.

Su Chen discovered that Shi Feixuan was here, which made him stunned for a moment. He also forgot about Lu Xueqi who was still holding him.


"Feixuan, why are you also in Yunlan Sect? Even appeared in Master Shuiyue's room?"

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