When Su Chen heard Ya Fei's arrival, he knew why.

Ya Fei must have guessed that he was the fake fairy world master, and she should have come to confirm this time.

But that's fine, he should have almost collected the Najies he asked Yafei to collect.

Su Chen thought for a while and said to Jiang Ni,

"Let her in!"

"Yes, Master!"

After Jiang Ni left,

Queen Medusa looked at Su Chen and praised,"Su Chen, these three maids of yours are all very good. They did not flee or even rebel when they encountered danger."

Su Chen patted his chest and said proudly,"That's right, you don't even know who I am. The people I like are all very good."

"You bastard are not humble at all. You are a shameless person."

"Cai Lin, I will be your husband from now on. If you say this, I will be punished from home to home."

"Shameless, if you keep talking nonsense, I will be rude to you."

After Queen Medusa heard Su Chen's shameless words again, she immediately stood up, glared at Su Chen and threatened.

Su Chen hurriedly took a few steps back and whispered,"Haha, isn't this a matter of time?"

Queen Medusa didn't expect that Su Chen would dare to say this.

She was helpless to this bastard. She had no way to deal with this bastard. Fight! She couldn't beat this bastard. Argue! She is not such a shameless person. The opponent.

Queen Medusa walked towards Shi Feixuan and did not want to talk to this bastard.

After a while, when Ya Fei arrived under the leadership of Jiang Ni, she found that Su Chen was also in the room, which surprised her very much. ,

Concubine Ya hurriedly saluted Su Chen and Queen Medusa,"Concubine Ya has met Mr. Su and several ladies. Mr. Su, I didn't expect you to come back."

Su Chen waved his hand and asked Ya Fei to sit down and asked,"Ya Fei, you should have collected all the Na Rings, right?"

"Mr. Su, the Najie has been collected a long time ago, but Mr. Su never came to pick it up, and I never found Mr. Su, so I kept the Najie."

"Yafei, thank you this time."

After Yafei heard what Su Chen said, she felt that Su Chen was not as arrogant as a playboy, nor did he look down on her as a little woman.

This made her impression of Su Chen even more good.

Yafei smiled and said Najie Passed it to Su Chen and said,

"Haha, these are the Najies that the young master asked me to collect. There are six hundred and twenty in each. But the space of the Najies is not too big. The space here is basically five cubic meters, and the largest one is only twenty cubic meters."

Su Chen took the ring and checked it before saying with a smile,"This is already very good. Yafei, I can give you a reward. Tell me, what do you want?"

"Then thank you Mr. Su. Mr. Su, I have a friend who also needs a red fruit. I wonder if Mr. Su still has red fruits in his hand?"

"friend? Is she the beautiful woman next to you at the banquet?" Ya Fei didn't expect that Su Chen would notice herself and Princess Yao Ye during the banquet. This made Ya Fei look at Su Chen very strangely. Didn't Su Chen look at all the beautiful women at the banquet? ?

"Exactly, she is Princess Yaoye, the princess of the Gamma Empire."

Su Chen nodded and agreed.

Princess Yaoye is also an amazing woman. She, Huang Rong, Zhao Min, and Li Xiuning are all military geniuses.

Su Chen felt that if he could subdue Princess Yaoye in the future, he would be the best choice again. There will be no shortage of commanders when forming a combat legion.

"Yes, but I hope Princess Yaoye can no longer wage war against the Desert Snake Tribe. Queen Medusa is my woman. I hope you can tell Princess Yaoye."

Ya Fei nodded and replied,"I understand. I will tell Princess Yaoye and Mr. Su that with the strength of Queen Medusa, the Gama Empire will not dare to deal with the Snake Tribe in the future."

At this time, the blue bird came in and saluted,

"Young Master, Yun Yun, the leader of the Yunlan Sect, has arrived, and a woman named Xiao Xun'er has also arrived to miss you and your ladies."

Su Chen was very confused when he heard Qingniao's report,"Yun Yun? Xiao Xun'er? Why did they arrive together?"

"Master, do you want them to come in?"

"Let them all come in."

Su Chen thought about it and decided to let them all in.

Yun Yun's arrival may be to have a relationship with Queen Medusa and the others.

When Xiao Xun'er arrived, Su Chen couldn't guess.

Xiao Xun'er had no contact with him at all. Then Xiao Xun'er had no contact with him at all. Xun'er came to see Queen Medusa and what were they doing?

When Ya Fei heard this, she didn't care. She sat next to her and drank the tea that Jiang Ni poured and couldn't bear to put it down.

She didn't expect that it was just some tea. After drinking it, she would The increase in strength made Ya Fei's eyes light up when she looked at Su Chen. If these teas were auctioned, they would definitely cause a sensation.

At this moment,

Yun Yun came to the room with Nalan Yuyan and Xiao Xun'er. , but when they found out that Su Chen was back, they looked at Su Chen in different ways.

Yun Yun walked over with a smile in her eyes.

This time Su Chen came back, so let Su Chen compensate the Yunlan Sect. The destruction was almost certain.

Nalan Yuyan looked at Su Chen and was very curious.

This man was about the same age as her, not even a few years older than her, but there was a huge difference in strength between them.

She was just He is a fighting king, and Su Chen is at least a Nascent Soul Realm super master.

Xiao Xun'er's face turned ugly.

She did not expect that this bastard had come back.

Xiao Xun'er thought that if she had known that this bastard was back, she would not have come. Here it is, but now she has entered the room. If she leaves like this, doesn't it mean that she is afraid of this bastard?

At this moment,

Queen Medusa, Shi Feixuan and Huanyuan are also looking at the arriving girls. They don't Thinking that Su Chen had just come back, there were several beautiful beauties here.

This made them look at Su Chen with very unkind expressions.

Su Chen looked at the many beauties in the room. Each of these beauties were all charming and stunning..

The cool and cold Shi Fei Xuan, Xiao Xun'er, Nalan Yuyan.

The arrogant and cold Queen Medusa, the enchanting witch Han Wu, the charming imperial sisters Ya Fei and Yun Yun, and the delicate Jiang Ni And the three maids in blue and red

"Everyone, please take a seat. What do you want from me?" Su Chen asked

Yun Yun and Xiao Xun'er after they sat down. Yun Yun smiled and said directly,"Master Su, you have ruined my Yunlan Sect. , should you compensate?" Su Chen was speechless when he heard Yun Yun's words,"Uh! Yun Yun, I did not do this alone. The Qingyun Sect is also responsible, and the Qingyun Sect has a great cause, so they will definitely compensate you." Yun Yun shook her head and said with a frightened expression,"I don't dare to ask Qingyun Sect for compensation.


"Then Sect Leader Yun dares to ask me for compensation?"

"Why are we friends? Mr. Su, you won’t refuse to compensate me, Yunlan Sect, right?"

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