Xiao Huohuo is very angry now.

He didn't expect that Nalan Yuyan would humiliate him like this, but he is also very helpless now.

Xiao Huohuo's strength is no match for Nalan Yuyan. If he doesn't use his master now With the help of fighting spirit, it is impossible for him to defeat Nalan Yuyan

"This Xiao Huohuo is a great fighting master, Nalan Yuyan of Yunlan Sect is a fighting king, this competition is a joke"

"Yes, Xiao Huohuo also came to slap Yun Lanzong in the face. Isn't he humiliating himself?"

"Haha, this is a farce. The small Xiao family still wants to compare with the Yunlan Sect. Is the Xiao family crazy about wanting to be famous?"

"The Xiao family is in trouble this time. After this competition, the Xiao family may no longer have a foothold in Wutan City."

"The head of the Xiao family is also an old fool. Isn’t it clear what kind of fool his son is? This time, I am afraid that the position of patriarch of the Xiao family will also be taken away."

"It is not certain whether the Xiao family will exist in the future. Even if the Yunlan Sect does not embarrass the Xiao family, the other families of the Gama Empire and Wu Cheng will not let the Xiao family go." Everyone in the stands started talking when they saw Xiao Huohuo's vulnerable appearance. These strong men thought that Xiao Huohuo would be as strong as Nalan Yuyan, but they did not expect that Xiao Huohuo was a big Fighter, this makes the Enter the Dragon fight they want to see doomed to be disappointing.

"Your Xiao family is going to be famous."Su Chen said with a smile when he saw the farce in the square.

When Xiao Xun'er saw Xiao Huohuo's vulnerable look, she shook her head.

When she heard Su Chen's words, she said expressionlessly ,

"I'm not from the Xiao family!"

Su Chen said teasingly while leaning on the chair,

"Yes, you are from the Su family!"

Xiao Xun'er didn't react for a moment.

This bastard didn't know that she was from the ancient tribe.

Why did this bastard say that she was from the Su family?

The Su family?

Is there a powerful Su family in the southern continent?

"Su family? When did I become a member of the Su family?"

Seeing that Xiao Xun'er didn't react, Su Chen coughed hurriedly in an attempt to fool him,"Ahem, cough, cough, it will happen in the future!"

"you.....You shameless bastard."

Xiao Xun'er understood immediately.

This bastard was teasing her, the Su family?

Isn't this bastard's surname Su?

Damn bastard,

Xiao Xun'er kicked Su Chen angrily.

Su Chen hurriedly clamped down. When Xiao Xun'er kicked her, he quickly said,"Don't make trouble, the fighting has started again. Xiao Huohuo still has his trump card, so it's not certain who will win."

When Xiao Xun'er saw Su Chen clamping her feet, she blushed and shouted hurriedly,


Su Chen let go of Xiao Xun'er's foot and reminded,"Don't kick me again. There are many people watching here."


Xiao Xun'er saw Mr. Ling next to him with an expression as if he hadn't seen anything just now, which made her very ashamed and angry. She glared at Su Chen and then looked angrily at the competition in the square.

Mr. Ling looked at Su Chen and then at Xiao Xun'er.

He felt that there was something going on between the two of them. If the clan leaders planned a marriage in the future, he believed that Su Chen would not object.

"The ruler that separates the waves from the sea and the sky!"

"Tianling Shenfa, Tianling Haotian Sword!"

Boom, boom, boom!

After Xiao Huohuo's giant ruler collided with Nalan Yuyan's long sword, a powerful force erupted.

The surrounding square was also destroyed with craters, and Xiao Huohuo was hit by Nalan Yuyan again this time. Yu Yan stabbed her shoulder with her sword.

Xiao Huohuo looked at the injury on his shoulder and hurriedly said to his master,"Master, help me!"


Xiao Huohuo suddenly burst out with powerful momentum.

He broke through from Da Douzong to Dou Ling in one go, and he had no intention of stopping.

Dou Ling Two Stars.....Dou Ling Four Stars.....Dou Ling nine stars, Boom, Dou Wang two stars, Dou Wang three stars, Dou Wang four stars. Xiao Huohuo stopped making breakthroughs only after he was promoted to Dou Wang Five Stars.

"How can this be? How did Xiao Huohuo do this? Such a great fighting master reached the fifth level of Dou Wang in a short time?"

"Why do I feel like the fighting spirit in Xiao Huohuo's body doesn't belong to him?"

"I also feel it. Does Xiao Huohuo have some spiritual object that can instantly increase his strength?"

"Impossible, Xiao Huohuo is just a member of a small family, how could he have a spiritual creature?"

"Now Nalan Yuyan is in danger. Xiao Huohuo's strength is one star higher than yours, Nalan Yuyan."

"That's right, but how long can Xiao Huohuo maintain this strength? If it only lasts for a moment, Xiao Huohuo will still be defeated."

Everyone around saw Xiao Huohuo's strength instantly rising to Dou Wang. They all stood up in surprise. They looked at Xiao Huohuo in the square and started talking.

Xiao Xun'er was surprised when he saw Xiao Huohuo's change. asked

"How can this be? You bastard already knew that Xiao Huohuo would change like this?"


Su Chen nodded and replied with a smile.

Su Chen also saw Shui Yue's expression change.

Shui Yue must have discovered the soul body in Xiao Huohuo's ring. Shui Yue is a powerful immortal cultivator of the Taoist sect. The soul body As long as it is exposed,

Xiao Huohuo will be in trouble this time.

Xiao Xun'er looked at Su Chen and asked in confusion,"How did Xiao Huohuo do it?"

Xiao Xun'er now believes what Su Chen said is true.

There seems to be nothing that this bastard doesn't know. He knows everything about her.

But Xiao Huohuo has just met this bastard, and this bastard also knows about Xiao Huohuo. Some things about this made Xiao Xun'er once again suspect that Su Chen could read minds.

Su Chen looked at Xiao Huohuo and explained,"A powerful soul is in the ring on Xiao Huohuo's hand. Xiao Huohuo's strength It was also the soul body that he borrowed from him."

"Soul body? No wonder the fighting spirit in Xiao Huohuo's body didn't seem to be his, it turned out to be that way."

Xiao Xun'er understood after hearing Su Chen's words.

Xiao Huohuo's strength turned out to be with the help of a soul body.

Is this still Xiao Huohuo's strength?

This three-year duel is really funny.

"how did you do it?"

Nalan Yuyan is also very confused now.

She didn't expect that Xiao Huohuo would be stronger than her in an instant? This made her very confused. How could a great fighting master become a five-star fighting master in an instant? King?

Could it be that Xiao Huohuo also hid his cultivation level?

Xiao Huohuo laughed happily and said,"Haha! Nalan Yuyan, I will let you see how powerful I am, but you should think about how I will humiliate you in the future, my maid!"

"You are dreaming, even if you are stronger than me, you may not be able to defeat me."

"Nalan Yuyan, I’ll see if you can be tough in a moment."

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