Xuanyuan Qingfeng was very surprised when he heard Su Chen's words.

The Taoist priest had killed five or six banshees just now.

Five or six banshees appeared in one city. This was enough. Why were there still banshees in Qinghe City?

Moreover, looking at Su Chen's expression, there seemed to be quite a few banshees, which shocked Xuanyuan Qingfeng even more.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng said to Su Chen with a serious face,

"There's something wrong with this Qinghe City"

"It is impossible for so many demons to appear in one city. If the city lord asks for help from the Great Chen Kingdom here, a powerful demon subduing master will come. This is not a good thing for those demons."

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Xuanyuan Qingfeng's words.

He won't care about any of this.

Demons and ghosts are rampant in the Eastern Continent.

If Su Chen doesn't care about these things,

I'm afraid he won't be able to return to Hangzhou City for a year.

"What does this have to do with us? I just rested for one night and left. Those demons in Qinghe City didn’t want to......Damn it, I'm looking for death!"


Just when Su Chen said that he would not care about these things, three banshees suddenly attacked the inn.

Su Chen immediately used magic to protect Su Yue.

He was really speechless. He said just now Regardless of these things, I didn't expect that these reckless banshees would dare to attack this place.

In the inn, after the three banshees attacked, the inn was immediately shattered to pieces. The warriors here were staggered one by one, and there were even a few They were shocked to death on the spot.

A banshee saw the warriors in the inn and shouted,"Quick, suck the essence of these warriors so that we can go back and recover, otherwise the Taoist priest will come back.""

"Kill them!"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked at these banshees and ordered angrily.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng is in a very embarrassed state now.

She is dirty all over, and there is even dust on her clothes.

She did not expect that these banshees would dare to appear. , and even attacked the inn.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng's guards held weapons one by one and quickly killed the three banshees.

The other warriors in the inn also resisted desperately.

If these warriors did not want to be sucked,

They must fight to the death


Just when Qingniao was about to take action with his Chang Ge,

Su Chen pulled Qingniao.


Qingniao looked at Su Chen and asked doubtfully.

Su Chen looked out the window and ordered Qingniao,"Qingniao, take the five-element talisman in red armor and go to the small river in the southeast outside the inn. There is a banshee there. Captured her alive"

"Yes, Master!"

Qingniao nodded and waved to the red armor of the five-element talisman. She quickly left the inn with the five-element talisman red armor. When

Xuanyuan Qingfeng heard Su Chen's words, he reminded,"Su Chen, you have to capture a banshee alive. ? These banshees are very cunning, don't be fooled by them."

"It's none of your business, just be careful that all your guards die!"

Su Chen said to Xuanyuan Qingfeng angrily, doesn't he know this?

Su Chen also discovered just now that the banshees here are all commanded by the banshee by the river. He wants to catch this banshee and question him. Why do these banshees appear in Qinghe City?

Do they even dare to appear in broad daylight and suck the essence of warriors?


Xuanyuan Qingfeng was very angry when she heard Su Chen's words.

She also discovered that her guards were suffering heavy casualties.

Although these banshees were not strong, their mysterious appearance made her guards unable to defend themselves. Many guards were unable to defend themselves. Killed off guard

"damn it!"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng rushed over with a long sword.

If she didn't take action, all her guards would be killed in a moment. Su Chen checked the three banshees and whispered,

"These demons have practiced low-level demonic arts, and their bodies will also become insubstantial. It is impossible for ordinary warriors to kill these banshees. Even powerful warriors cannot do anything to these banshees no matter how weak they are."

"beat...beat.....beat....."Su Yue looked at the chaotic fight in the inn and shouted with a smile.

Su Chen kissed Xiao Yue'er and said speechlessly,"Yue'er, you are becoming more and more like your sister. If your mother finds out about this, I'm afraid you will Dad, I'm going to be in trouble"

"Slightly....Giggle...."Su Yue touched Su Chen's face and laughed happily.

Su Chen looked at Su Yue's happy look and shook his head helplessly.

It seemed that he was really not suitable to take care of children.

He was fighting and killing all day long. Su Yue also saw this often. I'm afraid this would be detrimental to Su. The influence of the month is very large

"court death!"


When Su Chen was teasing Yue'er, a banshee suddenly rushed towards Su Chen.

When Su Chen saw the charging banshee, he quickly took action with no expression on his face and caught the banshee in an instant. Neck.

Under the horrified look in the banshee’s eyes,

Su Chen immediately broke her neck.

"Damn it, these banshees are really ugly."Su Chen hurriedly threw her out of the inn when she saw the face of the banshee.

What kind of demons are these?

Why do they look so beautiful?

They will be so ugly after death, they won't even have a face.

I guess!

This can't be a painting, right? ?

Su Chen thought about the origins of these banshees and guessed.

In the inn,

Su Chen saw that the remaining two banshees were also killed by Xuanyuan Qingfeng, but six or seven of her men were also dead. , Xuanyuan Qingfeng is probably very angry this time

"Damn it, I will not let go of all the banshees in Qinghe City."Xuanyuan Qingfeng shouted angrily when he saw the guards who suffered heavy casualties.

Su Chen laughed when he heard Xuanyuan Qingfeng's words,

"Do you have this strength?"

"Although these banshees are not powerful, each one of them has the strength of a grandmaster. Coupled with the demonic skills practiced by these banshees, it is difficult for even a grandmaster to deal with them."

"The leader of the banshee will probably be even more powerful"

"Miss Xuanyuan"

"You'd better take a shower and go to bed."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked at Su Chen and yelled angrily,"Asshole, I'm in the Heavenly Realm. Am I a match for these banshees?"

Su Chen asked with a sneer,

"Is the Celestial Realm very powerful? Although I don’t know the cultivation level of the demons, these demons are capable of magic. Are you sure you can deal with the demons who are capable of magic?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng proudly said to Su Chen,

"As long as I am strong, I can kill demons even if they have magic skills. A Taoist priest at the master level can easily kill these banshees. It is even easier for me, a celestial being, to kill all these banshees."

"Then I wish you success."

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