Xuanyuan Qingfeng was very shocked when he looked at Su Chen.

Others may not know that the sparrow demon is a banshee, but would she not know?

The sparrow demon is a real banshee, but why didn’t the Taoist priest find out?

The talisman attached was of no use, and the Taoist priest's demon-killing method was of no use. How did Su Chen do it?

Aruo looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng's shocked expression and asked in confusion,"Sister Xuanyuan, why are you so surprised? What happened?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng took a breath and explained,

"A Ruo, that maid is a banshee. This banshee was caught by Su Chen's maid, but why didn't the Taoist priest find out?"

"What? Is that maid really a banshee? Or was it caught by Su Chen's maid? Can.....But it is impossible for the Taoist priest to detect errors. Did you make a mistake?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng shook his head and confirmed,

"Impossible, this banshee recruited all of them when Su Chen interrogated her. She is a banshee. That bastard must be hiding the banshee's evil spirit. This bastard is really going to cause trouble."

Aruo is getting more and more confused now.

Why does Su Chen hide the demonic aura in the banshee?

And there is something going on.

What kind of thing is going on?

"Sparrow demon? Then why did Su Chen do this? Making trouble? What's going on?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng patted Aruo and said seriously.

"Aruo, you don’t know, this bastard is a bastard who is not afraid of heaven or earth. On the border of the Southern Continent, there are warriors there but they all call him the Great Demon King."

"demon king?"

"Well, killing masters, destroying masters, snatching maids, daring to teach the direct descendants of top Taoist sects, and even destroying a powerful sect's station, all these things were done by that bastard in a day or two."

"hiss! Mr. Su Chen doesn't look like that kind of person!"

"Aruo, those things will be spread in the Southern Continent Border and even the Eastern Continent Border in the future. You will understand in the future. In the future, the warriors in the Eastern Continent Border and the Southern Continent Border will change their expressions when talking about this bastard. What is this bastard if he is not the Great Demon King? ?"

A Ruo heard Xuanyuan Qingfeng's words and looked at Su Chen, wondering how could Su Chen, a gentle and gentle man who even looked like a noble prince, be a person who caused trouble everywhere?

He was even called a great master by those warriors. Demon King, is Su Chen really a big demon king who kills people without blinking an eye?

At this moment,

Xiao Rong became extremely nervous after hearing You Yu's words.

She really didn't know what to do now.

Wang Huaiqing looked at the uneasy Xiao Rong Rongjiu said softly,"Xiao Rong, don't be afraid, I won't let these people hurt you."

Xiao Rong smiled miserably and said,"Master Wang, you'd better leave. These things are not your responsibility at all, and you don't have the ability to do so."

"No, I can't watch you being killed by these people."Wang Huaiqing looked at Xiao Rong with firm eyes and shook his head.

Xiao Rong was his savior no matter what.

He couldn't just watch Xiao Rong being killed.

Su Chen was impatient with waiting. If he didn't start fighting, it would be like watching a sadistic movie.

The hero and heroine cried and parted, while the others looked on stupidly and didn't take action. If these people didn't start fighting, how could the old monster show up?

What else would the plot have to offer ? Go down?

Su Chen was still waiting to see the old demon arrive and teach Xuanyuan Qingfeng a lesson. The emotional entanglement between Wang Huaiqing and Xiao Rong made Su Chen almost spit out. Su Chen looked at Wang Huaiqing and shouted impatiently,

"A weak scholar is so bold to stop the demon destroyer. Little scholar, if you want to die, you can hit the pillar. I guarantee that you will die without pain."


"What are you? If you don't want to die, get out of here. I'll kill you if you dare to chirp again."

Wang Huaiqing wanted to refute angrily when he heard Su Chen's words, but Su Chen interrupted him before he could say anything.

Su Chen's threat made him frightened, especially when he saw Su Chen's eyes, he turned pale with fright. Don't dare to speak anymore

"you wanna die!"

When Xiao Rong saw that Su Chen dared to threaten Wang Huaiqing, she was so angry that she directly attacked Su Chen. She instantly turned into a purple light and attacked Su Chen.

Others saw Xiao Rong attacking Su Chen.

People here Neither of them took action to intercept.

The official did not intercept without You Yu's order.

You Yu and Taoist Xuan Yi were very disdainful when they saw Xiao Rong attacking Su Chen.

They all knew that Su Chen's maid Qingniao was a powerful woman. Xiao Rong's She was looking for abuse without overestimating her abilities.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng curled her lips.

A banshee at the peak of a grand master dared to attack Su Chen.

This was simply asking for death.

Aruo didn't care about Xiaorong's attack on Su Chen. She looked at Wang Huaiqing, who was pale, didn't know how to comfort him.

Su Chen sat on the chair without looking like he was about to run away. He took the wine bottle and drank it slowly.


Just when Xiao Rong was about to attack When Su Chen arrived, the Changge in Qingniao's hand quickly picked Xiaorong away.

Xiaorong hit the pillar next to her after being picked up by Qingniao.

She vomited blood and looked at Qingniao in surprise.

Although Xiaorong guessed Blue Bird is very powerful, but she didn't expect that she was not the enemy of Blue Bird in one blow.

"Don’t overestimate your capabilities!"

Su Chen said disdainfully after seeing Xiao Rong vomiting blood and falling to the ground.

Although Xiao Rong and Wang Huaiqing are good people, what does it have to do with him?

Su Chen just wants to see the old demon teach Xuanyuan Qingfeng a lesson before he kills him again. The dead old demon took the demon elixir.

Last time, the tree demon's thousand-year demon elixir was given to Xiaobai by Xiao Qing. This old demon's demon elixir, Su Chen, planned to be given to Xiao Qing for practice.

Swish, swish, swish.......


At this time, white lights suddenly appeared around Su Chen. These white lights turned into beautiful women and saluted Su Chen one after another.

Su Chen nodded as he looked at these dozens of female ghosts. The female ghosts are all very strong. The lowest level of cultivation is equivalent to that of a great master. Coupled with the ghost cultivation techniques they practice, each of these female ghosts can be compared to the realm of heaven and humans. There are more than a hundred female ghosts. More than forty people have appeared now, and the remaining female ghosts should still be practicing in seclusion.

Su Chen looked at Nie Xiaoqian and asked,"Nie Xiaoqian, have you found out all the female ghosts around Qinghe City?"

"Returning to the master, everything has been investigated clearly."Nie Xiaoqian saluted and replied,

"You go back first and talk to me in detail tomorrow"

"Yes, master!"

After Nie Xiaoqian answered, she and dozens of female ghosts disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this time, everyone in the yard looked at Su Chen in confusion, especially the Taoist priest Xuan Yi, who looked up. Looking at the mansion surrounded by talismans, his talisman didn't react at all to the appearance of those female ghosts just now, which made him wonder if the talisman he arranged had failed. Xiaorong looked at Su Chen and laughed and said,"You There is actually a female ghost under his command. How is this different from us demons? Taoist priest, if you eliminate demons, won’t you destroy ghosts?"

"Tongue is dry."


Su Chen slapped Xiao Rong away without moving her hand while sitting there. This banshee with a face made of human skin, Su Chen, would not spoil her.

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