Wang Huaiqing was very sad when he saw Xiao Rong with a broken arm and bleeding.

He did not expect that Xiao Rong cut off her own arm without thinking, which made Wang Huaiqing feel even more sorry for Xiao Rong.

Xiao Rong had saved his life before, and now she had sacrificed her arm for him.

Wang Huaiqing didn't know how to face Xiao Rong.

So what if Xiao Rong is a demon?

Demons are sometimes kinder and more affectionate than humans.

People in the yard did not expect Xiao Rong to be so decisive.

Xiao Rong cut off her own arm without thinking.

This made people here also change their view of Xiao Rong.

Demons are also sentient, and not all demons are heinous. disciple

"The old man has enlightened."

Taoist Xuan Yi looked at Xiao Rong with a complex expression.

He realized that he was wrong in the past.

He used to kill monsters whenever he saw them, without asking whether they had harmed humans.

He felt that monsters were all bloodthirsty and cruel, and it was his life to destroy monsters. Today ,

Xiao Rong made him realize that demons, like humans, are divided into good and bad.

When You Yu, the head catcher, looked at Xiao Rong, it was also very complicated.

Demons have harmed countless humans, but Xiao Rong today His performance impressed him with admiration.

A beautiful banshee could actually fall in love with a human being, and even fight to the death. This made him a little envious of Wang Huaiqing, a brainless scholar.

You Yu patted the Taoist priest Xuan Yi on the shoulder and said ,"Taoist priest, this banshee is not bad."

"I saw. Taoist

Xuan Yi glanced at You Yu and remembered to reply,

"Xuan Yi, then shall we destroy her?"

"Do we dare to take action now?"

"Forehead! That's right, now this noble master is in control here, but what exactly is this noble master going to do?"

"You will understand after reading this."

The maid Xiaoguan said to Xuanyuan Qingfeng in confusion,"Miss Xuanyuan, this monster actually likes my young master?"

Xiaoguan also didn't expect that Xiaorong would mutilate one of her own arms for Wang Huaiqing.

This made her confused about the relationship between Xiaorong and Wang Huaiqing.

The banshee Xiaorong really fell in love with Wang Huaiqing, but When did they get along?

"Read on."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng replied with a cold face.

She still couldn't figure out what this bastard was going to do. She didn't expect the banshee's self-mutilation.

But what was the purpose of Su Chen's doing this?

Isn't it very unusual to kill a banshee? Is it about disguise? This bastard Su Chen is not a sadist, right?

"Banshee, give the knife to Wang Huaiqing."

At this time,

Su Chen ignored Wang Huaiqing's grief and indignation.

He looked at Xiao Rong and ordered.

Xiao Rong took the knife and looked at Su Chen warily and asked,"What else do you want to do?"

"This is not what you should ask"


Xiao Rong was very angry when she heard what Su Chen said, but she had no choice.

The life and death of her and Wang Huaiqing were not decided by them. Xiao Rong could only give the knife to Wang Huaiqing according to Su Chen's order.

When Su Chen saw Wang Huaiqing taking the knife, he smiled and ordered,

"Wang Huaiqing, now it’s your turn. What you have to do is choose a woman among your wife and the banshee to cut off one of her arms. You just need to do what I say. You and your wife, and even this banshee, I It’s all ready to go. Wang

Huaiqing heard Su Chen's words and shouted angrily,"No, I won't do it even if I die.""

"Then you can commit suicide! Isn’t there a knife in your water? Wang Huaiqing, if you take a knife and wipe it on your neck, you will die."

"You murderer, why do you do this?"

Su Chen ignored Wang Huaiqing and said coldly, expressionlessly,"In ten breaths, if you have no choice, all three of you will die."

Wang Huaiqing was confused when he heard Su Chen's words.

How to choose?

One is his wife, and the other is a banshee, but the banshee is not only his savior, she even mutilated an arm for him.

"If any of you dare to talk too much, I will kill Wang Huaiqing."

Su Chen saw Xiao Rong and A Ruo beside him wanting to talk, so he hurriedly threatened Xiao Rong and A Ruo.

When Xiao Rong heard Su Chen's words, she lowered her head angrily.

She originally wanted Wang Huaiqing to chop her. Arm, after all, she is a demon, even if she loses her arm, it will not be a serious problem. Xiaorong does not want to put Wang Huaiqing in a dilemma, but Su Chen's threat makes her dare not say these words.

Aruo's face is pale and she will be unsteady.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would let Wang Huaiqing make such a choice. Aruo guessed that Wang Huaiqing must be very angry and helpless. She could n't help Wang Huaiqing at all. She also wanted to see what kind of choice Wang Huaiqing would make in the end.

Others They all looked at Wang Huaiqing.

This choice was very difficult for Wang Huaiqing.

On one side was his wife, and on the other was his savior and the succubus who was affectionate and righteous to him. This would probably be a bad choice for either of them.

The head catcher You Yu asked the Taoist priest Xuan Yi next to him,"Taoist priest, which one do you think Wang Huaiqing will choose? lady? Or a banshee? Xuan

Yi shook his head and replied,"It's too troublesome. I can't guess.""

"Taoist priest, what if you were Wang Huaiqing? Would you choose this?"



The Taoist priest looked at Wang Huaiqing and explained,

"Yes, suicide. If I were Wang Huaiqing, my wife would definitely not be able to do it. But the banshee not only saved Wang Huaiqing's life, but she also mutilated an arm for Wang Huaiqing just now. It is impossible for me to retaliate. Suicide is the best choice."

You Yu said unexpectedly when he heard Xuan Yi's words,"It makes sense. I didn't expect that a Taoist priest like you, a big and powerful Taoist, would have such an opinion. I'm a little bit underestimating you."

"What you said is all nonsense. Although I am not interested in things about men and women, I am not stupid."

"Yes, you don't kill stupid people. Xiaoguan next to her looked at Wang Huaiqing's confused look, and asked worriedly,"Miss Xuanyuan, what will my young master choose?""

"have no idea!"

"God bless you, the young master must never choose a wife, never choose a wife."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng was very speechless when he looked at the maid Xiaoguan.

What's going on with the sky now?

That bastard Su Chen is in charge here.

If Xiaoguan doesn't want Wang Huaiqing and chooses Aruo, won't she say it loudly to Wang Huaiqing?

Su Chen Looking at the stunned Wang Huaiqing, he was also afraid of driving the scholar crazy. Now he could only let Wang Huaiqing choose as soon as possible.

Su Chen looked at the time and hurriedly urged,"There are still three breaths left, Wang Huaiqing, you don't have much time."."

Wang Huaiqing shuddered when he heard Su Chen's words.

He looked at Su Chen and wanted to kill this bastard with red eyes, but he knew he couldn't do it.

Wang Huaiqing looked at A Ruo, who was pale, and then looked at Duan. The banshee Xiaorong with a miserable arm, his face was twisted and he was about to make a decision. It is better to cut off one arm than to die together.

"Two breaths!"

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