Xuanyuan Qingfeng drew out her long sword angrily and pointed it at Su Chen.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would insult her like this.

What did she do?

This bastard would look down upon her so much and even say it was embarrassing to have a daughter like her, bah!

Damn bastard!

How dare you compare her to being his daughter?

Why doesn't this shameless bastard die?

"Xuanyuan Qingfeng, put down your sword or die!"When Qingniao saw Xuanyuan Qingfeng pull out his sword and point it at Su Chen, she warned Xuanyuan Qingfeng expressionlessly.

Aruo hurriedly grabbed Xuanyuan Qingfeng and persuaded her,"Sister Xuanyuan, put away your sword quickly. What is this going to do?"

"Miss Xuanyuan, don't be impulsive, you are no match for Mr. Su."The maid Xiaoguan also hurriedly grabbed Xuanyuan Qingfeng and reminded him.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng put away his sword and asked angrily,"Su Chen, what do you mean? Why do you look down on me so much?"

Su Chen glanced at Xuanyuan Qingfeng, waved his hand and said,"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. You can leave. I want to rest."


Just when Xuanyuan Qingfeng was about to say something,

Aruo hurriedly stopped her.

Aruo looked at Su Chen and begged,"Mr. Su, why is Sister Xuanyuan's father so favored by you? Can you tell us? ?"

Su Chen stood up and stretched and said,

"A good father, the most sober person in the Xuanyuan family, and even a powerful person, met a shameless woman and a stupid daughter who thought she was smart."

Aruo looked like he had seen a ghost when he heard Su Chen's words, good father?

Only Xuanyuan Qingfeng should know this. He is the only sober person in the Xuanyuan family, what is going on?

A powerful person,

Xuanyuan Qingfeng's Doesn't his father have no cultivation?

How can he be a powerful person?

A shameless woman and a smart daughter. Does this mean Xuanyuan Qingfeng's mother and Xuanyuan Qingfeng?

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked gloomy. Looking at Su Chen, she felt very uneasy now.

After thinking about it calmly, she felt that it was impossible for Su Chen to arrange her mother for no reason. She knew that her parents were at odds with each other and had not even said a word for more than ten years. , but she had no idea what was going on.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng also felt that there was something abnormal about her mother.

Is it true that her mother was in conflict just because her father was useless, and had not even reconciled for more than ten years?

Su Chen said A shameless woman, did her mother really betray her father?

And herself, she thought about how impatient she was every time her father talked to her , and even thought that her father was nothing. Xuanyuan Qingfeng felt ashamed because she knew about it, and Xuanyuan Qingfeng felt sorry for her father when she thought about it now. Xuanyuan Qingfeng thought of Su Chen saying that her father was a powerful man, which made her look at Su Chen and want to know urgently,"Su Chen , is my father really very powerful?" Su Chen glanced at Xuanyuan Qingfeng and told her,

"It should be possible for your father to kill your ancestor now, but if your father kills your ancestor, he may die. If another three to five years pass, it will be easy for your father to kill your ancestor."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng was very shocked when he heard Su Chen's words.

His father was actually a powerful person in the Golden Core Realm?

How is this possible?

His father, who has been studying, how could he be a powerful immortal cultivator?

Xuanyuan Qingfeng He looked at Su Chen and asked hurriedly,

"Is my father a strong man in the Golden Core Realm? How can this be? If he was so powerful, why did he pretend to be a person with no cultivation?"

"That's because your father wants to kill your ancestor, so no one dares to reveal his strength"

"This is impossible? Why did my father kill his ancestor? You are talking nonsense"

"Who said that the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family is the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family?"

"What do you mean? Why is the ancestor not the ancestor of our Xuanyuan family?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng is completely confused.

She is now said to be completely confused by this bastard. Why is the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family not the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family?

And why does his father hide his cultivation? He even wants to kill The ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, all this confused Xuanyuan Qingfeng.

The other women were also dizzy after hearing this.

Hiding their cultivation?

Killing the ancestor?

The ancestor is not the ancestor?

They heard these things more than Xuanyuan Qingfeng. Confused.

Su Chen looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng and reminded,

"Xuanyuan Qingfeng"

"You can secretly ask your father these things in the future. Don’t be so stupid as to expose your father."

"Everyone in the Xuanyuan family is from your ancestor, and your second uncle and third uncle are also greedy people. If your ancestor knows your father's cultivation, just wait to collect your father's body."

When Xuanyuan Qingfeng saw that Su Chen was going to rest, she hurriedly grabbed Su Chen and asked urgently,

"Who is the ancestor? You tell me, otherwise I will always feel uneasy"

"He is the son-in-law of your Xuanyuan family, and now he is regarded as the ancestor of your Xuanyuan family, which is really ridiculous."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng said doubtfully when he heard Su Chen's words,

"Son-in-law? The son-in-law is also a member of our Xuanyuan family, so there is nothing wrong with him being an ancestor!"

"Haha, there are still some secrets here. I’m afraid it’s not good for me as an outsider to tell them. Your mother is also involved here. Let your father tell you these."

Su Chen said and nodded to Qingniao.

Qingniao immediately made a gesture to the Xuanyuan Qingfeng girls to invite them out. Xuanyuan Qingfeng, Aruo and Xiaoguan looked at the expressionless Qingniao and exited. room, they knew that Su Chen couldn't say much more.

Su Chen lay on the bed and said easily,"I finally left. Xuanyuan Qingfeng is really a stubborn woman. It's better to have less contact with such a woman."" The silence of Qinghe City in the middle of the night is extremely terrifying.

Over the past month, the banshee has made people in Qinghe City panic. As long as it comes at night, the entire Qinghe City is lifeless, as if it is shrouded in a hazy black mist.

Outside Qinghe City In the mountain forest, a short figure walked out of a cave.

She looked around and cursed angrily.

"Damn it, it's been a month, and my injury hasn't healed yet. Damn it, you ruined the monk. If I recover, I'll be the first to operate on that smelly monk."

After a white figure floated over from a distance, when she saw the short figure, she hurriedly saluted and said,"Master, we lost more than twenty people today. The sparrow demon and Xiao Rong have not come back. I'm afraid they are also in danger."

"The Taoist priests who arrived today seem to be quite capable. The bird demon and Xiao Rong are not dead, they must have been caught."

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