In the palace, with the arrival of the official officials,

Xuanyuan Qingfeng brought Aruo and Xiaoguan to the courtyard under the protection of the guards. Today, Su Chen was going to kill the old demon, and Xuanyuan Qingfeng wanted to see it. Su Chen removes the demon.

Wang Huaiqing also came out of the room with Xiao Rong.

He hoped that Xuanyuan Qingfeng and Su Chen would leave his home immediately.

"Where is Su Chen? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked around and found Su Chen, which made her ask You Yu in confusion.

You Yu guessed after hearing Xuanyuan Qingfeng's words,

"Miss Xuanyuan, I don’t know either, but the Taoist priest hasn’t arrived either. I’m afraid Mr. Su hasn’t gotten up yet. After all, Mr. Su rested too late last night."

"That damn bastard, come here, go see if Su Chen is up."

"Yes, miss!"

At this time, a dirty monk wandered into the courtyard, which made Xuanyuan Qingfeng, You Yu, Wang Huaiqing, and even the banshee Xiaorong look at this dirty monk. They were all a little surprised,

You Yu When Yu saw the monk coming in, he said speechlessly,"Monk, why did you come in again? Didn't I ask you to leave?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng felt that this monk was not simple.

She felt danger from this monk.

But Xiaorong's face changed drastically when she saw this monk.

She already knew who this monk was.

This dirty monk just beat up the old demon. Although everyone here knew the identity of the injured monk, she was still worried that the monk would kill her.

"Amitabha," the ruined monk looked at the people here and focused on Xiaorong.

He had already seen that Xiaorong was the banshee.

However, he did not expect that there were powerful people here. He looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng and clicked Nodding, this woman is in the early stage of the Heavenly Realm at a young age, and her cultivation talent is not bad.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked at Monk Ruin and asked,

"Who is the master?"

"Amitabha, the name of the poor monk, Taoji!"Monk Zaoha made a Buddhist name to Xuanyuan Qingfeng and replied,

"Why did Master Daoji arrive?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng returned the salute and continued to ask.

"Get rid of demons!"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked at Xiaorong when she heard Daoji's words. She also didn't expect that Monk Daoji found out that Xiaorong was a demon. So this monk should not be simple. Everyone in the yard looked at Xiaorong,

They all knew that Xiao Rong was a demon, but they didn't expect that yesterday a Taoist priest came to get rid of the demon, and today another monk came to get rid of the demon. Xiao Rong, the female demon, was quite pitiful.

Wang Huaiqing hurriedly grabbed Xiao Rong tightly,

He was worried that the monk would kill Xiao Rong.

Xiao Rong felt very bitter.

Yesterday was finally over, and Mr. Su even promised that no one would embarrass her.

It was only one night,

A monk came to kill her, which made Xiao Rong feel that being a demon was too difficult.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng knew that Su Chen had spared Xiao Rong and even allowed Xiao Rong to live in Qinghe City. She also did not want Su Chen's promise. It was only one night before someone broke it,

"Master, you can't get rid of the demon here, you'd better leave.

Daoji looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng and asked doubtfully,"Why can't the demon be eliminated?" Demons are causing harm to the world, and Buddha has the duty to eliminate them."

Daoji also discovered that everyone here knew that Xiao Rong was a demon, but why weren't these people afraid?

Even when facing the banshee, they didn't take action to destroy the demon?

"If it can't be removed, it can't be removed. Master, you'd better stop meddling in other people's business."

"Female donor, you are also a powerful warrior. Can you bear to see demons causing harm to the world?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng doesn't want to talk to this ruined monk anymore.

She just wants to see what happens to the Xuanyuan family after Su Chen kills the old demon. She still needs to figure out those things in the Xuanyuan family. She is not in the mood to talk to this monk. The monk continued to talk.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng threatened the monk,

"That also depends on whether the demon really wants to cause harm to the world. Master, for your own good, you'd better leave."

Daoji frowned when he heard Xuanyuan Qingfeng's threat.

He felt that the people here might have been threatened by the old demon. These people should be worried that after he killed the banshee, the old demon would appear and kill him, or even It's everyone here.

Daoji smiled when he thought of this.

He waved his broken fan and suddenly attacked Xiaorong. A powerful white light was about to kill Xiaorong in an instant.



Xuanyuan Qingfeng struck The sword shattered the white light that was about to kill Xiao Rong.

She was also shocked and took more than ten steps back.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng didn't expect that this monk was so powerful. She almost couldn't block it with just a casual blow.

"Female donor, I want to get rid of my demon. I hope the donor won’t stop me anymore, otherwise I won’t blame the poor monk for being rude."

"Monk, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you won’t be able to leave even if you want to."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng also knows that she is no match for this monk at all. Now she can only hope that bastard Su Chen comes soon.

Otherwise, this monk will really kill Xiao Rong.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng doesn't care whether Xiao Rong dies or not. But Su Chen had promised Xiao Rong that if Xiao Rong was killed now,

Su Chen would be embarrassed and lose face.

Xiao Rong was so frightened that her pale body trembled. If Xuanyuan Qingfeng hadn't saved her just now, I'm afraid she was really killed. This monk was a bit too strong.

"Xiaorong, don't be afraid, I won't let this monk hurt you."When Wang Huaiqing saw Xiao Rong's appearance, he hugged her and comforted her.

Wang Huaiqing was also very angry now.

Yesterday, Taoist priests and officials came to subdue the demons.

Today, the monks came to subdue the demons.

Is this still over?

"Surround them."

You Yu waved his hand and ordered the police here.

You Yu didn't want the monk to kill Xiao Rong.

Although Xiao Rong was a demon, she had never done anything harmful to nature. Why should she be killed?

And last night,

Xiao Rong He was also very impressed by his kindness and righteousness, and he didn't want Xiaorong to be killed by this monk now.

More than a dozen policemen also drew their sabers, and they stepped forward and surrounded Monk Daoji.



Daoji suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum.

The surrounding officials were staggered one by one. Even Xuanyuan Qingfeng was shocked and kept retreating.

"No one can stop the poor monk from destroying the demon"

"Monk, stop talking nonsense and try your skills."

At this time, the Taoist priest Xuan Yi jumped over quickly.

The Taoist priest also felt that there was a strong momentum in the palace, and he hurriedly arrived at the palace.

When he saw a monk attacking the people here, he even wanted to To destroy the demon, the Taoist priest hurriedly tried to stop him.



The Taoist priest Xuan Yi took the peach wood sword and was about to attack the monk.

However, with a gentle wave of his hand from the monk Daoji, the Taoist priest was knocked away and hit a house.

Then the whole house collapsed

"Amitabha, banshee, today the poor monk will save you"

"Monk, you are talking nonsense, I guarantee you will not be able to kill this banshee."

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