In the courtyard, everyone looked at Monk Daoji, and no one sympathized with him.

For the sake of the Buddha in his heart, a man not only left his elderly parents behind, but even ruined a woman's life. Such a monk, even if he is an eminent monk, has no sympathy for him. how?

Su Chen was right.

A person without emotions and desires would be worse than a monster.

No, even a beast.

A beast would at least protect its child, and would even die for the child.

What does a monk have?

Eat fast and chant Buddha's name every day?

Or do you want more incense money?

Su Chen glanced at Li Xiuyuan and ordered to Qingniao,"Qingniao, pour me a cup of tea. I'm thirsty from scolding you.""

"Yes, Master!"

Just when Qingniao was about to go, the maid Xiaoguan immediately volunteered and said,"I'll go, Qingniao, I'd better go and pour tea for the young master."

"what ever."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked at Su Chen and felt very uneasy.

She now completely believes what Su Chen said.

A monk, Su Chen, knows it all.

I'm afraid what Su Chen said last night is true.

Her father She is a cultivator in the Golden Core Realm. The ancestor of the Xuanyuan family may have some ulterior motives, and her mother may even have done something that is sorry for her father.

Aruo looked at Su Chen and made a Decided, she now feels that this big devil is not a particularly bad person. How can a person who can say such words be a bad person?

And what he said about loving his daughter just now made Aruo look a little funny, a The big devil turned out to be a slave girl, which Aruo didn't expect.

Su Chen looked at the people around him and shouted to the collapsed house,"Taoist priest, are you dead?" If we don't die, we're going to leave."


The Taoist priest ran directly out of the collapsed house,"No, no, I just don't dare to disturb you and scold this monk."

At this time,

Li Xiuyuan stood up and saluted Su Chen,"Amitabha, donor, poor monk. Thank you for your teachings. Poor monk has enlightened.""

"What the hell are you doing?"

Su Chen couldn't help but cursed again when he heard Li Xiuyuan's words, what did he realize?

Su Chen was also confused, but the monk still chanted the Buddha's name, which made Su Chen feel that he still refused to change his ways.

"Donor, this poor monk has really realized his enlightenment."

"Get lost, are you enlightened? Are you still a poor monk?"

Li Xiuyuan hurriedly explained to Su Chen,

"Donor, although this poor monk is sorry for his parents and Qingqing, and I am prepared to accompany them for the rest of my life to atone for the mistakes I have committed, but this poor monk does not want to abandon the Buddha!"

"roll! idiot!"


Li Xiuyuan was completely confused.

Not only had he figured it out, he even knew how to repent, but why did the donor still speak harshly to him?

Is it really wrong to become a monk yourself?

Li Xiuyuan looked at Su Chen and asked for advice,"Donor, am I still wrong?"

Su Chen thought about it and decided to remind Li Xiuyuan again. If this monk will continue to be stubborn in the future, then he can only be He is his enemy.

Buddhism is a life-and-death existence with him. Su Chen also thinks that one less enemy is better than one more enemy.

"Monk, judging from your attitude of repentance, let me point it out to you again. Monk is not a good person."

"You don’t need to refute, just listen to me first"

"Buddhist golden Buddha statue, gold? Where did it come from? It took the blood of countless poor people to collect the gold and silver. Have you ever seen Buddhism helping poor people?"

"If you look at the Dao Sect again, you will see the clay and wood sculptures of the Dao Sect. In troubled times, you will not see the Tao, and in the prosperous times, you will not see the Buddha. Do you understand this sentence?"

"Go and look at temples everywhere and see how gorgeous and impressive those temples are. Buddhism is not engaged in production, but occupies a large amount of farmland. Do you Buddhas need these?

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. A murderer can be exempted from crime as long as he becomes a monk."

"Do you think it's fair to those who died?"

"There are many, many examples, which you need to see and check for yourself."

Li Xiuyuan's face changed when he heard what Su Chen said.

He knew some of this before.

After Li Xiuyuan heard what Su Chen said, he needed to see if Buddhism was what he thought.

"Amitabha......, I understand, I will verify these one by one. I also want to know whether the Buddha in my heart is different from the Buddha in other temples."

"what ever!"

Su Chen was too lazy to pay attention to this Li Xiuyuan.

He didn't kill Li Xiuyuan this time because of the influence of watching the plot when he was a child.

Otherwise, Su Chen would have killed him long ago.

"Jie Jie....."

At this time, a gust of wind blew up, and an old woman's wild laughter sounded all around.

When Li Xiuyuan heard the laughter, he immediately said seriously,"It's the old demon. I didn't expect that the old demon would come. This also saves the poor.".....I'm going to find this old monster

"The old demon is here?"

Su Chen was stunned when he heard Li Xiuyuan's words.

Is this him?

Wang Huaiqing's home is a haunted house. How come this place has become a gathering place for monsters? Yesterday! Today! He just stayed here all night and morning. Wang Huaiqing's Home has become a battlefield.

Li Xiuyuan looked at the people around him and hurriedly reminded,

"You all be careful, this old demon is as strong as me. I didn't kill her last time. This time the old demon comes to recover from her injuries, and even I may not be able to kill her."

The head catcher You Yu looked at the monk and asked doubtfully,"Didn't you hurt the old demon once? Then the old demon is definitely no match for you, so what are you afraid of?"

"I'm worried about you. The old demon can't defeat me. I'm worried that the old demon will take action against you."

Taoist Xuan Yi came to Li Xiuyuan and said loudly,"He.....Ahem, Li Xiuyuan, don't worry, Mr. Su is very powerful and the old demon poses no threat to us."


After a loud noise, a short dwarf old woman with thick makeup on her face and a big green robe appeared in the yard. Behind her were hundreds of women of various shapes. Demon, the old dwarf demon looked at Li Xiuyuan and said angrily,

"Monk, I didn’t expect you to chase me to the border of the Eastern Continent. However, you came a step too late. My injuries have already recovered. Even if you want to kill me, you may not be able to kill me.

Li Xiuyuan shouted expressionlessly,"Old demon, I won't let you go this time.""

The dwarf old demon looked at Li Xiuyuan disdainfully.

"Yeah? Monk, you are at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, and I am also at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. Last time I was injured because of my carelessness. It is not certain who will live and who will die this time."

Su Chen drank the tea handed over by Xiaoguan.

He was very speechless as he listened to Li Xiuyuan and the old demon chattering.

The villain died from talking too much.

Don't they understand this?

"If you want to fight, then fight quickly so that I can watch the excitement. You all should stop talking nonsense."

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