Xuanyuan Qingfeng felt very uncomfortable when she heard Su Chen's words, but there was nothing she could do.

Su Chen had a very bad impression of her. Until she changed her mind, Su Chen would definitely not want to see her.

In the yard, the sparrow demon and the blue bird took the Five Elements Talisman and killed more than half of the red-armored banshees, and they let the remaining banshees go.

Those banshees were not evil demons, and with the confirmation from the sparrow demon, they did not kill them all.

Li Xiuyuan was a little confused when he saw this, but after the Taoist priest's explanation, he also understood that demons have good and bad qualities just like humans. Getting rid of demons does not mean killing them all, and there is no need to kill good demons.

Li Xiuyuan looked at Su Chen leaving and nodded.

Although he was scolded by Su Chen this time, he didn't care at all. He owed too much to his parents and his wife, especially the one in a skirt. Lu Qingqing in wedding dress.

Li Xiuyuan's heart bleeds now that he thinks about it.

He wants to make up for his mistake. Although it is too late now, he will always protect the woman in the wedding dress from now on.

She is his wife, even if she dies, he will protect her for the rest of his life.

"Miss Xuanyuan, this is a letter from Miss Aruo to you!"

At this time, a policeman came to Xuanyuan Qingfeng and said,

"Aruo? Huh? Why is A Ruo missing?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng suddenly discovered that Aruo was missing when she heard the police officer's words.

This made her very nervous.

Aruo's physique was very special. She was very worried that Aruo would be captured by some warriors.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng hurriedly opened the door She started reading the letter, but her face looked very ugly as she read it.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng didn't expect that Aruo would follow Su Chen secretly. Will Aruo follow that bastard in the future? Wouldn't Aruo not Do you believe that you can protect her?

Xuanyuan Qingfeng thought for a while, but there was no way.

Since A Ruo had decided something, it was impossible for her to change it. She also had many things to do now. She had to figure out the things about the Xuanyuan family.

"Damn you bastard, you will meet beautiful women wherever you go. From now on, that bastard better walk on dog shit and drive your car over."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng put away the letter and cursed angrily, and she left with her guards.

People in the yard also left one after another.

Wang Huaiqing felt like crying when he looked at the dilapidated mansion. A good mansion, It has been continuously destroyed in the past two days.

Today, more than half of it was destroyed.

It will cost a lot of money to rebuild.

Xiao Rong looked at Wang Huaiqing's distressed look and comforted him,"Huaiqing, don't worry, we will The mansion will be rebuilt."

Xiao Rong is really relieved now.

The old dwarf demon is dead and the monk will not kill her.

Moreover, Su Chen's power makes her feel very safe. Even if the demon catcher comes again in the future, as long as she heard about today Those monster catchers didn't dare to offend Su Chen to kill him.

"Well, we will work hard together in the future."

Tianxuan Continent,

Northern Continent,

Wu County!

Sun Ce and a group of generals are discussing the military situation in the main hall.

The army of Princess Changle of Jingzhou has almost reached Wu County. The counties around Wu County have either surrendered or been destroyed. The entire There was only a solitary Wu Commandery east of the Yangtze River still holding on.

General Huang Gai looked at Sun Ce and reminded him,

"Lord, there is a huge disparity in our military strength now, and Princess Changle's black-armored army is very powerful. Our army of 60,000 to 70,000 is no match for the more than 300,000-strong black-armored army."

Zhou Tai also hurriedly said,

"Yes, my lord, the natural dangers of the Yangtze River can no longer stop the Black Armor Army. Lujiang County and Danyang County are now Princess Changle's territory. Our Wu County is now surrounded."

Sun Ce was sitting in the main seat with a very ugly face.

He did not expect that Miss Yan from Jingzhou was actually the eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire.

Xuantian Empire!

Sun Ce was very frightened when he thought about it.

In the north of the Han Empire,

Xuantian The Empire's Tenglong Legion is fighting against Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao has been defeated and lost his troops and even Yizhou. He can only huddle in Youzhou and wait to be destroyed. In the south,


Changle's army has controlled the entire south. He is now Like a nail, he was surrounded by Princess Changle.

Princess Changle came in person this time.

Sun Ce knew why Princess Changle came in person. He had completely offended Su Yan before, and Sun Ce would not end well even if he surrendered. , he must resist if he doesn’t want to die.

Sun Ce waved his hand and stood up and said,

"I know all this. We have to find a way to get through this difficulty. The Xuantian Empire wants to conquer the entire Han Empire this time, and even rule the entire Northern Continent. Gongjin, do you have any idea?"

Zhou Yu shook his head with a pale face and said,

"Lord, we don't have any chance of winning. Princess Changle's army has surrounded Wu County."

"Now a legion of Princess Changle is attacking the Shanyue tribe. After Shanyue is destroyed, our Wu County will be destroyed. Now all strategies are useless. If we don't want to die, we can only fight to the death."


Sun Ce slapped the table hard when he heard Zhou Yu's words.

"Damn it, we don’t even have an ally, and the entire Han Empire was divided by the Xuantian Empire’s legions."

"Cao Cao and Lu Bu were stronger in the north, but Cao Cao attacked Lu Bu desperately. Didn't he know that he would die with his lips cold and his teeth cold?"

"Also, Dong Zhuo's old troops actually surrendered to the Xuantian Empire and even attacked Ma Teng of Xiliang and Jiang Yuyan of Yizhou. She turned out to be the imperial concubine of the Xuantian Empire?"

"This is his!"

"It's bizarre enough for an imperial princess to become a prince. Now that even the imperial concubine has come out to become a prince, doesn't the Xuantian Empire have other generals?"

Many generals in the main hall lowered their heads when they heard Sun Ce's scolding.

The eldest princess, the imperial concubine, and these generals, although they don't know why the princess and the imperial concubine came to the Northern Continent in person. They are even able to take charge of one side.

But They also admired these two women, the elder princess and the younger one. The eldest princess took control of Jingzhou at a young age, and even Xuzhou and Yangzhou successively submitted to Princess Changle.

And the imperial concubine of the Xuantian Empire secretly took control of Yizhou. , and even subdued the barbarians, which is even more bizarre.

Zhuge Jin saluted Sun Ce and said,"My lord, the people of Wu County are fleeing one after another. Do we want to stop them?" Sun

Ce waved his hand and said,"Forget it, don't stop it. A civil uprising broke out after the provincial government stopped it. It seems that Wu County's demise is imminent.""

Sun Ce also understood that

Wu Jun has been surrounded by the Xuantian Empire's army. As long as Princess Changle arrives, the black dragon armor army will attack Wu Jun. With more than 300,000 elite black armor troops, what can he do to stop it?

At least more than half of Wujun's sixty-seventh army are ordinary civilians. Can such an army stop the attack of the black-armored army?

"Lord, why don't we send dead soldiers to assassinate Princess Changle Su Yan? As long as Princess Changle dies, the black-armored army will definitely be in chaos. By then, the crisis in our Wu County will be lifted."

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