Su Yan looked at Sun Shangxiang with disdain.

When Sun Ce was ruling Wu Commandery, he destroyed many local aristocratic families.

Otherwise, how could Sun Ce rule Wu Commandery safely? Do you even have the money to recruit so many troops? These are all the money Sun Ce confiscated from the houses of these wealthy families and nobles.

"The eldest princess, Sun Ce and some generals from Wu County were captured alive, and even some of their family members were also captured."

At this time, a black-armored soldier ran over and reported,

"Bring them all!"

"Yes, princess!"

When Sun Shangxiang heard the report of the black-armored soldiers, she hurriedly looked at the county governor's mansion. She wanted to know who was not dead? And her mother was not dead?

After a while, dozens of people were escorted by the black-armored soldiers.

After being escorted over, these people's clothes were in tatters and they were all dirty.

The black-armored soldiers pushed these people to the ground and knelt down one by one.

Su Yan looked at these and asked,

"Who is Sun Ce?"

A shabby-faced man looked at Su Yan and said loudly,"I am Sun Ce, Su Yan, if you want to kill him, kill him! Su

Yan looked at Sun Ce and mocked,"Sun Ce, aren't you going to catch me for training?" I'm here now, do you dare?"

Sun Ce glared at Su Yan and yelled,

"Su Yan, you vicious little girl, if you weren't the princess of a powerful empire, I would definitely defeat you, and even catch you and torture you to death." bump!

"Be bold!"

When Huang Zhong heard that Sun Ce was disrespectful to Su Yan, he kicked Sun Ce over.

Sun Shangxiang saw that Sun Ce dared to mock Su Yan at this time, which made her lower her head helplessly. She knew that Sun Ce was dead. Here No one can save him.


Sun Shangxiang also discovered that her mother was not dead, which made her think about how to save her mother's life.

Su Yan turned blue when he heard Sun Ce's words,

"snort! How dare you act so arrogantly even when death is imminent? What's wrong with me, the princess of the empire? This is the honor my father gave me"

"Sun Ce, you could have lived a good life. Your father and I have a good relationship, but you dare to go against me and even shamelessly insult me. Even if you die, you will not regret it."

"If you want to kill, then kill. If I am afraid of death, I, Sun Ce, will not be the little overlord of Jiangdong."

Su Yan looked at the unrepentant Sun Ce and waved his hand and ordered,

"Come on, Sun Ce's car broke apart!"

"Yes, princess!"

A group of black-armored soldiers picked up Sun Ce and carried him away.

Sun Ce didn't yell. He just looked at the other people before being dragged away by the black-armored soldiers.

Su Yan looked again Many of the other people here should be Sun Ce's loyal subordinates.

These people cannot be kept.

"Huang Zhong, screen these people. It’s Sun Ce’s men who will all be executed."

"Yes, princess!"

Huang Zhong knows these people very well.

Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, Jiang Qin and others here are Sun Ce's die-hard loyalists. It would be a disaster for these people to stay.

When Sun Shangxiang saw that the people here were going to be taken away, she hurriedly said Su Yan begged,"Princess Changle, let my mother go, please, let my mother go. Su

Yan looked at Sun Shangxiang and sneered,"Hey, Sun Shangxiang, you just cursed me for a bad death, and now you're begging me?" Do you think I would agree?"

"Princess, I was wrong, I was wrong, please let my mother go, I will not seek revenge from you in the future"


Su Yan looked at Sun Shangxiang and turned around to leave.

Sun Shangxiang was confused when she saw Su Yan leaving.

She didn't know whether Su Yan agreed or refused, which made her panic and didn't know what to do.

Huang Yueying Looking at Sun Shangxiang who was stunned, she patted Sun Shangxiang on the shoulder and said,"You idiot, why don't you go find your mother? Su Yan has no intention of killing your mother at all.""

"ah! is this real? Sun Shangxiang asked in surprise when he heard Huang Yueying's words.

Huang Yueying nodded and replied,

"Of course, your mother had written letters to Su Yan before, but after your father passed away, your mother never contacted Su Yan again. It was impossible for Su Yan to kill his mother."

"Thank you, thank you, I'll go pick up my mother right now."

When Sun Shangxiang heard Huang Yueying's words, she hurriedly thanked Huang Yueying and ran towards the group of people being escorted.

Wu County was completely occupied by Su Yan, and the entire south was completely in her hands.

Su Yan, Jiaozhou in the southwest She doesn't want to conquer anymore, leaving all this to Gai Nie's Tenglong Legion.

Su Yan is ready to arrange things in the south. She will rush back to the Black Bird Palace in the Southern Continent. She has not given up on the new world. She wants to do it no matter what. Go to the New World to play.

The Shenyu Continent, the Eastern Continent, and Hangzhou City.

Nearly a month later,

Su Chen also arrived in Hangzhou City.

Although he did not encounter any trouble on the road this time, there were two more women in the carriage. ,

Su Chen also did not expect that Aruo and her maid Xiaoguan would come to Hangzhou with him.

"Mr. Su, what is your identity?"Aruo saw the city guards in Hangzhou saluting Su Chen's carriage, which made her very confused.

"You'll find out in a moment."Su Chen smiled and didn't answer her. With A Ruo and Xiao Guan taking care of him along the way, he lived a very good life.

Su Chen even taught A Ruo and Xiao Guan some exercises.

A Ruo is now She is already at the peak of acquired cultivation.

Xiaoguan is far behind.

She is only at the third level of acquired life.

Aruo's Xuanyin body cultivation speed is indeed very fast.

The Hangzhou City Lord's Mansion is very lively now.

No, it should be watching. There were a lot of lively people.

In front of the City Lord's Mansion,

Xu Xian kept shouting outside the City Lord's Mansion. He also pointed at the people around him and didn't care at all.

Xu Xian shouted at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion,

"Bai Suzhen"

"I don’t want your money. Didn’t you promise to marry me before? Now that my medical clinic has improved and I can make money, why do you regret it again? Did Mr. Wu Xiang force you?"

In front of the City Lord's Mansion, dozens of black-armored soldiers were glaring at Xu Xian. If they hadn't been ordered to leave Xu Xian alone, they would have driven Xu Xian away long ago.

In the City Lord's Mansion,

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing were very helpless sitting together.

Xiao Qing couldn't understand why Xiao Bai allowed Xu Xian to make trouble outside the house. She couldn't bear it now.

This was already the fourth day, and there was no way Xu Xian could continue making trouble like this.

Xiao Qing stood up and said angrily,"Sister, do we really not care?"

"Xiaoqing, don’t you understand yet?"Xiao Bai shook his head and said to Xiao Qing.

When Xiao Qing heard Xiao Bai's words, he asked in confusion,

"Understand what?"

Xiao Bai looked in the direction outside the house and sighed,

"well! Xiaoqing, do you think it's normal for Xu Xian to appear outside the city lord's mansion? Xu Xian used to be a humble gentleman. Would he be able to do such a thing?"

"Sister, are you saying that Xu Xian was deceived by people or demons?"

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