In the city lord's mansion,

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing also noticed Su Chen's arrival.

They didn't expect that Su Chen was back, which made them a little happy.

They had managed Hangzhou City very hard for more than a year, and even practiced The time is pitiful.

After Su Chen brought A Ruo and the others into the city lord's mansion,

Xiao Qing hurriedly ran out and asked Su Chen,"Su Chen, you still know how to come back. Where have you been for more than a year?"

Su Chen saw Xiao Qing. He held her in one hand and said with a smile,"Haha, Xiaoqing, do you miss me?"

"Bah, I didn't miss you."

Xiao Qing was very shy when Su Chen held her in public, but when she noticed that Su Chen was holding a child in one hand, she asked in confusion,"Su Chen, why are you holding a child? Whose child is this?"

"This is my little daughter Su Yue."Su Chen hugged Su Yue and let Xiao Qing take a look.

Xiao Qing was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words.

After she reacted,

Xiao Qing immediately grabbed Su Chen's waist and asked angrily,

"Your daughter? Or the younger daughter? You bastard, how many women have you got?"

"Hiss, let go, are you going to strangle me to death?"

Xiao Qing was very helpless when she looked at Su Chen.

She knew that this bastard had many women.

Like Ji Ruxi and a few girls in the house, as well as those peerless beauties who suddenly appeared.

Xiao Qing also didn't know what to do with Su Chen. What can I say?

Who told her to fall in love with this shameless pervert?

"You are such a shameless pervert. Who are they?"

"Aruo, I’ve met Mrs. Su!"

"Xiaoguan, I have met Mrs. Su!"

Aruo and Xiaoguan hurriedly saluted this beautiful woman.

They are now living under someone else's roof.

This beautiful woman obviously has an unusual relationship with Su Chen, which makes them feel very uneasy.

Xiaoqing heard them call her Su Chen. The madam was very happy, and she could tell that these two women had little to do with Su Chen.

Although she didn't know why Su Chen brought them to the house, Xiao Qing would not embarrass these two ordinary people. woman

"Get up quickly. Since you were brought back by Su Chen, you can live peacefully in the house from now on."

"Thank you Mrs. Su."

In the living room,

Xiaobai was sitting here calmly and drinking tea, but she heard the conversation between Su Chen and Xiao Qing outside.

She felt very uneasy.

That bastard Su Chen came back with his daughter. ?

And it’s her little daughter?

Damn it, this bastard never said he had a child.

After Su Chen and Xiao Qing arrived in the living room, Xiao Qing asked the maid to take A Ruo and Xiao Guan to arrange accommodation, and she hugged Su Yue sat aside, she was very interested in Su Chen's child.

Su Chen sat next to Xiao Bai and teased with a smile,"Xiao Bai, I didn't expect you to be beautiful again after not seeing me for more than a year. Xiaobai glanced at Su Chen and said angrily,"A dog can't spit out ivory, but you are still so shameless.""

"Haha, where are Xiaobai, Xi and the others?"

"Xi and the others are all in seclusion and have nothing to do now. They all want to break through as soon as possible. Do you need me to ask them to come out of seclusion?"

"Well, then don't disturb them."

Su Chen waved his hand to stop it.

Ji Ruxi and their strength is still a bit low in the Shenyu Continent. It's a good thing that they can step up their practice.

Su Chen doesn't want to disturb them either.


At this time,

Su Yue laughed under Xiaoqing's teasing.

Xiaoqing looked at Su Chen and said with a smile,

"Suchen, your daughter is so funny! When Su

Chen heard Xiao Qing's words, his head was full of dark thoughts,"Let me tell you, Xiao Qing, that is my daughter, not a kitten or puppy, please don't say that, okay?""

"Haha, slip of the tongue! Slip of the tongue!"

Xiao Bai shook her head speechlessly when she saw Xiao Qing's appearance.

Xiao Qing is almost a thousand years old, so why does he still look like a child?

She thought of Su Chen's order outside the house and asked doubtfully,"Su Chen, did you find something when you caught Xu Xian? Su

Chen nodded and replied,"Well, another monk appeared at Guangyuan Temple outside Hangzhou. I suspect that those monks bewitched Xu Xian.""

"Then do you really want to kill Xu Xian?"

Xiao Bai looked at Su Chen and asked worriedly.

Xiao Bai also knew that Xu Xian was a pawn of Buddhism.

She was worried that if Xu Xian was killed tomorrow,

Buddhism would probably send out experts to retaliate against Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head, Xu

Xian There is no way to kill him now.

Buddhism will definitely not let him kill Xu Xian, an important person.

Su Chen also wants to know if he kills Xu Xian tomorrow, will the masters of Buddhism come to save Xu Xian?

Or will the avatar of Guanyin Bodhisattva come to the lower world to save Xu Xian?

"Xu Xian can't be killed now. I just want to see who will come to save Xu Xian tomorrow, so that we can take precautions in the future."

Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Chen's words.

"That's fine, we are not the opponent of Buddhism yet, and we still have to endure some patience."

Su Chen took a sip of Xiaobai's tea and asked,

"When you allow Xu Xian to cause trouble outside the house, you also want to know who is bewitching Xu Xian, right?"

Xiao Bai's face turned red when she saw Su Chen drinking the tea she had drunk.

She didn't expect Su Chen to be so shameless.

She was helpless to this bastard.

"Yes, but I haven't found anything in the past few days. It seems that someone is using a third person to guide Xu Xian"

"Have you investigated Xu Xian’s sister and brother-in-law?"

Xiao Bai said to Su Chen,"After investigation, Xu Xian fell out with his sister and brother-in-law a year ago, and they have not been in contact for a while. They should not be spreading the news."

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Xiao Bai's words.

In the plot, Xu Xian's sister loved Xu Xian very much. Su Chen didn't believe that their siblings would really fall out.

Besides, Xu Xian's sister was also a Buddhist believer.

If a monk found Xu Xian Sister, Xu Xian’s sister will definitely be bewitched by Buddhist monks

"Let the secret guards closely monitor Xu Xian's sister and brother-in-law. They have a very good relationship, and Xu Xian's sister is a Buddhist. We don't believe that they will really fall out."

"Well, I'll arrange secret guards to monitor them soon."

That night,

Xiao Qing took Su Yue to rest together.

She is very kind to Su Yue now, especially when Su Yue calls Xiao Qing her mother.

Xiao Qing is happy but never leaves Su Yue for a moment.


Xiao Qing In Bai's room,

Xiao Bai was practicing.

She suddenly felt someone appearing in her room, which made Xiao Bai immediately alert.

"it's me!"

Su Chen said hurriedly when he appeared next to Xiao Bai.

He was worried that Xiao Bai would suddenly take action, which would make him embarrassed. After all, he was here to steal fragrance and jade this time. Su Chen didn't want others to know now. When Xiaobai saw it was Su Chen, she felt nervous and asked hurriedly,"What are you doing here so late?" I'm going to rest, please leave quickly."

Su Chen stepped forward, hugged Xiaobai and said with a smile,"It's a long night, I'm here to rest with you!"

"Get lost, I don’t need your company. If you don’t leave, I will....Woohoo!"

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