In the city lord's palace,

Su Chen suddenly looked outside Hangzhou City.

He noticed the movement just now. The powerful aura made Su Chen feel frightened. This made Su Chen feel that the person coming this time must be a very powerful person. Or the clone of immortal

"Su Chen, did a powerful person arrive just now?"

In the courtyard,

Xiaobai hurriedly came out with Su Yue in her arms and looked towards Hangzhou City. When she saw Su Chen in the courtyard, she asked hurriedly.

Su Chen nodded to Xiaobai and said,

"Well, he should be here to save Xu Xian. It seems that Xu Xian is not just a pawn of Buddhism."

Xiao Bai said to Su Chen with a serious face,

"That's right. Xu Xian was only arrested yesterday, and today they are tentatively trying to execute him. However, Buddhism got the news so quickly, and even powerful people appeared in Hangzhou City so quickly. Xu Xian must have been noticed by Buddhism. breath"


Su Chen thought so when he heard Xiao Bai's words, but what is the use of Xu Xian?

Why does Buddhism care so much about Xu Xian?

Su Chen felt that Buddhism couldn't be as simple as scheming against Xiao Bai. I'm afraid Buddhism has other conspiracies.

Yes. Yes, there is also Wenquxing.

Wenquxing will be reincarnated in the future, and he will also become the son of Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen. Is there a Buddhist plan in this?

Wenquxing is a person from heaven.

Could it be that the Buddhists in the fairy world are also plotting against heaven?

Xiaobai Looking at Su Chen, he worriedly warned,"You have to be careful for a moment, the aura just now was very powerful."

Su Chen doesn't dare to fight that powerful person.

Buddhists are all ruthless people.

He doesn't care about the Buddhist sects in the Shenyu Continent. He can even destroy the Buddhist sects in the Shenyu Continent, but the clones coming from the fairy world are not something he can deal with..

Unless Su Chen becomes stronger, it is impossible for him to offend the clone coming from the fairy world.

"Don’t worry, we won’t do anything this time. This person should be a clone coming from the fairy world. I will buy some face and let her take Xu Xian away. However, I will also make some demands."

"Well, as long as you have an idea."

Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Su Chen's words.

She was worried that Su Chen would go to war with the people in the fairy world regardless of life and death.

If that happened,

Su Chen would be a threat, and even the little fox might not be able to save Su Chen.

Su Chen touched Xiaobai's face and reminded,"Don't show your face this time, you and Xiaoqing. After all, you are snake demons. I'm worried that the Buddhist monks will take action against you.""

"All right!"

Xiaobai blushed and agreed after thinking about it.

After all, her and Xiaoqing's identities were very sensitive, and she didn't want to cause trouble to Su Chen.

In an underground base outside Hangzhou, the little fox was leisurely watching the little demon. They were making magic weapons.

Suddenly, she stood up hurriedly and looked in the direction of Hangzhou City.

A powerful aura appeared near Hangzhou City just now, which made the little fox worry about that bastard Su Chen.

The little fox shook his pipe. He said to himself,

"How could a clone of an immortal come from the fairy world, a clone at the peak of the Tribulation Realm, come to Hangzhou City? Could it be that that bastard Su Chen provoked someone again?"

The little fox smiled with her sexy little mouth.

She is not worried about the coming immortal clone.

The little fox is now at the peak of the Tribulation Realm. She is even just a hair away from becoming an immortal right away.

But she is not willing to become an immortal right now. , there are still things she has to do in Shenyun Continent, and the little fox has been suppressing her cultivation realm. The little fox thought for a while and suddenly disappeared into the underground base.

The execution ground in Hangzhou City was already full of people watching. The lively people, the people in Hangzhou City all knew about Xu Xian's riot in the city lord's palace.

This time Wu Xiangjun caught Xu Xian when he came back, and even though Xu Xian was going to be executed today, no one here sympathized with Xu Xian.

After all, Xu Xian boldly caused a scene in the City Lord's Mansion for several days.

If this were any other City Lord's Mansion,

Xu Xian would have been killed long ago.

"See you, Your Majesty!"

When Su Chen arrived, the policemen here saluted Su Chen one after another.

"See Wu Xiangjun!"

The people around also saluted Su Chen.

"All free of charge!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Su Chen stood on the execution platform.

He looked at the dense crowd of people around him and said loudly,

"The people of Hangzhou City"

"You all know what I'm going to do today"

"Xu Xian boldly insulted my wife. You have all heard about what happened in the past few days. Because my wife and Xu Xian are old acquaintances, she has not given Xu Xian any trouble in the past few days."

"But what about Xu Xian?"

"Did he actually think that the City Lord's Mansion was easy to bully? Or do you think I haven’t killed enough people?"

"My wife has been managing the city of Hangzhou for more than a year. With extremely low taxes and prosperous commerce, the city of Hangzhou is thriving under the management of my wife."

"And now Xu Xian is slandering my wife without hesitation"

"Does my execution of him count as lynching?"

When the people under the execution platform heard Su Chen's words, they shouted one after another,

"Killing Xu Xian will not allow Xu Xian to slander Mrs. Bai"

"That is, Mrs. Bai has done many good things for the city of Hangzhou. We cannot let Xu Xian slander Mrs. Bai."

"Hangzhou is the largest and most prosperous city in the Song Dynasty. This is all the result of Mrs. Bai. We cannot let Mrs. Bai be insulted. Xu Xian deserves to die."

"Kill Xu Xian!"

"Kill Xu Xian!"

At this moment, behind the execution platform,

Xu Xian listened to the shouts and curses of the people in Hangzhou City with a pale face.

He was now extremely panicked.

Xu Xian did not expect that he was a clown from beginning to end,

Mrs. Bai?

Bai Suzhen is already Su Chen's Madam, hahaha......

He actually still misses a married woman.

He is a scholar.

How could he do such a shameless thing?

Su Chen looked around and found an old man who had been observing him. This made Su Chen think that this old man should be the powerful person.

Although he didn't have any powerful aura about him, the look in his eyes made Su Chen very frightened.

"Bring Xu Xian!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!

Several policemen escorted Xu Xian to the execution platform. Su

Chen looked at the old man and asked Xu Xian,"Xu Xian, what else do you have to say? You can leave your last words.""

"I....I....I have nothing to say!"Xu Xian was shackles and said with a pale face and trembling,

"Prepare for execution!"

"Lord Wu Xiang, can you spare Xu Xian's life?"

At this time, an old man's voice reached Su Chenfei's ears.

Su Chen looked at the old man and used his mental power to transmit the voice,

"Who are you?"

The old man's voice came over and said,"I'm just a passerby, Mr. Wu Xiang. Although Xu Xian deserves his punishment, God has the virtue of good life. It's better to spare someone's life if he can."

"Su Chen, this is not an old man, she has used the art of transformation, she is an out-and-out woman."

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