Su Chen was very confused when he heard the soldier's report.

Didn't Lin Yueru go to Shushan with Li Xiaoyao? Why did you come to Hangzhou to find yourself at this time? Could it be that something happened in Shushan? Or did something happen to Butterfly Demon and Zhao Ling'er?

"Bring someone here!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Su Chen took a sip of tea and felt very helpless.

His things were happening one after another. Although he didn't know what happened when Lin Yueru arrived, Su Chen felt that it was definitely not a good thing.

"Young Master, Xu Xian was rescued."

At this time,

Qingniao hurriedly ran over and reported to Su Chen,

"What? Xu Xian was rescued? What exactly is going on?"

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard Qingniao's words.

The Xu Xian in the prison was a fake.

However, how could the fake Xu Xian be rescued? Who did this? Su Chen did not sense the powerful battle.

Could it be that a powerful master came from Buddhism?

Or were there other immortal cultivators who rescued the fake Xu Xian?

Qingniao reported to Su Chen with a serious look on his face,

"Master, not long ago, all the policemen guarding the prison were killed, and they were killed quietly. The policemen did not resist at all. I suspect that it may be the work of immortal cultivators."

Su Chen said in surprise when he heard Qingniao's words,

"Were all the agents killed? Or was he killed quietly? Although the strength of the detectives was negligible, but he was able to kill them without being noticed, this person should be an immortal cultivator."

Su Chen didn't expect that the hundreds of guards guarding the prison were all killed silently, which made him angry.

This was another slap in the face.

Although Xu Xian was handed over to Guanyin Bodhisattva, Guanyin Bodhisattva at least There is still one incarnation left. Now Xu Xian's incarnation has also been rescued, and hundreds of police officers have died.

Why doesn't this make Su Chen angry?

"Let me check and see who dares to come to Hangzhou to act so arrogantly?"As he spoke, Su Chen began to use his mental power to search the entire Hangzhou city. He wanted to find that damn bastard.

At this moment,

Lin Yueru also arrived, but she saw Su Chen's face was ugly and his eyes were closed. The beautiful woman next to him said: After she made a gesture not to disturb, Lin Yueru stood aside and waited for Su Chen.

After a while,

Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes and gave the order,

"Found it, Qingniao, and immediately led three thousand black-armored cavalry to the northwest of Hangzhou City. On the official road leading to Jiaxing, there were hundreds of people guarding a carriage. Xu Xian was in the carriage. They killed them all and took Xu Xian away. Catch it back"

"Yes, Master!"

After Qingniao heard Su Chen's order, he hurriedly gathered the troops to capture Xu Xian.

Su Chen thought for a while and sent a message to Xiaoqing in the mansion,"Xiaoqing, you and Qingniao go there together. There is a golden elixir there. A monk in this realm, I'm afraid that the blue bird is no match"

"Got it, sir!"

After Su Chen finished instructing these things, when he saw Lin Yueru, he stepped forward to hug her and said with a smile,"Yueru, I didn't expect you to come."

"Let me go! I have an urgent matter with you. Lin Yueru shouted with her face flushed when Su Chen hugged her,

"Haha, I also have something to ask you. Let’s go to the study room."


Outside the city of Hangzhou, hundreds of guards were escorting a carriage away from the city.

In the carriage, a woman looked at the stunned Xu Xian and asked doubtfully,"Young Master, is this Xu Xian scared to death? ? Why does he look so stupid? What's the use of saving him?"

A man with a hooked nose sat in the carriage and laughed,

"Haha, Zi Ling, although Xu Xian is a small person, but he dares to hit Wu Xiangjun in the face and is worthy of our rescue. Since Lingyin Temple in Jiaxing City asked my father, I will also come along this time. Saving Xu Xian can also be with Buddhism. Climb into relationships."

The woman from Zi Ling looked at the man and asked doubtfully.

"But isn’t the young master a disciple of the Qingyun Sect? How do you want to have a relationship with Buddhism?"

The man with the hooked nose said disdainfully,

"Qingyunmen? Haha, I am just an outer disciple in Qingyun Sect. After practicing for several years, I am now at the peak of being a master. If I want to become an immortal, I don’t know how many years and months I will have to wait. I can’t wait any longer."

At this time, a monk suddenly appeared in the carriage and said,

"That's right, Liu Yun. If you help our Buddhist sect this time, I will definitely recommend you to Zhenjiang Jinshan Temple. Master Fahai will definitely help you improve your cultivation level."

"Master Minghui!"

Liu Yun, a man with an eagle nose, saluted hurriedly when he saw the monk.

Minghui waved her hand to Liu Yun and said,"Donor Liu, I have to thank you for the news this time so that I can rescue Donor Xu Xian."

"You're welcome, I'm just helping you a little bit"

"Well, the court of the Song Dynasty has prepared troops to attack Hangzhou City. I believe that Donor Li’s father is also preparing to attack Hangzhou. If Mr. Liu takes control of Hangzhou City in the future, I hope that Donor will speak more to your father for us Buddhism."

"This is a small thing, even if the master doesn't say it, I will do it. Liu Yun smiled and assured Master Minghui.

Minghui nodded to Liu Yun and looked at Xu Xian and asked,"Isn't Xu Xian better yet?""

"No, Xu Xian looks like he may need to cultivate for a while."

"Well, it would be great if we could rescue him. We can send him to Jinshan Temple for Master Fahai to take a look."

Minghui also saw Xu Xian's stupid look.

He also checked and found that

Xu Xian's body and mind were fine. This may be caused by fear or stimulation. Minghui is only a small immortal cultivator in the Golden Elixir Realm. He has no idea about these things. There was nothing she could do.

When Zi Ling saw the old monk arriving, she sat aside and did not dare to speak. This old monk was not a good person. The joyful Zen practiced by the old monk had harmed many women from good families.

Minghui suddenly saw Zi Ling next to her. His eyes lit up.

He had never thought that Liu Yun had such a beautiful maid. She was also very beautiful and even had a perfect body. This made him feel that practicing Happy Zen with this maid would get twice the result with half the effort.

"Liu Yun, you are a good maid!"

Liu Yun understood after hearing Minghui's words that this old monk fell in love with Zi Ling, but he didn't care about Zi Ling at all. Although Zi Ling is very beautiful, there are only so many beautiful women in the world.

As long as Liu Yun enters the realm of immortal cultivation in the future, his lifespan will increase by hundreds or even thousands of years. He is still willing to give away a beautiful maid to Master Minghui

"Haha, if Master likes it, let Zi Ling serve Master from now on, right?"

"Little Lord?"

Zi Ling didn't expect that Liu Yun would give her to this old monk, which made Zi Ling tremble all over and be very scared.

This old monk is a scumbag, does the young master want to push her into a pit of fire?

"Okay, thank you very much, Donor Liu, haha......" da da da da da.......

At this time, there was suddenly a chaotic sound of horse hooves.

These sounds sounded like thousands of people

"what happened?"

"There are cavalry, young master, no, they are the black armored cavalry from Hangzhou City."

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