Su Chen guessed that Shushan also had a trump card.

After all, Shushan was a sect of cultivating immortals founded by the Taiqing Laozi of the Human Religion.

Buddhism could transform into the lower world, and the immortals of the Human Religion could certainly do the same.

In the Shenyu Continent, the highest level of cultivation was at the peak of the Tribulation Realm.

As long as the immortal clones are in the lower realm, their cultivation realm will be suppressed and they will all be in the Tribulation Realm.

In this way, those clones in the lower realm will be half a pound to half a pound, and no one will be able to kill the other easily.

Boom boom......

At this time,

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw that the Shushan disciples were desperate to take action.

She immediately burst out with a powerful aura and suppressed these Shushan Sword Sect disciples in an instant.

The disciples of the Shushan Golden Core Realm and the elders of the Nascent Soul Realm were suppressed and fell to the ground in fear. They did not expect that the Buddhist man who came this time was really a powerful person.

"Annihilate it!"

After Guanyin Bodhisattva looked indifferently at the dozens of disciples and the Shushan elder who offended her, she just waved her hand gently.

These people began to fall into pieces.

The dozens of disciples in Shushan seemed to be burned. , they turned into ashes one by one without even screaming.

Su Chen watched Guanyin Bodhisattva kill dozens of Shushan disciples in an instant, which made him very surprised.

Su Chen had some understanding of the power of Guanyin Bodhisattva. New understanding.

Su Chen wiped the cold sweat on his head and shouted,

"Holy shit, this old woman is so powerful that it’s terrifying. Is this the legendary Samadhi True Fire?"

"Master, Guanyin Bodhisattva is too scary. Please don’t provoke Guanyin Bodhisattva again."

Ning Zhongze hurriedly reminded Su Chen with some trembling body.

Ning Zhongze was really scared this time.

These dozens of people from the Shushan Sword Sect are all stronger than her, but these very powerful Shushan disciples, They had no room to resist in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva only revealed some powerful aura, and with a gentle wave of his hand, dozens of powerful Shushan disciples disappeared into thin air, not even leaving their bodies.

Guanyin Bodhisattva The strength is too powerful.

Qingniao also nodded beside Su Chen, her cold face was no longer calm. The power of Guanyin Bodhisattva made her understand that human beings are like ants in front of immortals. It is too easy for immortals to kill human beings.

Su Chen nodded.

He would not provoke this powerful woman if he had nothing to do.

Su Chen looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and was very worried. If Shushan did not invite the immortal to distract the lower world this time, then he would be in danger.

He could escape. Escape, but you can’t always run away, right?

"Su Chen, why don’t you get out of here?"

What the fuck?

This immortal old woman.

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard Guanyin Bodhisattva's scolding.

Guanyin Bodhisattva had defeated him this time.

Su Chen gave Qingniao and Ning Zhongze instructions and left. Go over.

As Su Chen walked towards Guanyin Bodhisattva, he hoped that the Sword Master of Shushan would arrive as soon as possible. This gave him a powerful fighting spirit. He didn't believe that the Sword Master of Shushan didn't know the situation here.

"Bodhisattva, don't be so angry. I have no choice. If you want to kill me, I will definitely run away."

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very angry when he saw Su Chen coming,"Shameless man, can't you escape? Will you try to escape again?"

"Hey, Bodhisattva, stop joking. How can I run away again? I will be obedient this time, whatever you say will come true"

"You bastard is so thick-skinned!"


At this time, a sword shot at Guanyin Bodhisattva in an instant, but Guanyin Bodhisattva just looked at him and blocked the attack of the sword with a powerful aura.

The ground was shaken by the powerful aura and was about to crack..

Su Chen did not dodge. He should be the safest next to Guanyin Bodhisattva. He did not want to be accidentally injured by the Dugu Sword Master of Shu Mountain.


An indifferent old man with white hair and beard appeared in the square, and he had no expression on his face. He has a cold expression, like a heartless and righteous person

"Buddhism? who are you?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at the heartbroken Sword Master and warned,"Sword Master of Shushan? You are such a scumbag and you make a bad face in front of me, otherwise I will crush you to death with one hand."

"Fight the demon with your sword!"

When Dugu Sword Master saw Guanyin Bodhisattva being so arrogant, he quickly took action indifferently.

Boom boom boom boom.......

A sword next to him suddenly erupted with powerful white light sword intent. These sword intents were much more powerful than those used by warriors, and each sword intent contained the energy of destroying the world.

Dugu Sword Master uses his energy to control the sword and his mind to move the sword. He controls the powerful white light sword and kills Guanyin Bodhisattva in an instant.


Guanyin Bodhisattva saw the flying sword erupting with countless sword intents to attack her. She waved and shouted coldly,"


When countless white light sword intents attacked Guanyin Bodhisattva, these powerful destructive sword intents were destroyed. Guanyin Bodhisattva easily defeated


After Guanyin Bodhisattva broke through countless sword intentions, she stretched out her white fingers and pointed at Dugu Sword Saint.


A beam of light suddenly emitted from Guanyin Bodhisattva's finger. This beam of light attacked Dugu Sword Saint

Dugu Sword at lightning speed. Sheng Zai Guanyin Bodhisattva was very vigilant when he attacked. Just now Guanyin Bodhisattva easily went bankrupt. He was attacking, which made him no longer underestimate Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Sky-shattering slash!"

Dugu Sword Master condensed his powerful magic power on his palm. He raised his palm and summoned a huge sword. He swung the giant sword and slashed at Guanyin Bodhisattva as if he wanted to cut through the sky.


Guanyin Bodhisattva's attack and Dugu After the Sword Master's attack collided,

Dugu Sword Master was directly knocked back more than ten miles away.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva's terrifying attack shattered several mountains, the beam of light also disappeared without a trace.

In Shushan Square,

A huge chasm divided the square into two.

Su Chen was very surprised when he saw the bottomless chasm.

This was a casual blow from Guanyin Bodhisattva.

If this old woman used all her strength to strike, would Shushan be destroyed? Disappeared directly into the Shenyu Continent? Su Chen had a new understanding of immortal cultivators who could turn mountains and seas.

Su Chen looked at the distance and asked Guanyin Bodhisattva,

"Dugu Sword Master is dead!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva rolled her eyes at Su Chen and replied,

"No, I just used the strength of the Mahayana realm. Dugu Sword Master will not die yet, but he will not feel better. He will not be able to recover in ten years or so."

Guanyin Bodhisattva was also speechless to Su Chen, a shameless human being.

When Dugu Sword Master attacked, this bastard actually hid behind her. Didn't this bastard know that she wanted to kill him too?

Su Chen looked at the towering The Demon Locking Tower in the mountain asked,"Bodhisattva, you are so powerful, can you break the Demon Locking Tower?""

Guanyin Bodhisattva glared at Su Chen and said rudely,

"The Demon Locking Tower contains demons that harm the world. Why should I break the Demon Locking Tower?"

"Bodhisattva, can you get two demons out of the Demon Locking Tower?"


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