Su Chen told Dugu Sword Master these false information because he wanted to disturb Dugu Sword Master's state of mind.

As long as Dugu Sword Master's state of mind was disturbed, it would be very simple for him to propose to rescue Zhao Ling'er and the others.

"My wife? How could I have a wife?"

Dugu Sword Master looked like he didn't believe it when he heard Su Chen's words. Does

Dugu Sword Master think that if he had a wife, would he practice the Forgetting Art?

This simply doesn't make sense.

"Sword Master, of course you don’t have a wife, that’s because you are not married at all. Are you also very familiar with the Bai Miao people in Nanzhao Kingdom?"

"White Hmong? High priest? High Priest Lin Qing'er?"Dugu Sword Master said to himself crazily when he heard Su Chen's words.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked wary when he looked at Su Chen.

This bastard must be talking nonsense.

Although she doesn't know these things clearly, she cultivates forgetfulness. How can a person who has a secret love have a wife?

This may be that Lin Qing'er had a relationship with the Juggernaut.

This bastard wants to mess up the Juggernaut's state of mind.

It's so despicable. This bastard is more shameless and despicable than some people in their Buddhist sect. Much more.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is worried that what the bastard said to her just now is all lies. She has to be more careful with this shameless human being. This human being is too shameless and despicable for his purpose.

"Senior brother, are you like this?"

At this time,

Jiujianxian flew over with hundreds of powerful elders and disciples from Shushan one by one with swords. When Jiujianxian saw the miserable look of the swordsman, he hurriedly shouted

"I can't die yet!"

The Sword Master saw Jiu Sword Fairy and Shushan masters arriving, and he slowly stood up and said.

Jiu Sword Master saw that the Sword Master was only seriously injured and his life was not in danger. He also noticed it. He looked at Su Chen and Guanyin Bodhisattva. He ordered the masters of Shushan,

"Sword array!"

Su Chen saw that Jiujianxian was about to take action, so he hurriedly stopped him and said,"Wait a minute, Jiujianxian, you are no match, I advise you not to take action."

"Junior brother, all of you stand down."

The Sword Master also hurriedly stopped him.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is very powerful. He was seriously injured with one blow. His cultivation level even fell to the Golden Core level. It may take him more than ten years to recover.

Sword Master said. Sheng felt that this Buddhist woman must be an immortal.

The Buddhist immortal actually cloned himself into the lower world.

This made the sword master worry that Buddhism was going to take action against Taoism, and his cultivation realm was knocked down.

Now he can't activate it with great magic power at all. A distress signal. Even the immortals in the immortal world are distracted and cannot come down to save Shushan.

"Senior brother?"

Jiu Sword Immortal looked at the Sword Master in confusion. He didn't understand why the Sword Master wanted to stop them from attacking these two people.

Su Chen looked at Jiu Sword Immortal and said with a smile,

"Jiujianxian, your senior brother is only seriously injured and his life is not in danger. My name is Su Chen. You should have heard what your disciples Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru said about me, right?"

Jiu Sword Immortal understood when he heard Su Chen's name, but when Su Chen came to save Zhao Ling'er and Butterfly Demon, he injured his senior brother seriously and even lost his realm.

This also made Jiu Sword Immortal look at Su Chen Very angry,

"Are you Su Chen? Why did you hurt my senior brother when you came to save people?"

Su Chen saw Jiu Jianxian's angry look and explained,

"Cough, Jiujianxian, you misunderstood. Do you think I can beat your senior brother with my strength?"

Jiu Jianxian heard Su Chen's words and looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva.

He felt that Guanyin Bodhisattva was very powerful and could seriously injure the Sword Master.

This woman must be above the Dongxu Realm.

His senior brother is a How could this woman, who is at the peak of the Dongxu Realm, be more powerful than his senior brother?

Thinking of this, Jiujianxian asked Su Chen,

"This powerful woman must be your woman. My disciple once said that you were a playboy. I didn’t believe it at first. You came to save Zhao Ling’er and Butterfly Demon, and you actually brought a powerful and beautiful woman with you. You are indeed a passionate person. people."

I guess!

Su Chen wants to stop Jiujianxian's mouth now.

What nonsense is this bastard talking about?

Is Guanyin Bodhisattva his?

Does he want to die on his own?


Something is wrong?

Why is this old woman like Guanyin Bodhisattva not right? Did Jiu Sword Immortal take action?

Didn't he beat himself up?

Does Guanyin Bodhisattva not mind these words? Or does Guanyin Bodhisattva not care about these rumors at all?

Su Chen looked at Jiu Sword Immortal and hurriedly shouted,"Jiu Sword Immortal, you don't want it. Nonsense. I don’t know this woman. If you want to die, don’t get involved with me."

"Su Chen, don’t you know me?"Guanyin Bodhisattva heard Su Chen's words and asked him indifferently.

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not expect that this bastard was so afraid of death.

These were just some rumors.

She didn't care at all.

But the panic of this bastard made Guanyin Bodhisattva feel I want to scare this bastard.

I'll do it!

What is this old woman going to do?

Set a trap for herself?

Or does she want to take this opportunity to teach herself a lesson?

Su Chen can't guess what Guanyin Bodhisattva has planned this time, and he doesn't dare to act casually now. Answer.

Jiu Jianxian showed an expression and asked Su Chen,"Su Chen, what else do you have to say?"

"Jiujianxian, you really drank too much."

Su Chen was really helpless with this fool.

He looked at Dugu Sword Master and reminded him,"Sword Master, tell your junior brother to shut up. If you want him to die, you can leave him alone."

Jiang Sheng understood what Su Chen said.

He was also worried that Jiu Jianxian would offend that Buddhist woman.

He was no match for that Buddhist woman. Jiu Jianxian was an immortal cultivator in the early stage of the distraction realm. Jiu Jianxian She was no match for that Buddhist woman.

The Sword Master shouted at the Jiu Sword Master,"Junior Brother, shut up, Elder Wu, take the other disciples and leave.""

"Yes, senior brother!"

"Yes, Headmaster!"

After all the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect left,

Su Chen, the Sword Master, the Wine Sword Immortal, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva were all left here. However, none of them spoke now.

Su Chen saw that the Guanyin Bodhisattva had been staring at him. He, he knew that Guanyin Bodhisattva must still be waiting for his answer if he didn't answer this old woman just now.

And Juggernaut and Jiujianxian must be transmitting messages.

Su Chen was also worried that Jiujianxian would let it slip.

Jiujianxian If he told the Sword Master Lin Qing'er, he might not be able to fool the Sword Master again.

"Huh? Is there anyone hiding aside?"Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly looked aside and said,

"Anyone else?"

Su Chen was very confused when he heard Guanyin Bodhisattva's words. He had already asked Qingniao and Ning Zhongze to go down the mountain first. How come there are still people here?

Su Chen immediately had the mental strength to check.


"I was just passing by, and I just felt like there was a strong battle here so I came over to take a look."

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